wheelsjad Member


  • Best way to improve your time is to sign up for early start time...course gets worse and worse as more waves are released. Sloppy course does make for more fun though, just depends what you are going for. Have fun!
  • apples to oranges...giving both programs maximum effort, P90X will give you better results
  • full reps you can elevate your feet or hands to engage different muscles (think incline decline press). Also put your hands and feet on an elevated areas (boxes, something stable) so you can go past parallel for a deeper pushup
  • I am not really understanding why you are questioning doing another round of any workout....you can have awesome results with either program, elevate your fitness thru one round...then push even harder the next time and see even greater results.
  • google can help you out on this one....I assume you did not buy from BB or did they mess up your shipment??? They have really good customer service there IMO
  • I lost weight consistently throughout the program...What I ate played a huge role in my results. I cleaned up my eating and paid a lot of attention to the macros on the food I consumed, not just the calories. Below is my weight throughout Insanity DATE WEIGHT 12/24/2012 205 1/2/2013 198 1/7/2013 197 1/9/2013 194.4…
  • what kind of workouts are you doing? Try to up the intensity/weight/speed depending on what you are doing. Could be that your body is getting accustomed to a certain level of activity, so continue to challenge it
  • Would it be better if he was monotone the entire time and simple puked out raw science to you? Maybe it would to some. He simply inserted his opinion/personality into a product/video that he made. I am not condemning or condoning what he did, and I am not agreeing or disagreeing with any of it. No one is forcing you to…
  • That is crazy fast to be walking....are you walking outside or on a treadmill? If on a treadmill, are you hanging on to the machine? This will effect the numbers. The best I could find is below Calories per Mile for 160 Pound Person Walking 2.0 mph - 91 2.5 mph - 87 3.0 mph - 85 3.5 mph - 83 4.0 mph - 91 4.5 mph - 102 5.0…
  • You should be dead tired after you workout...it means that you gave it everything you have and you are maximizing the benefit from the time that you just put in. Just go as hard as YOU can and you will be happy with the results. If it wasn't difficult then what would be the point...if I am going to spend 45min working out,…
  • More than double the protein vs carbs as per chobani's website....18g protein, 7g carbs per 6oz
  • Cottage cheese, hardboiled eggs, and greek yogurt
  • the calorie burns on those workouts is extremely dependent on how hard you try...no "canned" solution there...at least not one that's accurate
  • Search and groups...thread below was literally written this morning http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1003120-nrol-for-life?page=1#posts-15355582
  • search for p90x in the groups, there are all kinds of threads and stories there
  • That is their opinion and they are entitled to it...I am sure there are people that think they look great as well. Find encouragement from those comments instead of being discouraged by the people who dislike them if that is the body style/life style you are trying to achieve. Different strokes for different folks
  • I believe you can strengthen the muscles that you already have while eating at a calorie deficit. I also believe you can also remove the fat that hides the muscles while eating at a deficit, giving your muscles a more pronounced look. I believe that most people would have a hard time gaining muscle mass while eating at a…
  • Here are my results from the first time I did INSANITY. My results were pretty linear the whole way thru date wt 12/24/2012 205 1/2/2013 198 1/7/2013 197 1/9/2013 194.4 1/15/2013 192.5 1/22/2013 192 1/28/2013 190.5 2/1/2013 189.2 2/12/2013 187.4 2/13/2013 186.3 2/27/2013 185.4 3/6/2013 184 3/22/2013 183
  • Thanks everyone, I have been more focused on running lately as I have a 1/2 marathon in less than 2 weeks...but I really like the P90x/Insanity Hybrid I was doing Here is an updated pic (hopefully it posts)
  • Here is how my weight changed during insanity (12-24-12 thru 2-27-13 was the program) 12/24/2012 205 1/2/2013 198 1/7/2013 197 1/9/2013 194.4 1/15/2013 192.5 1/22/2013 192 1/28/2013 190.5 2/1/2013 189.2 2/12/2013 187.4 2/13/2013 186.3 2/27/2013 185.4 3/6/2013 184 3/22/2013 183
  • I tried to keep a pretty clean diet during the work day/week...greek yogurt, oats, protein bars, fruit, chicken, shrimp, lean steak, salmon, tuna, cottage cheese, brown rice, quinoa.....etc. I still went out to dinner with my gf occassionally or had a couple beers with friends on weekends, i wanted to be able to do these…