

  • I 100% dont bounce back like I used to do in my 20's and I feel that working out now in my 30's is a must rather than something I can pick and choose to do. It's hard going becuase before I didnt have to really watch what I ate, I could eat whatever and was always happy with how I looked, fast forward 6 years and ARRRGGHHH…
  • Hey Everyone, Thanks for the feedback! Just to point out I was joking about the McDonalds I cant remember the last time I ate a burger it isnt my thing really!! For those asking who cant see my status, I am 5ft 9inc so pretty tall and around 12stone so 168lbs I want to get to 11stone so 154lbs , not that much but it is…
  • OK, so I will give it two weeks of extra water intake - I have decreased my cals to 1400 start plus my cals earned by spinning which brings it back to the 1700. I just dont think I could eat 1700 plus what I burn back as well that would be nearly 2000 per day and I would really struggle to eat that much food! I could…
  • I drink a bottle of water per day when I do a spinning class though, so I have on average a late in the morning, sometimes a diet drink mid afternoon and I drink a bottle of water whilst spinning. At home I will drink another diet drink or fresh orange juice then a decaf coffee with sweetner for bed time. I have never…
  • Hello, Feel free to add me also, the more friends the better in my book :-) Jo
  • Feel free to add me too :-)
  • Feel free to add me, I want to loose about 10/15lbs and it seems to be coming off really slowly!!! :-)
  • Feel free to add me too :-)
  • Porridge, Thats what I have every day with semi skimmed milk & it fills me up for the day (I have it at work too about 10.00am) I have been having it for about two weeks now and it has made a difference plus it is only 185 cals!!! I used to have bran but I felt sliggish afterwards and was shocked to see it was very high in…
  • By the look of it everyone is different. My calorie in take should be about 1500 per day, so as I train every single day I put my calories at 1200 and the 276 I gain back from one class makes up as near as dam it to my 1500. I always eat under my calories but not by much on average about 185 I have left most days. This is…
  • I'm tallish!!!! 5ft 9in Starting weight 174 Goal weight 154 Trying to loose 20lbs Feel free to add me :-) xc
  • OMG You are totally amazing!!!!! a massive inspiration to everyone on here - Well done you!!!! Thats fantastic!!! :-)
  • Feel free to add me too, I am new as well and in need of support we can help each other. Dont get down hearted, maybe change things up a bit, do different excersies check other peoples diarys and see what they are eating every day to get ideas for yourself. X
  • Could you not try and swap your meals ie: have your Dinner at lunch time and something smaller after your class so that you are not eating too late? Also try having a banana about two ours before your class as they release energy slowly and could help you as well. Hope it works!!! :-)
  • I am currently a memeber of slimming world, but I am finding that the weight is coming off me really slowly at the moment which I hate, hence the reason I have joined MFP! My friend has currenlty lost 3 stone off SW (42lbs) and she look amazing, but she also goes with her friend and the bounce off each other which is good…
  • I excerise every day and burn 247 cals every time I train which ups my intake to 1400 per day. Eating 2000 per day seems really high! But it is very good advise, and I will give it a try next week as I am due to weigh in on Sunday so want to see how I have done and then will start a new week and maybe have more calories!…
  • This is totally food for thought, I am 5ft 9inc tall and I weigh at the moment 175lbs which for my height is only OK I should be around the 154lbs mark so that is my goal. I was advised 1200 is the best to start especailly with the cals you gain from excerising as well!! Slightly confused now!
  • I feel the same way, I have always been for want of a better word 'curvy' and about 5 years ago I decided to loose weight and lost 3 stone in about 9 months which was probably the smallest I had ever been in my life! After the brith of my daughter 3.5 years ago I had gained weight and was now 2 stone over weight. I have…
  • No I dont think it is too low, becuase as I have found (and I am new to this) is that with every excerise you do and track you gain calories, I set mine at 1200 & I am 5ft 9in and currenlty 170lbs and I find with all the cardio I do every day it gives me another 274 ontop of that. I am struggling a lot with getting mine…