trying to get out of the 170's...anyone else?



  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member

    Started at 185, now, my scale teeter-totters between 179-180.

    I'd like to get to the 160's quick, fast and in a hurry.. far far away from that pesky 180 range. lol

    my scale does that too! stupid scales! lol we'll get there though!

    WOOT! *fistpump!* :laugh:
  • YES

    Started at 185, now, my scale teeter-totters between 179-180.

    I'd like to get to the 160's quick, fast and in a hurry.. far far away from that pesky 180 range. lol

    my scale does that too! stupid scales! lol we'll get there though!

    WOOT! *fistpump!* :laugh:

    :laugh: lol, do you watch jersey shore? :wink:
    CW 177.4
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member

    Started at 185, now, my scale teeter-totters between 179-180.

    I'd like to get to the 160's quick, fast and in a hurry.. far far away from that pesky 180 range. lol

    my scale does that too! stupid scales! lol we'll get there though!

    WOOT! *fistpump!* :laugh:

    :laugh: lol, do you watch jersey shore? :wink:
    CW 177.4

    Every now and then IF I catch it..
  • YES

    Started at 185, now, my scale teeter-totters between 179-180.

    I'd like to get to the 160's quick, fast and in a hurry.. far far away from that pesky 180 range. lol

    my scale does that too! stupid scales! lol we'll get there though!

    WOOT! *fistpump!* :laugh:

    :laugh: lol, do you watch jersey shore? :wink:
    CW 177.4

    Every now and then IF I catch it..

    I do the same thing I watch it if I'm flipping through and it's on but I'm not like a die hard fan who has to set and wait on the *new* episodes
  • LosingLatina
    LosingLatina Posts: 5 Member

    Don't fret...I had this very same problem...I was bouncing between 179 and 181 for a month and got so frustrated. I also seem to have some issues when I over do the exercise and then end up watching the scale go up. I made sure to keep my exercise in check...45mins max and then really journaled everything I ate really trying to keep the carbs down and the proteins up and finally broke through! I am now 172 and am hoping that I don't go through the same cycle trying to get into the 160s! Good luck!!! You can do it :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I've been stuck in the 170's since december. i've been stuck at 170 for the past 2 weeks.

    To get into the 170's was a big accomplishment for me all together. In November of "09" i weighed 230 pounds. Since that time i got down to 179 than during the summer i gained 10 pounds back. I celebrated my weightloss a little too much. I didn't really start getting back on weightloss journey again until november. Now i am at 170 and am dying to get into the 160's. My ideal weight for me would be 130's and that would be a first. I been in the 190's for most of my life.

    I would definately enjoy talking to ya ladies

    Great job You've accomplished so much already! Have you upped (is that even a word? lol) your workouts or anything to get out of the slump? I cannot wait to see the scale read at least 167 .... #'s 169 & 168 don't count because it always lingers back to 170's lol

    Well to me, Upped is a word hee hee :) i have upped my workouts and calories recently. i've been doing P90X and it asks for an hour a day (sometime an hour and half) of excercise and minimum of 1800 calories. My first 2 weeks i was doing 1600 calories and felt very queezy and worn out so i went to the actual calorie budget they have suggested this week. I definately feel alot better and don't feel queezy anymore. I've been doing ip90x for 3 weeks and have only lost 2 pounds. Was very disapointed about that. As for my measurments, i should be doing them again next weekend, that will be the start of phase 2. But i am getting stronger and my clothes is getting looser. Either way, i really wanna make it to the end of P90X.
  • I've been stuck in the 170's since december. i've been stuck at 170 for the past 2 weeks.

    To get into the 170's was a big accomplishment for me all together. In November of "09" i weighed 230 pounds. Since that time i got down to 179 than during the summer i gained 10 pounds back. I celebrated my weightloss a little too much. I didn't really start getting back on weightloss journey again until november. Now i am at 170 and am dying to get into the 160's. My ideal weight for me would be 130's and that would be a first. I been in the 190's for most of my life.

    I would definately enjoy talking to ya ladies

    Great job You've accomplished so much already! Have you upped (is that even a word? lol) your workouts or anything to get out of the slump? I cannot wait to see the scale read at least 167 .... #'s 169 & 168 don't count because it always lingers back to 170's lol

    Well to me, Upped is a word hee hee :) i have upped my workouts and calories recently. i've been doing P90X and it asks for an hour a day (sometime an hour and half) of excercise and minimum of 1800 calories. My first 2 weeks i was doing 1600 calories and felt very queezy and worn out so i went to the actual calorie budget they have suggested this week. I definately feel alot better and don't feel queezy anymore. I've been doing ip90x for 3 weeks and have only lost 2 pounds. Was very disapointed about that. As for my measurments, i should be doing them again next weekend, that will be the start of phase 2. But i am getting stronger and my clothes is getting looser. Either way, i really wanna make it to the end of P90X.

