


  • KQmom
    KQmom Posts: 29 Member
    OMG I wanna know what else happened... I cant remember!!! inbox me if its too crazy girl, I dont wanna get in trouble ;) And you don't need that stuff, just get into a routine (sounds like you have!) and making healthier food choices and it will just start coming off. I really never have lost weight "the healthy way" until MFP and it was amazing to me that eating right really works! I am so proud of myself for doing it on my own the right way, and you will feel the same way! Also, I have kept the weight off... even when I go a couple weeks not keeping track and eating things I shouldn't... its still gone! I'm sure if I had lost it "the unhealthy way", I would have been right back up to my starting weight, or maybe more! You can do it Jeannette, I am so happy you are feeling good already!! :)
  • jnettiedotson
    OMG I wanna know what else happened... I cant remember!!! inbox me if its too crazy girl, I dont wanna get in trouble ;) And you don't need that stuff, just get into a routine (sounds like you have!) and making healthier food choices and it will just start coming off. I really never have lost weight "the healthy way" until MFP and it was amazing to me that eating right really works! I am so proud of myself for doing it on my own the right way, and you will feel the same way! Also, I have kept the weight off... even when I go a couple weeks not keeping track and eating things I shouldn't... its still gone! I'm sure if I had lost it "the unhealthy way", I would have been right back up to my starting weight, or maybe more! You can do it Jeannette, I am so happy you are feeling good already!! :)

    I won't go into detail on here, but you fell down....remember? LOL (not funny, but you know LOL)
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I took it for a few months, and that stuff screwed up my heartbeat BAD. They changed the dose and it still didnt help. Also, if you drug test, you will show up positive for amphetamines. I lost weight like crazy, but the effects werent worth it to me. I have heard of people taking it long term and having to be on heart meds for the rest of thier lives because of it too.