

  • So, I feel like I have basically fallen off the wagon. I am not completely eating like crap but enough. I have been dealing with a relentless migraine since last Sunday. I made it to the gym twice in the past two weeks. I'm only up two pounds but it feels like 20. I can't seem to find my motivation. My boyfriend is as…
  • I get mine at Target.
    in Vitatops Comment by LJ0125 February 2011
  • I'm losing my motivation as well. I have been battling a migraine since Sunday and just want comfort foods. I'm hating myself for not getting to the gym but I just can't. In turn...I want to binge. I wish I had words of encouragement. I'm just in the boat with you.
  • Haha my topic does sound alcohol related. Funny thing is...I couldn't tell you the last time I had an alcoholic drink. I'm guessing 6 months or more. I just tend not to drink. Guess that is a good thing now. While I'm at work I don't drink milk (despite being a teacher Lol) School carton milk grosses me out. I have been…
  • I didn't eat breakfast today (I'm sick) but yesterday I had a 1/2 cup of egg beaters and a 1/4 cup of shredded part skim cheddar cheese. It was great. I was filled well into lunch!
  • I'm in the suburbs of Philly and today it was just a thin layer of ice. Supposed to get worse as the day progresses and throughout the night. Stay safe MFP!
  • I'm having the same problem. I switched it up today...normally I have my coffee and a packet of oatmeal. Today I had a protein shake. Unfortunately, I barely got the protein shake down due to a texture issue. I think I gagged every sip. I don't have much time in the morning to actually cook. Tomorrow I am going to try egg…
  • I just had tuna for lunch...totally switching to the low sodium one. Thanks!
  • So, I attempted skiing for the first time this weekend. You guys will NOT be seeing me in the Olympics for skiing anytime soon. I feel like someone beat me up. :) Monday Smonday...O how I dislike Monday. We are expecting a snow/ice storm this week. We've had snow once a week for 3 weeks now. When I was a kid (boy do I…
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • I don't. I whine...I become a baby and I eat what I need to make myself feel better. Then, I get my butt back on track when I do feel better. Feel better soon!
  • bump for entertainment
  • I blame texting for the recent increase in poor grammar and spelling.
  • My favorite thing right now are Snickers ice cream mini bars. They are only 90 calories and give me a great fix.
  • Mine isn't my initials exactly...first name initial and full last name is lbowe(pronounced bow). My entire life teachers would call roll with first initial last name and then laugh. Most of the men made a joke...which I of course heard a thousand times by highschool. I look forward to losing that little saying. My…
  • Jersey doesn't list it either. Thank you Jersey!
  • Weigh-in: Jan 1st- 190.0 lbs Jan 8th- 181.0 lbs Jan 15th - 179.6 lbs Jan 22nd - 175.2 lbs Total so far is 14.8 I can't wait to break into the 160's!
  • I haven't done that since my first year! My supervisor has decided nothing I do is acceptable and it berating me.
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • Work has been so stressful this week. Ever sit at your desk and just cry during your break? Yeah that has been me three days this week.
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • On a variety of crackers...Special K are my new faves.
  • I guess it makes no difference. I feel like a rookie compared to you guys. You guys do some awesome inclines and I do a measly 3.8.
  • I tend not to take classes because the time the classes occur don't fit into my schedule. I am a teacher and my day ends at 3:10. Spin classes and such are not until 6:30 at my gym. If I go home at 3:10...I know I will not make it back to class at 6:30. I'll be relaxed and unmotivated. I go to the gym right afterschool. I…
  • I did a similar thing last night. I treated myself to Chipotle. It was under my calories and high in protein. I felt like complete crap (physically and mentally) after I ate it last night. I went to bed at 8:30 and woke up this morning with horrible heartburn. Our bodies are telling us they like the healthy food better. I…
  • I joined the 64oz a day challenge and did great...for 3 days. All this week I barely got down 2 bottles of water a day. We only get 2 planninng preps a week! Our lunch is supposed to be an hour but since I have a "special" class they get a half hour and then a half hour for recess later in the day. The second half hour is…
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • I have this same problem. I have bought 3 different pairs of shoes and it still happens. It always begins in my baby toe...poor little guy.
  • My boyfriend thinks I have a laughing cow addiction. I have 4 rounds of it in my fridge right now. And I use it for everything. Last night I made a "beef (using ground turkey) stroganoff" and used the garlic and herb.
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!! I would follow MFP recommendation of 1200 calories. From all of the information I have read (from this site and others) that seems to be the minimum that one should consume in a day. I have found this website to be extremely helpful and motivating. Best of luck! and one more for good…
  • This is my 6th year of teaching. As far as lunches I have been forcing myself to make it the night before. I feel so much better and make better choices if I plan. I have the luxury of a mini-fridge and a microwave in my classroom. I always have peanut butter on celery on hand. It satisfies my cravings most of the time. I…
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011
  • For the most part I take care of myself, however, there are definitely days where the 3:00 bell rings and I think "did I even breath today?" I have tried extremely hard to drink more water throughout the day. This of course makes me having to run to the bathroom occur more often, but I am figuring it all out. Kind of...
    in Teachers? Comment by LJ0125 January 2011