high school community...

soo i know this website is kind of for people 18 and over. except the only thing is, i think there are lots of people still in high school who have really packed on some weight, and theres no reason to have to wait til graduation to be allowed to shed them off. i was looking for anyone else in high school who wanted to shed off a little.

i'm 5'2" and i weight 110 lbs. i know that's not fat at all, i just wanted to cut down only a few pounds for self confidence. most of my friends weigh less than me, and my bone structure is tiny and my belly sticks out, which annoys the hell outta me. mostly i'm looking to get more toned. so i feel like people in high school would be better support. i just wanna know i'm not the only one.


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    You don't need to lose any weight. You are just right. I used to be that size and that weight and I'm trying to get back there. Instead of losing weight maybe just develop a healthier lifestyle. That is to say healthier in what you eat, the amounts you eat and exercise regularly. I know you are young but someday you will be thankful that you started now instead of waiting til you are over weight.

    I commend you for asking and wanting to join. There is no age limits here just people that are on a journey to a healthier lifestyle or staying healthy and happy. You can feel free to add me as a friend and I'll be here for you when you need me. And if you have any more friends they are welcome too.
  • Janelle3927
    I'm in high school too. I'm 5'6 and 150lbs. The numbers don't mean much. I know 150 seems big but I'm really not that fat, a lil flabby in some areas but mostly I'm just big boned. Neither of my parents have petite frames (my dads sister does and she bugs me! like why couldnt I get that gene??) and people yell at me all the time "you are not fat!" but I am over weight nonetheless, and like you said I just wanna slim down and trim up. On top of what the number's say and How my body looks I also know for a fact that I am a very unhealthy eater. While I love pizza and cake and cookies and fried chicken I can't stand thinking about the affects it does to my body. Clogging arteries and slowing me down, I'd much rather get into the habbit of eating more wholesome foods like fruits, vegitables, whole grains and lean meats so that when I get to college (and beyond) I won't have to worry about freshman 15, or baby weight, and stokes and heart attacks and premature death..soo thats my thinking on this whole thing. I wanna lose weight right now but in the end I just want to develop a healthy lifestyle. :)