My partner wont eat healthy!

babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
He eats the same dinner as i do (but will add cheese and sauces) and i make him a healthy breakfast most of the time but the rest of the time he eats crap! here is an example of some of his meals/snacks:

2 store bought meat pies with heaps of cheese, sweet chilli sauce and spices
2 packets hot and spicy or migoreng noodles (2000kj each!)
1 whole continental side dish (2000kj!)

and he adds heaps of margarine and cheese to baked beans on toast and just eats so crap! hes a little overweight and ive tried to help him change becausse he doesnt like being overweight but he doesnt change! please help! he wont stop buying bad foods!


  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    Unfortunately, no one can make the decision to be healthy for us. It sounds like all you can do is lead by example as much as possible. I trust his choices and purchases are not negatively affecting your healthy lifestyle?

    Perhaps if you can't get him to *eat* healthier, you could get him to exercise with you more? Walks, sports in common, etc?
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    you cannot change someone else.
    i've had to accept this.. the hard way... my partner is the same way...and he desperately needs to get healthy/lose weight as he has so many weight related health issues.

    it was a constant battle between us... i finally had to simply give up and accept, if he wants to klll himself with food it is his choice, BUT.. it won't be because i was not setting a good example and not because i was not providing him with heatlhy foods.

    i can only look after 'me'.

    slowly he has started to come around to eating a bit healthier, as he has seen my successes and the way i am changing.
    but i doubt he will ever want to take responsibility for his own health.

  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Sweet girl! You must be young! You can't change a man! Try to show by example and maybe he'll catch on someday. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Well, not to sound cold or not, but there is always going to people around you that are eating unhealthy food. It's one of those temptations you have to face.

    As far as him eating poorly.... it IS his life. Until he is ready to make that step, he won't. With that being said, you could gently break it to him with this picture.

  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    Keep eating healthy and doing what you want to do to better yourself. The best thing that can happen out of that is he will get on the bandwagon with you. Don't pressure him, he has to be ready on his own accord. Just because someone wants to loose weight/or be healthy doesn't mean they are ready to loose weight/or be healthy. A person has to want to commit to themselves and only want to do it for themself. I have the same thing going on at my own home. My husband sits on the couch and watches me do 30day shred, instead of joining up with me. He is overweight and needs to shed about 30-40lbs and he KNOWS it. He wants to loose the weight but he isin't ready to do what it takes. BUT! I know for a fact!!! that when I loose about 20lbs and people are noticing MY progress and he is in the foreground it will affect him. I have been down this road with him before. Men are so different from women when it comes to bodies and health. You do you! He will do him when he is ready. If you push, he will just think you are not happy with him, and he will regress. Now not all may agree with this but I think definatly don't push it. Cook healthy and hopefully he will jump on that train with you. Good luck!
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    Is it because he just does not want to eat healthy or because he does not like the taste of the healthy recipes?

    You can't really make someone eat healthy if they don't want to. The best thing to do that situation is to continue to be supportive and hope that he eventually comes around.

    If it is because he just does not like the taste maybe try making of the Hungry Girl swaps or the recipes on the EatBetterAmerica website, they are usually just healthier versions of fast food dishes and other stuff that is not normally very good for us.
  • Krae79
    Krae79 Posts: 49
    Keep doing what you're doing for yourself! You can't force someone to change that does not want to. They've got to want it for themselves. Hopefully, by seeing you doing what you're doing, he'll want to change for the better himself. I was in the same boat with my hubby, but after seeing me change for the past month, he has now cut back on his eating and is shedding the pounds himself. Good luck, Hang in there :)
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    hey that picture was really classic! I was scrolling down to it right when my husband (who does not generally make healthy choices) looked over at my screen. Good Timing :)
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    Continue to eat healthy, let him worry about what he's doing. Be sure to tell him about your successes and how good it feels. Maybe when he sees the results you are getting he will stop buying the junk food and start eating healthy. But you can't help someone who doesn't want help. If you get onto him about his eating habits he will use that as an excuse to eat. Just like an alcoholic will use his or her's spouse nagging as an excuse to drink. (" You got me so stressed out, I had to drink/eat" ) Food addiction works the same way a drug or alcohol addiction works. Good luck to you
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    thanks guys ill stop trying to pressure him and just encourage him.
    im just worried about him because i know how bad these foods are..