McSpike Member


  • Yanno, I didn't like Napoleon the first time I saw it, but it does get better with repeat viewings. Same with Anchorman. Not sure I can do Anchorman 2 more than once, though. Strange Wilderness would have to be mine. Watched it on the recommendation of a co worker. Told him he owed me two hours of my life back. I like all…
  • Accuracy is a dicey topic at best. HRM's are great for steady-state cardio. So they work well for walking, running, biking and the like. If you do weights, they don't work as well, unless you are doing HIIT. They do seem to work well for circuit training, as the goal there is to keep your heart rate up. I love my fitbit,…
  • I love the crunchy peanut butter and the chocolate chip ones. I use them when I'm on a long bike ride as a snack in the middle. Burn off the carbs quickly. I'm old enough to remember when they first came out. They were a better-tasting alternative to Power Bars. Back then, there was no Gu or energy gels, so we used power…
  • ^^^ This! I eat just whites when I'm making a sandwich or an omelette, but if the eggs are by themselves, I eat the whole egg. I too, have high cholesterol, and my Doctor (not some stranger on the internet) told me to limit my whole egg intake to 2 a week, but I can have as many whites as I want. I wonder why a Doctor, who…
  • ^^^ This! Increase your hand weights, and make sure you are really pushing. Through levels one and two, I consistently burned around 325-350. Level 3, I'm showing less on my HRM, but there is a lot of plyometrics (sp?) which a hrm won't catch, too short a burst to pick your heart rate way up. I'm still sweating as much, so…
  • I'm in the Bluetooth camp. I have a Polar T7 that syncs to my iPhone via bluetooth. I find it very simple to use, although I typically have two apps going for running or walking. I use Runkeeper and the Polar app. The polar app always gives me a higher calorie burn than Runkeeper, even though Runkeeper can access my HRM as…
  • We have the fitbit Aria. It is like the Withings scale already mentioned. It syncs via wi-fi to MFP and fitbits's website. Can't cheat when it syncs like that! The body fat percentage will fluctuate based on water intake, as it uses electro-impedance. But as you develop a history of measurements, you can see a pattern and…
  • vote 2 for Runkeeper. You can use it for so much, treadmill work, running, walking, hiking, cycling, etc. The website is pretty robust, as well.
  • bump so it shows up in my topics Great video, and some interesting theories.
  • Depends entirely on your feet and gait pattern. Lunarglide's are designed for neutral runners that pronate slightly. They are a good all-around shoe, but if you over-pronate or supinate, they are not meant for you. Google "finding the right running shoes for me" and you will find loads of information on this topic.…
  • My wife and I both have Fitbit One's. We also have the Fitbit Aria which is a scale that integrates with, and, by extension, MFP. I love the fitbit, and it has really helped motivate both of us to get moving. I find myself parking further from the doors when shopping, going down aisles I don't need to, and…
  • I'm at 8 pounds to go! My original gw was only 3 away, but I've dropped it 5, so I'm 8 away. I seem to be stalled a bit right now, but I've been adding lean muscle, so I think that may be why. Counting calories with MFP isn't too bad, and is really lots easier after a couple of weeks. When you have entered several days…
  • To get a true resting heart rate, you need to wear your hrm strap to bed for a few days, and record the lowest readings each morning. It is important that you wake up by yourself, not with an alarm clock, and that you measure your heart rate before you start moving around. Once you have a few days of data, average them,…
  • I have the Polar H7, the bluetooth model that syncs to my phone. No watch to wear, and easier to upload my workouts for analysis. May not fit the OP's needs, but I love it. I use it with a few different apps. When I'm running or cycling, I have the app talk to me at regular intervals so I know how the workout is…
  • ^^ This! I use the Bluetooth Polar as well, and the FitBit One. I love being able to sync them to myiPhone. And Fitbits customer service is the best! Looks like they are replacing my lost One! I agree that the fitbit is a motivational tool. I find myself getting on the treadmill right before bedtime to hit some milestone,…
  • Ok, I'll step up! 26 years married. Both of us are here on MFP, losing weight and getting fitter together!
  • Even at home, you are at the mercy of the accuracy of your scale. Unless you have your scale tested and verified on a consistent basis, that is. I always wondered how calorie counts were computated. I'd imagine that multiple samples are taken, and are prepared to recipe. But human error creeps in. Just going to continue…
  • I agree that the HRM is going to give you the most accurate calories burned for most exercise that you do. HRM's don't do a good job with weight lifting or other exercise where your heart rate doesn't stay elevated for extended periods. Regarding the one poster who said her rate regularly shot above her max of 167, I have…
  • I know that not a lot of guys do 30ds, but I'm 10 days in, I've only taken one rest day, just finished level one, moving to two today. I weigh every day, or nearly every day, so I know I will see fluctuations. Since I've started 30ds, I haven't lost any weight, in fact, I've gained about 1/2 pound, but my body fat…
  • The wife and I take the dogs for a walk before dinner. If I'm doing something, I'm not eating!
  • As already posted, unless you do a stress test, you really don't know your max heart rate. I'm 47, so using the basic formula of 220-age, I should be at 173, but I can push to around 180 just in normal workouts. I've not done a Dr supervised stress test, just some of the basic ones you can find by googling it. Point is,…
  • I'm not an uber-geek, so take this idea for what it is worth, but couldn't you just use your smartphone to create a wi-fi hot-spot and sync through it? I love my Aria, but I just use my home network.
  • 21 lbs since January? Great work! Keep it going, I bet you already feel better!
  • Don't flame me, because I'm going to recommend one out of your budget: The Fitbit Aria. Retails around $130, I paid $100 on sale, might find it cheaper on-line. Why I love it: It syncs through wi-fi to, and you can link fitbit and mfp, so you never have to enter weight again. And you can't cheat, it is what it…
  • Well, for me it is wine, with an occasional beer. But, as other posters have already said, you gotta make room for the things you love. If you stop eating/drinking everything you love, when you hit your goal weight, or have a bad day, you are gonna eat/drink those things you have given up! I believe in the "work it off"…
  • My sodium is always high, as well. Try to limit the amount of processed foods and fast food you eat. Lots of my sodium comes from Jimmy Dean Delight breakfasts and from turkey.
  • I'm probably in the minority, but I weigh every day. I weigh in the morning, after using the restroom, before eating. LOL, if I don't like the result, I'll workout throughout the day and re-weigh. Even as a guy, I see my weight fluctuate, sometimes by a pound or more. I know I didn't eat an extra 3500 calories the day…