stephilderton Member


  • Just restarting my journey as well! Hope your journey is still going well!
  • Look for beginner Workout of the Day (WOD) plans online. They are almost entirely bodyweight, and will kick your bootay.
  • Hey there! I'm on Day 5 and just weighed in for the first time. I'm down 13.2 pounds! Yes, I know most of that is water, but I'm feeling great and super motivated to continue.
  • Hi there! We have a ton in common! Just like you, I am just beginning Primal, going at it sans husband, prior to TTC. I'll be 33 in April and I have quite a bit of weight to lose on my journey. I've decided not to give up dairy, but otherwise, I'm completely on board. I plan to journal through as much as possible so as to…
  • Precisely. But you might want to chill on the criticism for people who struggle. I'm sure there are areas of your life where you struggle, and I doubt that you'd want to be berated on a message board for it.
  • Hi! My nutritionist was very specific about this. She told me that fruit is nature's candy bar, and that we shouldn't be scared of eating fruit a few times a day. She was very clear that I should consider total carbs rather than just sugar, since carbs become sugar in your body. The trick is keeping your carbs pretty even.…
  • Me too!
  • Pretty much. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Are we sharing a life? Minus the kids (and add a full time job), we have very similar schedules. For me, the gym is MY time. No distractions. No interruptions. Just me and my fitness. I'd say- jump on that deal, girl!
  • Ugh! Days like these SUCK! Stress impacts our bodies in crazy ways, though. If I had to guess, I'd say that your weight gain is probably related to your stress about looking for a job. With education cuts everywhere, it's tough. I'll also be praying for you to find a job. In the meantime, lean on us.
  • Precisely. The greatness of getting up that early to work out is the fact that when your day is nearly over and you're dreading the idea of the gym, you can take a deep breath and know that it is already DONE!
  • Ok, so I wish I had my $40 back. It really, really sucks. There is very little flexibility in logging foods, etc., and there is nothing new there that you can't get here for free.
  • When you're talking gaining and losing under 10 pounds, you have to remember that it takes a little while for your body to adjust to things. Ovulation, dehydration, etc. can affect your weight within that scale. Congrats on the bootcamp! I don't know if I could hang with a program like that at my weight.
  • I think, though, the point of a raw foods focused diet is what the raw foods do for your body and energy level. Raw foods give us much of the hydration that we lack. They also give us the nutrients (namely fiber!!!) that pre-prepared, processed, or canned foods lack. These two, along with the inevitable jump in energy and…
  • I'm a fan! I love watching him on Travel. And it's true. Our children eat what we give them. I don't have kids yet, (I have to lose some weight first), but I can tell you from my own experience as a child, that I don't struggle with certain foods that many others do, simply because they weren't common in our home.
  • Yeah, I'd make sure to eat an apple a day, if not two (one for each snack).
  • Honestly, I log my training just for recording what I'm doing, really. I don't know that there's a GREAT way to calculate calories burned.
  • I work from home too. The good news is, at least for me, working from home makes it less likely that I'll hit a drive thru for breakfast or lunch. That was a huge problem for me before. Also, I know the cycle of not eating all day and then being completely starved by dinner time. That's no good. Your blood sugar drops…
  • I agree! I have lots of days like that-- typically when I'm busy at work and distracted. I think I'm fine... and then I catch a whiff of something yummy... That's when I order a large pizza and go to town. If for no other reason than prevention... Eat a big salad with lots of protein, like nuts or maybe some chicken!
  • Ugh. I clearly remember when I realized what I'd been eating! Before I give you my thoughts, I have some questions for you. 1) Do you eat breakfast/lunch at home or at work? 2) What kinds of things DO your children enjoy? 3) Are you a cooking kind of person, or do you prefer ready-made meals that you can just pop in and…
  • Thanks, everyone! I'm accepting all non-creepy friend requests! ;)