Will adding calories help me see better results?

I've been at this now for a month... I initially lost a few pounds (mostly water weight) but no changes since (actually this morning I was up about a pound). I have been doing the minimum - 1200 calories per day plus eating back my exercise calories (doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred - on day 25!). so I eat about 1350 calories per day. I haven't felt hungry or deprived BUT I keep reading that this may not be enought and I am willing to try anything - so if increasing my calorie intake will help me to see some results, then I'm all for it! It just seems so counter-intuitive but I need to change my thinking that less food = weight loss. I also know that I am gaining muscle which isn't helping the scale to move lower.

I'd love to hear from others who increased their calorie intake and saw better results. I am not expecting things to happen immediately but I would like to be seeing a little more movement downward on the scale! Even small movements!

I'm 33 yrs old, 5'6", 148.5 lbs - goal of 125-130 lbs - how many calories should I be eating? I have no timeline, just want to get there in the healthiest way possible.
