shaheerahs Member


  • It may sound silly to some people, but positive thinking really helps, not only in this situation, but in life in general. Stop dwelling on the negative things or you may very well just talk yourself into giving up. If you stay the course and keep doing the right things the weight will come off.
  • I'd eat them, but maybe not all of them, sometimes mfp is generous with the calories burned and sometimes the nutrition data is a little off depending on who entered it Eat something good with your extra calories, you want to give your body the proper fuel for your next workout and to get you through the day. ;) I'd only…
  • :smile: Everything
  • Is it because he just does not want to eat healthy or because he does not like the taste of the healthy recipes? You can't really make someone eat healthy if they don't want to. The best thing to do that situation is to continue to be supportive and hope that he eventually comes around. If it is because he just does not…
  • Not sure. Is what you're eating high in sodium? Maybe its water weight?
    in how Comment by shaheerahs July 2011
  • I dunno, I don't think I've ever looked in the mirror and been disgusted. We all have things we need to work on, nobody is perfect. You gotta learn to love yourself the way you are. Instead of looking in the mirror and picking out the parts you don't like, pick out the ones you do.
  • Yum-o!:smile:
  • Yes, I love kickboxing!!!:heart: I take classes at the gym, all the trainers where go are actual MMA fighters, which I think is kinda cool. We do lots of different combinations, my favorite is the windmill (jab, cross, right round, cross, jab left round). I also like the "flying knee", although I'm still kinda awkward with…
  • I think when you are really ready to do this you will make the time, whether it means getting up earlier or rearranging your schedule some other way. I'm a single mom of 3, I work, and go to college, but I still make time to go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week
  • Do what works best for you. For me, no I do not have "cheat days", I worked hard to get all the junky stuff out of my system and I'd rather not tempt myself into going back to eating the way I used to.
  • Looks delicious!
  • My advice, know that you are an awesome person and stop worrying about how people might think about you. If someone sees you and thinks something negative that is their problem, do not make it yours. A lot of the time we worry that people are thinking bad things about us when truthfully they are not anyway. Most…
  • I tend to try to give people the before of the doubt, maybe they are just trying to be funny. Have you told them it bothers you?
  • I saw that show the other day and a lady got $ 500 worth of groceries for $25, that seriously hurt my feelings because I so struggle to buy groceries every month around rent time. So, I am trying to start doing this too. If you google extreme couponing there are some ladies from the show that have websites that will help…
  • When you have this big tough guy that has a soft spot in his heart just for you it just makes you feel really special. Its was that way with me anyway.
  • First you have to stop telling yourself you can't! Just push through it, you will be amazed at some of the things that you can do when you put your mind to it. When I started c25k I would get winded after jogging the first few seconds. But I just kept going and I was totally amazed by how much I progressed. It also helps…
  • Fruit, although natural, can raise your blood sugar too, some are especially high in sugar. I am a diabetic and I can't even eat watermelon anymore, it spikes my sugar so bad I fell feel like I'm gonna fall asleep where I stand. Also when I check my blogs sugat after eating a meal with fruit my levels are always higher.
  • Mmmm...all of these sound so good. I'm tempted have some for dinner.:smile:
  • That is strange my allowance has deceased as I have lost weight. I agree with foxxy, check your settings to make sure you didn't also change the amount you want to lose or activity level by mistake.
  • Personally, I'd just forget it too. I don't think most people would make their calories on a day they are not feelng well.
  • This is a popular question, this is the third day in a row I've seen someone ask this. :smile: Even though its natural sugar, its still sugar. Its still going to cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, which I guess is more important for those who are diabetic. In my opinion to much of a good thing is still too much.…
  • Love yourself and know that you are worth it too. You deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else!
    in why??? Comment by shaheerahs May 2011
  • If your husband is abusive you really should get out asap and not look back. I spent many years in an abusive relationship and it was not healthy for me or my kids. My life is 500 times better now that I'm out.
    in why??? Comment by shaheerahs May 2011
  • I use c25k by bluefin software. I'm not sure if it will let you run Pandora in the background, it seems like they might interfere with each other, but it does allow you to create a playlist with the music you have on your phone. I'd send the developer and email and ask, when I emailed him a question about the app before he…
  • Me three! ;) One that knows a lot about diabetic diets.
  • I am a diabetic and I can vouch that eating too much sugar from fruit effects me in the same way as if had too much refined sugar. Even though its natural sugar it still effects your blood sugar, insulin, etc. I'm no nutritionist, but I don't think going over a little because of fruit is that big deal, but if you are going…
  • I'd like to join you! Current weight: 184.4 Goal weight: 144
  • Please don't let this get you down. There are stores that sell cute plus size clothes sometimes you just have to look around a little more. You have accomplished too much to go back to your old ways now.
  • I add it to my oatmeal in the morning.
  • My biggest piece of advice to you would to be stop worrying what other people might think of you. If you want to jog outside then jog outside. Don't let anyone or anything stop you. If someone thinks negatively about you doing what you need to do to better yourself that is totally their problem, don't make it yous as well.…