

  • I ran both track and cross country in college. Fartleks are great, but doing speed work on your own can be pretty challenging. A former teammate of mine sped up her 1/2 marathon time significantly when she began spinning. It works those fast twitch muscles, but also gives your legs a break from the pounding.
  • Weekly Goal: Mon: 529 (elliptical 45 minutes, moderate paced walk 20 minutes) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how…
  • I'm 5'4" and I started here at 151, and I want to get down to 125. I don't have pictures here, and most of my excess weight is belly and a "spare tire," which I have gotten pretty good at hiding. These bathing suit success stories have me excited...can't hide a gut in those!
    in 5'4" Comment by rachaelski January 2011
  • I looked at my food journal on here, and things like greek yogurt, kefir, and goat cheese are some of my big protein numbers. A cup of kefir is 10 whatevers of protein.
  • Ha! Thanks everyone, I won't order pizza. But having this active message board is very useful in moments of weakness!
  • Depending on where you live, buying directly from a farm might be an option. We get a weekly Community Sustained Agriculture box of produce from an organic farm here. They also sell organic, free range meats (not chicken though) cheaper than you would get non-organic meat at the grocery.
  • I use the Nike+ system. It tracks my milage, calories, and has designed workouts, and all the data is sent to the Nike+ website. In a couple weeks, I will begin the Nike+ 1/2 marathon training program. I like it because it includes speed work and hill work, plus it only has you running 4-5 days a week.
  • I think hemp seeds have quite a bit of protein. You can get them shelled at Whole Foods and other places. I add them to smoothies, soups, and other things. Do you eat eggs? A hardboiled egg for breakfast or a snack.
  • I am skeptical of both regular and diet soda, both use "alternative" sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup for the former and artificial sweetener for the latter. I gave up soda, but on the rare occasions I drink it, I go for the bottled Mexican colas, regular, which are made with real sugar. Probably not any better sugar…
  • Wow, thanks everyone!
  • Sounds like fun! I am in! Hope I can make it to 3,500!
  • Thanks, I will look it up. Based on the ingredients, the tea seems to be an herbal tea, so I am not too worried.
  • I reread this, and I realize I sound like an advertisement. I'm not, I promise.
  • I would get some green superfood to add to your smoothies, and maybe some hemp seeds.
  • I read that drinking water with lemon helps to stop that feeling of hunger.
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