Hey, another "I'm not losing" thread!



  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Don't give up, 2eggs. You're on the right track.
    I found the kitchen scale to be a very important tool when I started my journey. It was eye-opening. Without it, I would have made many judgement mistakes on a "portion". I suggest that getting a scale will help you tremendously. It's also important to log everything, no matter how small. It adds up surprisingly fast.
    As for the scale issue: Pick one scale and make that your official weigh-in scale. At this point it doesn't matter which number you start with. You'll be losing from that number from now on.
    I don't know much about TDEE and that setting. I use the MFP calorie allowance to lose one pound a week. You need to find what works for you.

    Happy Anniversary! Don't worry about that brownie. It was a treat and your anniversary is only once a year. Start new today. Eat lots of fruit and veggies and log them all.
  • 2EggsSeparated
    Basically, you are doing TDEE-10% right now which will have you losing a pound per 16 days. So just under half a pound per week. (1920 calories per day). If you aren't weighing everything that deficit of 200 calories per day is pretty easy to completely eliminate by under estimating what you are eating or not logging some snacks (even healthy snacks). If you aimed for 1850 you would probably lose right around half a pound per week. Anything more than that and your deficit would have to be higher. For a pound a week, 1650 calories per day. Again, it's easier to know what you are eating if you are weighing food. My carrots say that a serving size is 9 carrots but I've found it to be closer to 5-6 carrots. So if you eat 5 carrots and think it's 17 calories, it could be easily double that. Same thing goes for most foods.

    Ok, so I shoot for 1650 per day.

    Now, when I filled in the form for the TDEE, I put in 45 minutes of exercise everyday. I need a rest day in there somewhere. Do I just try to eat a few less calories on days I don't workout?
  • 2EggsSeparated
    And another question, how am I supposed eat a half a jar of yummy, yummy peanut butter with just 1650 calories a day?!
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Trust me, don't worry. I've been eating at about 1400 calories a day with one cheat day a week and so far, I've lost 2 pounds. woohoo......... but I'm still going strong. I exercise 1.5 hours nearly every day.

    We're just unfortunate to be the people who lose weight extremely slow.
  • raquel424
    raquel424 Posts: 38
    I agree with using a food scale for a while. I actually have a little fun with it when I find out that I can have about 6oz of chicken for the same calorie value as 3oz beef, for example. I also use the measuring spoons for any spreads. I found out I can cut down to a tsp rather than tbsp and hardly notice specially with butter and cream cheese, peanut butter, ketchup....etc all these calories add up. After a while you decide you don't need the butter on your toast since you are adding cheese or whatever.

    Also, I went and saw a nutritionist before I started here and her recommendation was that my food plate should be half veggies, 1/4 carb and 1/4 protein. Fruits for snack times since I need the sugar as a pick me up (I have low blood sugar) . Try to switch any carbs (breads and pastas, white potatoes) you are having to low glycemic counterpart, the process of turning carbs to sugar is much slower this way, which enables your body to burn as you go rather than quickly turn to sugar and store as fat.

    I take few extra minutes at the grocery store looking at the nutritional values of what I want to buy, I compare different brands and buy what has least cals and sugars....

    When it comes to cardio, I read that the best heart rate range to burn fat is between 60% and 70% of your maximum heart rate
    ,In this zone, (the fitness zone) your body fuels itself with 85% fat, 5% protein, and 10% carbohydrate from your body. Get a heart rate monitor and track you heart rate.

    Best of luck