


  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    I joined the 64oz a day challenge and did great...for 3 days. All this week I barely got down 2 bottles of water a day. We only get 2 planninng preps a week! Our lunch is supposed to be an hour but since I have a "special" class they get a half hour and then a half hour for recess later in the day. The second half hour is supposed to be my lunch but typically it is spent running to the copy machine 3 floors up.

    It is so great to have a group of people that understand the life of a teacher. Friends say "you have off all summer" or "you're done at 3:15" Yeah, I have off from this job all summer, however, I have to work another job just to make ends meet. As for being done at 3:15, that's the official time I can leave...that doesn't mean I do. Lol.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to friend me. Just tell me your a teacher. :)

    Ummm...I teach math, but I do know it's *you're. Sigh. And today's been tough. Fire drill, etc. End of 2nd period I still hadn't had a drop of water. Trying to make up now, but afraid to drink too much. It is tough. Hang in there, everybody.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I shut my door at lunch today and ate the salad I brought. It's prep period now-- the one time a week I get to sit in my own room in peace! Thank goodness!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Good for you! I gave up on salads at lunch. They just plain take too long to eat. :(
  • jesseroyal
    jesseroyal Posts: 22 Member
    Benchmarks? Or semester finals? I teach middle school English. I feel like I'm at work ALL the TIME.

    7th grade language arts :)
  • jesseroyal
    jesseroyal Posts: 22 Member
    Ha! Another 6th year, 6th grade ELA teacher! I bet we could swap stories! They're so ridiculously cute/ cutely ridiculous.

    They ARE adorable right now, but I know it's coming....

    Something happens to them around Feb/March and it's like they go BANANAS! The hormones kick in, they get snippy, they're all dating each other...yay. Can't wait. :-)

    And thats when they come to me!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I had a parent meeting today with the sweetest little kid. This little dude is like a black hole of LOST. I caught him yesterday at 5:30 (waay after school), wandering around the courtyard in a circle. "Where are you supposed to be?" I asked him.
    "After school program," he whispered.
    "The teacher's not here."
    "So what are you supposed to do?"
    "I'm just wandering around 'cause I don't know where to go."

    Awww. He's 12 and he's been here 5 months! I love him, but he needs a map for life.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I am totally down for a teacher board! Great idea. Haha..good to hear that I am not the only one who is dying by 2pm because you haven't had a chance to eat, use the restroom, or even touch your water bottle. The only way I can do it is to prep lunch the night before and eat a good breakfast. I try to bring a snack, but stopped because I was never able to get to it. I am a special education teacher and work with students with autism. Must say that I do love what I do..but it would be nice if I could sit down to eat lunch or run by the restroom whenever I needed to.

    And how embarassing is it to sit in a meeting with your stomach growling?! : )
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member

    And how embarassing is it to sit in a meeting with your stomach growling?! : )

    Yes! ALL THE TIME. Even in class; the kids laugh out loud when my stomach growls away. It's my fault-- I said I'd take early period this year, meaning I have to start teaching at 7:15. Next year maybe I'll go back to the regular start time and then I can eat breakfast!
  • i am in my 6th year teaching as well. i did my student teaching in a middle school reading/english class, but now i teach 3rd-5th kids with severe cognitive delays in a self contained room. i would not give up my job for the world! i guess all in all, i have it pretty easy. i have an assistant, so i can go to the bathroom whenever i need to. also, working in the inner city is a bonus because most of the parents don't care much about the education, so they're not calling me, and God forbid i have a working phone number if i need to get a hold of them! so my lunches are the full 45 minutes (we have a very strong union that fights tooth and nail for us).

