

  • PAV8888 you made me laugh. Anyways, I was not assuming or relying on MFP or other site to calculate my calories from working out. I am wearing HRM and I work my butt off at the gym, so hard so that I get sick of kicking my own butt. All your advise is great ;)
  • this great you guys, thank you for helping me understand :blush:
  • Alright setting activity to bare minimum is not realistic I get it. I wanted to trust my own calculation; MFP TDEE +work outs. BMR doesn't change, great. So what is left I will reset activity on MFP to the level of activity I actually do and trust that TDEE -20% for deficit. But wait, if MFP is already taking into…
  • Ok, so I already increase my TDEE by cardio and lifting weights. I was averaging 350 to 400 calories a day burn at the gym. I do have my activity as sedentary because I like to calculate it separately, my only concern is, when you increase your TDEE because of exercise shouldn't that also raise your BMR?
  • Hi Michael , I can only imagine what you must have gone through and feeling the freedom to take some control back. I am here everyday, feel free to add me, we both can use the motivation , best of luck
  • Count me in, I like to have fun while depriving myself of yummy food.....kidding I don't deprive myself. I have a bit to go too and I'm here everyday.
  • You need to find out your BMR and TDEE calories and calculate how many calories a day you need to eat to get your body functioning and burning the stored fat. You only have 10lbs to loose and you say you burn 400-800 cals 4 times a week. Really sounds like you are not giving your body enough. Take a look at this article,…
  • Out of sight out of mind is true, but I also don't like to deprive myself. Usually it leads to binging when you get your hands on it. So remove most of the treats , but make a system to give yourself a little bit now and then. Years ago I ate one tsp of Nutella a day as a treat so long I didn't have more sweets and still…
    in Holiday Comment by raquel424 March 2013
  • the less sugar dark chocolate is a good idea, but of course if my little one wants to share an egg or two with mommy it would be rude to say no ;) . I'm not worried, I work hard to earn my treats.
  • So what you are also telling me I can reduce the fat in the chicken by boiling it and tossing the broth? How do you figure end numbers like that???
  • Like you, my mind wants to give up before my body actually collapses.....that's why I do better when I have a motivator/trainer.
  • I have a family to feed so meal planning and making food list is very helpful. Plan you meals and list your ingredients to buy. One of my strategies to eat healthier through out the day is to buy the veggies i like for snacks, peel and chop (celery, broccoli,carrots,cauliflower, cucumber.....etc) and make a big mix platter…
  • Smoking hot dresses I've always wanted to be able to wear!
  • My almost 3 year old just threw the first f word bomb out there to be heard loud and clear, getting excited over a music and dance movie she stood in the middle of the room announcing to the crowd and I quote " this is f*&king crazy" she is clever and she says a lot of clever things but this one was the recent and most…
  • I guess it depends where you are in regards to availability of import vs local produce where prices make a difference between the two. I cook from scratch every night for a family of 4 but I haven't seen a dramatic expense increase since I started buying less canned/boxed/ready meals food and more fresh. Separate…
  • I agree with using a food scale for a while. I actually have a little fun with it when I find out that I can have about 6oz of chicken for the same calorie value as 3oz beef, for example. I also use the measuring spoons for any spreads. I found out I can cut down to a tsp rather than tbsp and hardly notice specially with…
  • I picked up a Timex from Walmart last week and took it back. It wasn't cheap I paid 59$ plus tax. It was supposed to take heart rate (only when you paused enough to put your index finger over the rim) , but it didn't work well once I was moving. I would try twice at least to get a reading and the measures where all over…
  • Makes me think about what we also teach our children. I know for my first one I never let her be done with dinner until she finished her plate and now as a teenager she has emotional attachments as you described to food. This time around when my little one says I'm ok mom as I try to feed her just one more spoon, I just…
  • You guys are fantastic help. Thank you all :)
  • Alright, now what are BMR and TDEE? I'm a newbie :
  • Yeah I figured that much after I baked and ate some of the bread without thinking of dividing the whole thing into the portions. Lesson learned, this is new to me. I did of course weigh how much bread I had but that doesn't help comparing against the recipe of dough. I'll probably use the nutritional value on the back of…
  • I did, and the two cups of flour and fixings make an 8 portion loaf. The recipe indicated a portion is 113 cals, but what I was hopping for is to know what the serving of 30 grams of flour and fixings = ??? grams of baked/finished product . Does that make sense?