KQmom Member


  • avocados too! They can last WEEKS!
  • LMAO!! I KNOW RIGHT!!! Yuck, I'm no prude, but cmon- spit don't swallow... we're on a diet for christ's sake, LOL!
  • too funny, me and Karl were just talking about this today!! .... and sperm??? whoa!!!
  • I also hurt my knees doing 30DS, I think it was the squats though :( it was very disappointing because I was seeing great results by day 7. I may go back to it, and just take it easy, focus on my movements and make sure I'm doing everything correctly. It was such a great work out in 20 mins... but definitely let yourself…
  • try eating a lot of nuts, granola, whole wheat bread, whole milk, cheese, butter (real butter) avocado... oh I wish this was my issue ;) But I understand it can be just as challenging. Good luck!
  • AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! You look fantastic!!!!
  • Happens to me too when I haven't eaten enough or had enough water. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. Eating a banana or protein bar is also a good idea. High protein diet is good when you are working out, helps build muscle and burn cals.
  • I love TJ's too!!! Great food at a great price... and the 3 buck chuck is always nice too :)
  • Thanks for the feedback y'all
  • Usually at least once during my workout, when I'm really pushing myself, I get up to 190-195. It's just crazy to me because my husband is working twice as hard the whole workout and he has a hard time getting over 140
  • thanks ladies. I'm still a little concerned, especially after you mentioned pulmonary hypertension. I do have borderline blood pressure also... I'm thinking another visit to the doc just to be sure.
  • BUMP!! ANYONE???
  • I've read about 180-200 cals, I log 200 in my diary because I work my *kitten* off :)
  • oven roasted chicken breast, and now they have avocado!!!
    in subway Comment by KQmom July 2011
  • You're welcome! Good luck!!!
  • I read this article today... I'm on Day 3 Level 1 and totally feeling this workout!! Really tough for a 20 min workout, but I hope to see the awesome results too!! http://www.ehow.com/how_5363883_do-jillian-michaels-day-shred.html
  • Pad thai and thai egg rolls.. my very favorite!!!
    in Thai Food??? Comment by KQmom July 2011
  • Thanks everyone for the great suggestions!! I think I'll get both 3# and 5# and alternate for the different exercises... I'm excited to get my *kitten* kicked by Jillian!! :)
    in 30 day shred Comment by KQmom July 2011
  • I was wondering the same thing... BUMP!!
  • Yes! Thank you for posting! It is very hard not to get discouraged when the numbers aren't going down, I am right there with you. I am trying to keep in mind that this is not about the scale, it's about my health. Living a longer, better quality of life. Although, it's nice to see the immediate result, you are so right,…
  • I've been eating Nature's Path- Pumpkin Flax Granola Cereal, and love it!! Also good to sprinkle on top of some yogurt and berries for a yogurt parfait, YUM!
    in Flaxseeds Comment by KQmom June 2011
  • Lipton diet green tea citrus.... sooo yummy and 0 cals! Also, just plain ol' iced tea with equal, you can make it stronger if you need the extra boost and you can always order that when you eat out.
  • Lipton diet green tea citrus.... sooo yummy and 0 cals! Also, just plain ol' iced tea with equal, you can make it stronger if you need the extra boost and you can always order that when you eat out.
  • OMG I wanna know what else happened... I cant remember!!! inbox me if its too crazy girl, I dont wanna get in trouble ;) And you don't need that stuff, just get into a routine (sounds like you have!) and making healthier food choices and it will just start coming off. I really never have lost weight "the healthy way" until…
    in Phentermine Comment by KQmom June 2011
  • I took it once and went on a job interview... not a good idea. Besides being a nervous blubbering fool, I had the sweatiest armpit stains I have ever seen on a human! I mean dripping down to my waist! YUCK!!! That's the last time I took it :)
    in Phentermine Comment by KQmom June 2011