terrib1980 Member


  • I just had my second baby 8 weeks ago - feel free to add me! I gained 55lbs during pregnancy. I've lost 30 of that but still have 25 to go before I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. I have also been logging 300 calories per day for breastfeeding (just search "breastfeeding" in food).
  • SO TRUE! As a very busy working mom, I was a classic "I have no time" or "I'm too busy" excuse maker. I was also 30lbs overweight, eating like crap and feeling tired and lazy all the time. Ugh! I gave up the excuses 4 months ago and now I'm down 25lbs, eating healthy, working out daily (I do my workouts at home) and…
  • I am 6lbs away from my goal weight of 125lbs, and don't want to lose any lower than that, however I can see that I still have a lot of work to do to get everything tightened up the way I would like. I have been doing Jillian Micheals videos at home every night and they have certainly helped be get on the right track, but I…
  • I'm 5'6" and 33 years old. My SW was 155lbs, CW is 131lbs, GW is 125lbs. As for body shape, I don't know how to describe... but I tend to carry my weight around my middle? I'm not as concerned about the number as I am about the tone and how I feel/look in my clothes. Even though I'm only 6lbs away from my GW, I still have…
  • I do 50% Carbs, 25% Protein, 25% Fat and have been steadily losing weight (including belly weight) over the last 2 months and I'm 9 lbs away from my goal of 125lbs. I do around 189g of carbs daily... so from my perspective, 150g of carbs daily is certainly not too high. Everyone has to do what works for them though :)
  • I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day (just black or sometimes with a Splenda). I don't think it's necessarily "good for weight loss", but it hasn't hurt me at all. I started at 155lbs in February and I'm at 137lbs today.
  • 100% agree.
  • Yep - 10 days for each level is how the video is meant to be done, although I know a lot of people have varied that based on their own ability or confidence with moving up a level. I also have bad knees and, for me, it definitely got better! If my knees did start bothering me, I wouldn't get as deep into the lunges. But…
  • I aim for 50% carbs, 25% fat, 25% protein and I have been losing weight consistently at around 1lb per week for the last couple of months. Carbs are not evil.
  • Definitely a new wardrobe! I'm already starting to put money aside so that I can have a mini shopping spree when the time comes :) And possibly a new tattoo...
  • I was always really thin as a child and into my teens - in fact I was often the skinniest girl in class. It wasn't until I hit 20 that I started having challenges with weight. I gained a fair amount in my early 20's and then lost like 50+ lbs (used Atkins then Herbal Magic) and was down to 122lbs (I'm 5'6") when I got…
  • I didn't know there was a low-sodium version you could buy - just added it to my grocery list! Thanks for your opinions everyone :)
  • I'm on day 25 of the 30 Day Shred. I found the videos on You Tube and did Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days, and now I'm into Level 3. There is a diet plan that accompanies the actual DVD's if you order them but I have been doing my own diet plan. All you need is a mat and a couple of hand weights (I've just been…
  • Okay - so thanks for these links! I found out my BMR is 1450 and my TDEE is 2247. So to start, I am going to increase my daily calorie goal to 1350 plus 150ish for daily exercise for a total of 1500ish calories. If there is still not much visible change (or if I'm gaining) within a week or two, I'll re-evaluate then and…
  • Thanks SO much! I will definitely take a look ! :)
  • Hello from Alberta! :)
  • Been married 3.5 years (together 6.5). Still fairly newly married, but we are in it to win it! Even though there are ups and downs sometimes, we ALWAYS have eachothers backs. We've come so far and been through so much already in these first few years together. I can't wait to see how the rest of our lives play out together…
  • 33 years old 5'6" SW 155lbs CW 148lbs GW 125 lbs I'd like to get back to around 125lbs, but I am focusing on building muscle right now so it's going slowly. In the past when I've lost weight I haven't included much exercise and I think that's been my downfall. Plus having a baby and gaining far too much in pregnancy didn't…
  • Eggs (hard boiled or scrambled), toast and peanut butter, and an orange or oatmeal, yogurt and some berries. Sometimes I'll just do a high fiber cereal and milk with and some bananas in there. Itry to keep it pretty simple because I don't have much time in the morning. We often keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge ready to…
  • I'm a working mom and I completely understand what you mean! I travel a fair amount in my role so I'm often on the move. I bring my own foods with me to work and I stick to eating only what I've brought. I try to pack things I know I can eat on the move or while sitting at my desk getting something done - apples, carrots,…
  • Thanks again to the others that have posted - I think I just needed "permission" to take it easy. I"m stubborn. lol
  • Thanks so much everyone - really appreciate your feedback! I like the the idea of continuing but modifying some of the moves... might try that. I know logically that I should rest the ankle, I guess I've just made it a hard decision because I have been doing so well with these videos. It's taken me a long time to get into…
  • Feel free to add me if you want :) The foods I eat are pretty boring but I don't use powders or shakes etc.
  • I'm definitely average. It's a good thing too - it wouldn't be fair to be this smart, funny and sweet PLUS super good looking. haha :)
  • I just finished day 17 of the 30 Day Shred! I've been logging it as Circuit Training - General at 160 (I used the formula given earlier in this thread). Please feel free to add me anyone! I could use more motivators and more people to motivate! :)
  • I'd say 190ish
  • I just finished my 6th day of the 30 day shred and I'm loving it! I have to talk myself into it every night but after I am done I feel so good! I'm trying to lose 30-ish lbs.