30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Mo~ Totally impressive results so far..i took a walk today and have not shredded so hope to ge tthat in tonight...I'm thinking of doing Ripped in 30 next I also found some other tapes for $4 that have 10 minute sessions so might throw them in too...but please brig me along when you start a new thread...i also think i have to change my weigh on day cuz when i got home I was two pounds lighter that this morning...strange..so proud of all my freinds on here...let's do it!

    i looked at your pic and can totally see a difference...but i think i already mentioned that:tongue:
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I was totally planning on buying this tomorrow anyway! So I'll definitely be posting pictures and measurements.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    To all of you level 2 graduates and those that are close - PLEASE tell me it gets easier! :noway:

    I finally made it to level 2 and I thought I was going to die! But I went all the way through it, most with modified moves and I am hoping that over the next 9 days I will feel as comfortable with level 2 as I did with level 1.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    To all of you level 2 graduates and those that are close - PLEASE tell me it gets easier! :noway:

    I finally made it to level 2 and I thought I was going to die! But I went all the way through it, most with modified moves and I am hoping that over the next 9 days I will feel as comfortable with level 2 as I did with level 1.

    I just finished L2, Day8 and this is the first time where I didn't feel like I was going to keel over. Don't get me wrong, I was still muttering under my breath, with my heart beating out of my chest, dripping buckets of sweat, but I didn't feel the need to stop. It gets better...a little. You can do it! The one thing that I notice is that I feel so much more capable now. The first day?!? Yeah, there was no way I'd be able to complete the things I do now as efficiently as I do. I know I'm better for this journey. And it feels great.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Today I finished Level 3 day 8! I'm getting better but still the plank eludes me...I am excited to see what inches and pounds will show in two days...inches i think has really changed....i think i'm gonna do Ripped in 30 after this one...I have it and i really want to get my abs and arms in shape and i hoped this will work.....excited to see where the rest of you are and hear about your changes...Keep up the good work!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hi guys!!
    It's all fun and games until you get to Level 3 - seriously, Jillian?!?!?! I just... I don't even know what to say!!!

    I tried Level 3 twice yesterday but it just didn't happen. I was spent after more than 1 hour on the elliptical and then didn't have time to try again before date night (PS - would have rather tried Jillian again than sit through Harry Potter. I hadn't seen any of the movies and was totally lost, but the popcorn was good and any quality time with the boyfriend is good).

    Welcome back, 27 and way to go to all of you that are pushing through this and thinking of starting a new Jillian DVD. We must all have a love for punishment! I bought the metabolism DVD yesterday and plan to start it around August 1st along with starting the couch 2 10K program or redoing the C25K program and going for speed/distance, not just time.

    It's so nice to have these options with our workouts. I actually have fun working out now. When I do the elliptical, I buy myself a new magazine and read it as I watch the news early Saturday morning. When I am on my runs, I zone out. I am able to let everything go and just run. Honestly, the 30DS is NOT fun, but buying new clothes is...and so is the way my face is getting thinner and my arms are getting less flabby. BTW - Laz, I can so see that you've dropped weight in your new profile picture.

    Laz, you have 2 days to go - any advice for us who think it will never end (or we'll end it before it's time)?!?
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Good Evening Ladies~ Well I ate too much today and just got back from walking in the very muggy air..now I feel better:smile: Thanks for the compliment MO..I was surprised when my husband said my face looked thinner after 12 days cuz I really hadn't noticed. Let me tell you I will be so glad when I am done with 30DS..I love the results I am getting but it is time for something new....my outside walking has been nice so since it is summer I might stick with that and then when winter hits MN, and it hits hard, I will walk inside. The only other thing Ihave to say is i will be so happy when i get a break from the plank pose!:sad: Stay tough ladies!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Day 2 at Level 3 and I don't even want to hear the word "plank." "Plank you, Jillian!!!!!!!!!!!!" :wink:

    There are some moves that I'm loving, and I'm sure you guys will too (just like the other levels). As you all know, I am NOT a fan of the jumping jacks and laughed at Jillian when she told me to do them with weights at Level 3, but there are other exercises that I can FEEL and can feel that they are making a difference. Traveling pushups? Gimme some more of those!! And there's a move where you have a weight in one hand, you squat then bring the weight up. I'm liking that one too.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO LAZ for completing the program - you are such an inspiration!!!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    And there's a move where you have a weight in one hand, you squat then bring the weight up. I'm liking that one too.

    I liked that one too MO........enough of the plank...I started an arm toning video and guess what they like to do....THE PLANK!!! I'm sure you could hear me groan when she said that! Keep working at it it guys..you can make it...I must be a gluten for punishment since I'm going to stat Jillian's Ripped in 30 tomorrow...I'm sure she will be all about THE PLANK! Will post results od 30DS tomorrow or the next day!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Ok Guys...here are the results from doing 30DS and my total results for 42 days. I am pretty pleased:happy:

    30SD results

    Neck-1 inch
    Bust-1 inch
    Waist-2.5 inches
    Abs-5 inches
    Hips-4 inches
    Thigh-3.5 inches

    And down 10 pounds!
    Keep at it ladies it really works!

