Calories from homemade stock/broth

This WILL sound stupid but bare with me. I am planning on cooking chicken breast in water then pull the cooked meat apart to use in a dish. But I am also going to use the broth/stock in making the dish. I realize that whatever calories and fat in the final dish is going to be the same whether I included the broth with the chicken later in the dish or not. BUT, my question is:
How do you figure out the cals and fat content in broth that you make at home?


  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    When you boil a chicken breast most of the fat will come out of it. 1g of fat per ounce of chicken breast is generally a good estimate.

    So just to be safe I would probably count the broth as 9 calories per ounce of chicken breast used, assuming no skin. So, the whole pot (assuming you add nothing else with calories) would be 45 calories for a 5oz breast.
  • raquel424
    raquel424 Posts: 38
    When you boil a chicken breast most of the fat will come out of it. 1g of fat per ounce of chicken breast is generally a good estimate.

    So just to be safe I would probably count the broth as 9 calories per ounce of chicken breast used, assuming no skin. So, the whole pot (assuming you add nothing else with calories) would be 45 calories for a 5oz breast.

    So what you are also telling me I can reduce the fat in the chicken by boiling it and tossing the broth? How do you figure end numbers like that???