    that's great That's one thing i need to do is measure that way I won't get so down if the scale doesn't read right
    I've been doing this Jan 1 and I've lost 4.6 lbs my clothes do not feel loser my Waist measurement is the same :/ I "upped" (lol!) my exercise today doing my kendra dvd for 37 minutes and my treadmill for 30 minutes i will be weighing in tomorrow!!!!
  • Amberina23
    Amberina23 Posts: 6 Member
    that's a really good idea. I was weighing every day, trying to see immediate progress, but was instead getting frustrated because of all the bouncing around. that is my new goal, to weigh only once a week, no matter what!
  • I am kind of a late joiner. But I started MFP after x-mas and I was about 178. Now I am at 171.2. My weight lost has definately slowed down since the begining. I started out doing1200 cals but I was starvings so I switched to 1400 cals. I also gave up gluten and dairy after starting MFP due to stomach issues and I think that is also why I lost a lot at first. I want to get out of the 170's asap. Hopfully by next week. I do workout videos everyday. What else should I share... I am 5'7, 29y/o almost 30 and a Mom of two girls.
  • I also weight in everyday. It doesn't get me down at first when the weight was flying off it was fun, then I was a little disapointed but now it just keeps me motivated.
  • CW 178.6 ughhhh
    yeah i'm no longer weighing in daily as of today
  • I broke out of the 170's today and now weight 169.2. Thank God! I think it is about to be TOM and I feel crabby plus craving sweets. Otherwise I am getting cabin fever:).
    Keep it up everyone!
  • kermode
    kermode Posts: 18
    I'm there with you. I'm 5'3 and 178 right now. I was so happy to break from 180 but I've been stuck there for 2 weeks now. I am so looking forward to the day I break free again and see 169. Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm not looking to get my weight quite as low as you. I'm looking to be around 140-145. I have a more muscular build and in the past 145 for me was around a size 3 so I was happy there. I plan to re-evaluate my weight goal depending on what 150 looks and feels like for me. (I've had three pregnancies so who knows what's under all this skin anymore :laugh: )
  • I broke out of the 170's today and now weight 169.2. Thank God! I think it is about to be TOM and I feel crabby plus craving sweets. Otherwise I am getting cabin fever:).
    Keep it up everyone!

    :O Good for you! You can start a 'getting out the 160's' post if you wanna We'll join ya soon ;) lol Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • I'm there with you. I'm 5'3 and 178 right now. I was so happy to break from 180 but I've been stuck there for 2 weeks now. I am so looking forward to the day I break free again and see 169. Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm not looking to get my weight quite as low as you. I'm looking to be around 140-145. I have a more muscular build and in the past 145 for me was around a size 3 so I was happy there. I plan to re-evaluate my weight goal depending on what 150 looks and feels like for me. (I've had three pregnancies so who knows what's under all this skin anymore :laugh: )

    I'm 5'3 too! Wow size 3? When I was 120 before I was size 12/14...mostly because my belly. I've never been pregnant *knock on wood* but my belly is so huge right now that I can wear 16's for my legs (fits perfectly!) butttttt since my belly is so huge they won't button so I have to get 18's and my pants are soooo baggy in the legs & butt. :/ It's so frustrating. I know I've got a while to my goal but when I see at least 167 (168 & 169 don't count lol) I will be SO HAPPY to be in the 160's I was 160 when I met my husband! That was September 2007.
  • bump

    anyone else trying to get out of the 170's

    CW 178
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    jan 1stt:172
    Jan 8: 170.8
    Jan 15: 170.0
    Current Weight: 167.8
    Total loss this week: 2.2 Pounds

    Overall, i am so happy about this weeks results. Last week i barely lost anything. Then for this week, i took in more calories and started having protein shakes. I honestly felt i would gain a pound because i am doing my workouts without a HRM and takin in more calores. But nope, i got a good number this week. All i can say is Awesome and i'm out of the 170'S B*@tches. hee hee. I really didn't mean that literally. I'm just so excited.
  • weigh-in
    jan 1stt:172
    Jan 8: 170.8
    Jan 15: 170.0
    Current Weight: 167.8
    Total loss this week: 2.2 Pounds

    Overall, i am so happy about this weeks results. Last week i barely lost anything. Then for this week, i took in more calories and started having protein shakes. I honestly felt i would gain a pound because i am doing my workouts without a HRM and takin in more calores. But nope, i got a good number this week. All i can say is Awesome and i'm out of the 170'S B*@tches. hee hee. I really didn't mean that literally. I'm just so excited.

    that's so wonderful! it gives me hope! great job!
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    Jan 1st- 190.0 lbs
    Jan 8th- 181.0 lbs
    Jan 15th - 179.6 lbs
    Jan 22nd - 175.2 lbs

    Total so far is 14.8
    I can't wait to break into the 160's!
  • Weigh-in:
    Jan 1st- 190.0 lbs
    Jan 8th- 181.0 lbs
    Jan 15th - 179.6 lbs
    Jan 22nd - 175.2 lbs

    Total so far is 14.8
    I can't wait to break into the 160's!

    that's great! what have you been doing (diet/exercise routine)?
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