    as far as packing lunches is concerned, i pack up leftovers from the night before in lunch containers so i just have to pop them in my bag when i leave in the morning. either that or a lean cuisine and a packet of frozen veggies for one. i'm also keeping a bag of baby carrots and dip in a fridge at work so i can eat during my planning period (which of course cannot be used for actual planning because of all the other crap my school wants me to do instead). and i don't work out. i have exercise planned into the day with my kids. during our writing block, we work on our week's vocabulary/spelling words. so rather than just spell them or write them, we do jumping jacks as they spell. the kids love it, they get excited to be up and around, and they actually ask for it if i get carried away doing something else and forget! they also decided that we should do jumping jacks during math when we do skip counting. so we'll jump to 100 by 2s, 5s, and 10s. they love it!
  • oh...i will say that for some reason, drinking water is frowned upon at my school. one teacher had it written in her review last year that "this is not a park, and water bottles are unacceptable." she immediately called her doctor who gave her an excuse and basically prescribed her to drink as much water as she needed to prevent kidney stones and bladder infections. they've gotten more lax on it, but i'm fairly new at the school and don't like to make waves like that.
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    oh...i will say that for some reason, drinking water is frowned upon at my school. one teacher had it written in her review last year that "this is not a park, and water bottles are unacceptable." she immediately called her doctor who gave her an excuse and basically prescribed her to drink as much water as she needed to prevent kidney stones and bladder infections. they've gotten more lax on it, but i'm fairly new at the school and don't like to make waves like that.

    OMG!!!! You've got to be kidding! Wow. I'd taught about 5 years when I got a severe case of laryngitis. Lasted over a week. Turns out I have vocal nodules, common for teachers. I was told I had a choice, either keep water to drink often, or have surgery. I can't imagine what I would have done if I'd been told I couldn't drink water. It's not a park? Wow.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Yeah, that's crazy. I'm sure that's some kind of contract violation.
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    Work has been so stressful this week. Ever sit at your desk and just cry during your break? Yeah that has been me three days this week.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Work has been so stressful this week. Ever sit at your desk and just cry during your break? Yeah that has been me three days this week.

    Noooo! That's awful. Yeah, that's happened to me before-- mostly in my first year!

    THIS year, I have to deal with my math teacher's unexpected immediate resignation-- given last Thursday, effective last Friday, one week before the end of the semester! I'm so mad I can't see straight. It's not like bagging groceries at the store; you can't just walk out in the middle of the year.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I teach 2nd grade. I just finished all of my benchmark testing and it has been EXHAUSTING! Math benchmarks, writing prompts, fluency reading, and DRAs. Unfortunately 2nd graders can't use bubble sheets (Scantron) so everything is paper and pencil (show all of your work and explain how you came up with the answer). The best part (:sick:) is the reading because you have to read with each of the 22 students individually (literally took 3 solid hours, 4 days out of the week). Benchmark testing at the lower grade level is just sooooooooo time consuming. I get to spend my entire weekend grading the 20 page long math benchmark (that's 20 pages per child so...440 pages) and the writing prompts. Let me just pour myself a drink now....:drinker:
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Hell yes, Frida001--or is that FRIDAY001!?

    Have a great weekend, teachers!
  • Middle school science/math teacher here, in my 12th year of teaching. Forget drinking 8 glasses of water a day. The bathroom is too far away. After escorting kids to where they need to be and being available for recess tutoring, my average lunch is 14 minutes. If I have to prepare for a lab for the next class, I have less time. Most days, I teach kids straight from 9:00am until 12:10 am, back to back with no way of getting to the bathroom.

    Every day, I eat a Lean Cuisine lunch under 300 calories and have some orange juice.

    I keep tea, fiber one bars and slimfast bars stashed in my desk for when I get the munchies at 10:00 and 2:00. I'm learning to substitute carrot sticks for chips when I'm grading papers.

    When does anybody have the energy to exercise? I'm on my feet and on high alert all day long, and when I get home, I'm exhausted.

    Last week, I gave up my traditional Friday morning jelly doughnut. ;(
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    Work has been so stressful this week. Ever sit at your desk and just cry during your break? Yeah that has been me three days this week.

    Noooo! That's awful. Yeah, that's happened to me before-- mostly in my first year!

    THIS year, I have to deal with my math teacher's unexpected immediate resignation-- given last Thursday, effective last Friday, one week before the end of the semester! I'm so mad I can't see straight. It's not like bagging groceries at the store; you can't just walk out in the middle of the year.

    I haven't done that since my first year! My supervisor has decided nothing I do is acceptable and it berating me.
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