    Results since started this journey 42 days ago
    Neck-1 inch
    Bust-1 inch
    Arm-2 inches
    Waist-7 inches
    Abs-5 inches
    Hips-8 inches
    Thigh-5.5 inches

    And down 17 pounds!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Can't wait to see the stats, Laz!!
    By the way, guys, I started the new thread "Jillian Michaels DVDs support." Hopefully we'll get some more people on board who are doing your specific workout! :drinker:
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    WOWZERS!!!! That is awesome!! I heard a lot of people say that the scale didn't move too much but the inches dropped fast - you got both!! Way to go!

    I have to say that I'm really starting to feel Level 3! When Jillian says to tighten the abs, I'm all "holy crap, I can actually do that!" Before, I would just suck it in!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Great job everyone on sticking with 30DS!!

    Started Level 3 for the first time today. Blah is how I felt while doing it, haha. There is a lot more jumping around in Level 3 that isn't all that fun. But with each day each level has gotten a little better and I've pushed myself a little harder, so expecting the same out of Level 3.

    Continue to push on 30DS buddies!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    27 - Level 3 is certainly a challenge. I'm sorry, but that "warm-up" is exercise, not a warm up. I just giggle everytime we do knee circles - Jillian's all bada$$ and then she makes us do knee circles. :laugh: How is your wife doing with the shred?

    AND WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU SHREDDERS?!?!? I know you come on the community pages and look at "My Topics" to see that we're still posting. Our awesomely dedicated group has wasted away - even though you're not posting, I hope that you're still shredding.

    If you need help, ask for it. If you're struggling and don't want to do it anymore, let us know. I've been there - I think we've all been there. If you're on Level 2, you're more than 1/3 done!! Almost done with Level 2?? You have 1/3 left to do. As the daughter, sister and girlfriend of accountants, I work in numbers!! You better believe that I look at my watch at 14 minutes and tell myself that I'm more than 1/2 way done with the butt kicking!!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I'm still here although I'm Ripping now....I can barely walk today but not sure if it is Jillian or some of the other tapes I've throwen in. Maybe the swimming last night. Who knows but I did my Ripped today so I finished my 3rd day of level 1........keep shredding people excited to hear results! As a NSV I bought a smaller size of workout pants last week and today I put them on and they fit...and my tanks still fit so now my bottom and top are both a size 1X down from a 3X..yay me! My daughter also told me when she saw I was wearing the top we picked out that you can tell I've lost weight...from an 8 year old..she's so great!
  • alsnipes
    alsnipes Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry if this is redundant, i don't feel like reading thru 8 pages of posts. How are y'all adding you exercise totals for 30DS? individually? cuz i would assume abs is strength, but my abs are .. ummm... insulated, so sometimes it feels like cardio on the obliques part since the heart rate goes up with the breathing and twisting. Help???
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    If you don't have a HRM you can log it as circuit training.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Lol - Reading is for chumps, just tell me what I need to know! :wink:

    I use a HRM, but if you don't have one, I would log it as circuit training. My heart rate is semi high during the straingth, through the roof during cardio and flatlines during abs! So, I think circuit training is a good balance of all of those.

    Where are you at with the Shred?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    27 - Level 3 is certainly a challenge. I'm sorry, but that "warm-up" is exercise, not a warm up. I just giggle everytime we do knee circles - Jillian's all bada$$ and then she makes us do knee circles. :laugh: How is your wife doing with the shred?

    AND WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU SHREDDERS?!?!? I know you come on the community pages and look at "My Topics" to see that we're still posting. Our awesomely dedicated group has wasted away - even though you're not posting, I hope that you're still shredding.

    If you need help, ask for it. If you're struggling and don't want to do it anymore, let us know. I've been there - I think we've all been there. If you're on Level 2, you're more than 1/3 done!! Almost done with Level 2?? You have 1/3 left to do. As the daughter, sister and girlfriend of accountants, I work in numbers!! You better believe that I look at my watch at 14 minutes and tell myself that I'm more than 1/2 way done with the butt kicking!!
    First of all, congrats Laz on your results! Down 2 sizes? AWESOME!!!

    27 - Glad to see you are still shredding!

    Mo - I fell off of the "shred wagon" right around the end of Level 1 and kind of gave up. I was so excited to be doing the challenge with you all and then life got in the way and I fell behind. Like so many times before with exercise, once I fall behind, I tend to let it go all the way. I tried level 2 one night last week and thought I was going to die! So I have been trying to decide whether to start the whole 30 days over to build myself up. I'm glad you all are sticking around after you are done with 30DS - I need all of the shredder support I can get!

    Thanks for the post - I needed a kick in the pants!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Level 3 Day 2 was better than Day 1 for the wife and I today. We knew what to expect and just went for it pushing ourselves harder. Still feel like we are flailing around a bunch on Level 3 with the butt kick jumps and squat jumps. Yay for jumping! lol. We are excited to finish up 30DS end of next week and move on to Ripped in 30. Its time for some new scenery!

    What size weights are you all using with the program? It looks like Jillian and the girls on the dvd are using maybe 5lb weights throughout? I am using 10lbs on everything and the wife is alternating between 3's, 5's, 8's depending on the strength exercise.

    Keep Shredding!