

  • Six years at 1200 calories.. and you suddenly go up 450 calories every day for 3 weeks...... hey, I think anyone would see a change. You might need to re-evaluate and go slower if you want to eat more... or burn those calories off... Good Luck.
  • At 45, it's really about staying healthy for me. I have had my ups and downs my entire life.. but I would like to stick around for my kids, I want to be the great Mom who babysits for her grandchildren - and I want to be healthy enough to run around with them. I also want to regain my good looks. I have said this before...…
  • When I look back at myself.. when I was 160, and then 175, and well, everywhere in between, I remember thinking to myself that I was so fat and I was in reality, pretty darn cute. Today, I am 225 and I wish I could be 175, 160, 150 even. If I am lucky enough to lose all these extra pounds that I am carrying around, I don't…
  • You are such an inspiration. I never would have believed it could be done and you have done it. You look so good. I hope that I can learn from you. Great Job. Theresa
  • My nutritionist recommended Pure (Premier?) Protein from Costco as well. The double chocolate is great.
  • Thank you very much.. That thread is exactly what I needed to confirm my findings. And you are correct as well. I just need to make sure I get more sleep each night. I am awakened by my St. Bernard for a few hours each EARLY morning... he wakes me every single morning at 5 am just to pee and then he wants to play. I don't…
  • I have developed this funny habit of bringing healthy snacks, protein shakes and protein bars with me wherever I go. Salad is always an option... even the fast food places have it. Thank goodness.
  • Photographs? Holy Bananas. You are fantastic... and I'm right on your heels...well, I've lost 10 lbs. I'm going to make it to the 10's. Great Job. Really Great Job. I can't wait to walk into a store and pick anything.... anything off the shelf and try it on. No more fatso polyester clothing for us! Congratulations again.…
  • Baby Weight 101 With my first baby at 9 mos. I was 180 With my second baby at 9 mos I was 200 With my third baby at 9 mos I was 220. Today, I am 225 and 10 lbs lighter than I was a month ago. My youngest is 14. Getting it off now is the best thing you can do. You are doing the right thing by working on the weight now. It…
  • This is very good reading for determining body frame, and optimal weight based on frame size. It gives us something other than BMI to consider. Very Interesting.. has information for both men and women.
  • Your Momma must be very proud of you. That was her right? Great Job.
  • Well of course it put my number above 40. I am thoroughly unhappy with my appearance because I am 75 lbs overweight and I do not want to stay this way. Does this make me dimorphic? Hell no. It makes me aware of my physical appearance and my health and that I need to do something about it. Unhappy does not make me…
  • Honey, I would love to have that belly pooch of yours... LOL I know, we all have our body issues and I understand very well how you feel. My pooch looks like there is a kangaroo in it. Take Care. You will lose it - absolutely.
  • You need a new nutritionist. This statement is absolutely false.
  • Hey, It's me again. I was looking online and there is a correlation between obesity and lack of sleep as well as diabetes and no sleep. Does anyone understand how and why we weigh less in the morning?? And why that is NOT so when we don't get enough sleep? I'd really like to discuss this if we can. Anyone have any ideas?…
  • I agree that you should not have the "go to food" in the house. Keep your cabinets free of garbage food and you wont have it handy to eat. Substitute sugar free gum or something that is tasty and healthy for you. Truth is the sugar is self addicting.. you start it.. it is hard to stop.. same with sugar filled carbs. Keep…
  • :laugh: I'm thinking, I might bring my scale along with me to see my nutritionist next time. I don't know what difference it really makes, other than maybe calibrating my scale to the doctors... if mine said I weighed less and theirs more... I'd be sad.. but the other way... mine saying that I weigh more than I really…
  • Wow you look fantastic. Great Job!
  • With my daughter, I always, always went with her. I still go with her and she's 24. Now we do the girltalk in the bathroom, adjust makeup and chat about the day. Seriously, unless she told me otherwise - I was always with her. She started to go to the restroom on her own, in a public restroom, maybe at 10 or 12. My son is…
  • Years of childbearing - and - years of up and down on the scale have left my body with some "flaws." If I had my choice, I would absolutely get plastic surgery - no ifs, ands, or butts, about it. I need a face lift, a boob job and a tummy tuck. My face is aging so I always look like I have a frown on my face - I so wish I…
  • Use Nopolina. Totally great for constipation and overall wellness - including weight loss - for me. Full of Omega 3's, Flax Seeds and has a touch of senna for the constipation issue.…
  • Skinny Drug for me. Good Luck. T
  • What my physician told me makes absolute sense and I totally agree with him. Your muscles are like rubber bands . If you try stretching them when they are ice cold, they will snap. If you stretch before your workout you are more likely to pull something and it actually causes little micro tears in your muscles. Better to…
  • All breeds are safe when raised appropriately. I have had Saint Bernards my entire adult life. I have had three at a time at one point. Some see this massive breed like the mastiff and fear for their lives. I have raised my animals with gentleness and pure love - never negative punishment always positive reinforcement and…
  • In a pinch - the maybeline green and pink tube does the job just fine. It is NOT expensive and if you layer your coats you will get volume. However, and this is a big however, I use false eyelashes as often a I can. I wear them almost every single day. I love them. Try them with the clear or even better with the black…
  • hey there... If I can offer any encouragement... I have been told that I am allowed to eat 1/3 of a 12" cheese pizza for dinner. It should equal about 400 calories. Lets not forget, the veggies too are not so bad. So, depending on how big those pieces were.. you may be better off than you thought.... Don't be so hard on…
  • In the past (years ago when I was having babies) I was able to lose 40 lbs off of my 5'8 inch frame. Others would notice it after 15 or so lbs... but I could never see it. This time, I've got plenty of pictures to stare at and remind myself why I'm working so hard... LOL Once I get to the healthy weight.. these fatty pics…