

  • I'm 5.5 and I started at 160 and got down to 149lbs but now that I eased off the South Beach Diet a little bit (or a lot a bit; lots of late night binging) I'm now 152lbs. When I first started I was all excited but now the "honeymoon is over" and I'm not as excited anymore so I'm going to start SBD at phase 2 and make a…
  • Well I'm no scientists but I heard after a workout your body is craving nutrients and so that's why they say to drink it after also I know if I drink one before I would feel sick..All that liquid sloshing around; and those things fill you you up!
  • same here. I work out at home starting at 5 which is really too early for me to eat and some mornings I wake up hungrier then others but i cant work out for more then 10 minutes without feeling like I'm going to pass out. A fruit is good for natural sugar/energy but like people have said not too much liquids, all that…
  • That was me last week, I fluctuated between 150 and 152 and you know what? I started eating more and it came right off. Now I don't suggest eating 1200 cals in one sitting like I did but I'm guessing that it did spike my metabolism. and help me burn of the pounds :) But I don't wanna be too proud of that and think I can…
  • How about some silken tofu recipes.. I bought some for a smoothie recipe and don't really like how it came out and I would rather not throw the extras away..
  • do they come out crispy like fries? i could use a crunchy snack (i miss my dry carbs :-/)
  • Sure it counts! Cool. I love meeting homeschool peeps :) Happy Homeschooling
  • I'm in the same boat- my goal was 150 but now that I'm almost there i see I can afford to lose a few more pounds. 10lbs seemed like a lot to lose but now Im thinking about maybe 130..any thinner then that I think I'll look sick..we'll see
  • OMG I used to take ensures from my grandma too!! well not take exactly she gave them to us, we still have some in the pantry. They were lifesavers for days that I didn't want to eat (and there were many) Flax seeds made my protien turn into a gel..it was gross but i guess if you drink it before it has time to absorb it's…
  • I threw it out Mocha Smoothie Take 2: 1 c. 2% Milk 1/2 c. non-fat plain yogurt 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 1 packet of splenda Instant coffee to taste..probably around 1 tbsp. not so bad, edible, but not a recipe I'd make again. Thanks for your help. I will def try these recipe's when im…
  • how do you make yours?
  • dont worry you don't have to convince me how bad it is. I don't like it and I try not to use it but I bought a big box and feel like i should finish it. I was back and forth between using regular sugar and splenda..i went with no calories
  • The coffee and the cocoa powder..I don't have almond milk, maybe ill add more milk. I'm most likely going to just throw it away :(
  • i think the v stands for victory but im glad im not the only one who doesnt know
  • Yup I'm starting week 2 of phase 1 tommorrow. I think I might have to add a week 3 because the cravings arent going to go away if I keep eating them!
  • I'm in high school too. I'm 5'6 and 150lbs. The numbers don't mean much. I know 150 seems big but I'm really not that fat, a lil flabby in some areas but mostly I'm just big boned. Neither of my parents have petite frames (my dads sister does and she bugs me! like why couldnt I get that gene??) and people yell at me all…
  • And that I have! almost everyday I have had a sweet treat. Last night was my biggest indulgence with a 664 calorie piece of cake. ouch :(
  • Yah it's hard but i really love that I'm never hungry. its kinda scary tho to only be eating around 700-900 calories but..I've lost about 4 pounds this week! I can go with out bread, I was doing that before I started South Beach its the sweet treats that get me. But all in all I love it and I think once I'm over the…
  • My Uncle MIguel had a bunch of posts on his Facebook and was checking out his food diaries for a few days and then thought hey if I'm working out ever day for gym (I'm homeschooled) I may as well start countiing calories and maybe I might lose weight :) and its working! and I love all my new friends!!
  • Mmmm cinnomon rolls :) There are so many HG recipes I wanna try but I'm on the South Beach Diet. After these two weeks are over I'm going to try all of her delicious treats! :d MmmMmmMmm
  • Work, school, laundry, church and P90X Ab.Ripper some time today. I'm super excited for my meals today. I started the South Beach Diet on Monday and loving it so far!
  • oh i thought u were talking about food; just re-read it sorry :)
  • I just Google whatever I'm looking for. caloriecount.about.com usually comes up
  • hmm calories arent the only thing to worry about but lets pretend its totally free food-- Def pastry products cookies, cakes, sweet breads mmmhh yaahh!
  • I dont shop at Trader Joes but the family I babysit for does. My favorite things from their cabinets is the frozen creamed Spinach and Fudge Filled Chocolate Chip Cookies. But everything else from there looks/tastes soo good. Oh and I saw a box of Joe Joes on their kitchen table and closed it up and put them away! I bet…
  • I use agave nectar in my tea/coffee/on pancakes but I have heard that honey is good for you which has already been said but also If you buy locally you also have the benefit of making your body more immune to the pollens in your area so if you suffer from seasonal allergies this will help. I can speak from experience and…
  • Well coffee and tea is just water with flavor.. I count them in my water. as for anything else, I would say no, in my opinion.
  • Yah, I have my diary set up so I eat at 5(preworkout snack)/6/9/12/3/6/7:30(if i even have dessert which is rare) and that's how I am today I'm not hungry at all today been drinking lots of water (added aloe and lemon juice to make it easier to drink) I put in all my food for the day and i only ate/ am going to eat 800…