mimieon Member


  • If he wants to sure. I would find it odd and a bit rude though if he would specifically wanted to go through my phone to check on me.
  • Hoo, fun. I had too look some of this up, but I'm gemini with ascendant virgo, both ruled by mercury. I enjoy high intensity interval training, and bodyweight training (such as pilates). But I probably would also enjoy lifting if I didn't dislike gyms so much. And, does that make atrological sense >_>?
  • I use mizuho volleyball shoes for (jillian micheals) HIIT. They are really really awesome - superlight, really stable, really comfy. Imho, it is better to get training shoes/ volleyball shoes rather than running shoes, because they have much better sideward stability, which you definitely use when doing JM dvds. Also, I'd…
  • It subtracts those calories because you are supposed to eat your exercise calories back, because else you may create too large a caloric deficit. If you like to keep it more simple and just eat a fixed number of calories everyday, you may like the 'TDEE method'. More info here:…
  • 'Definitely read the guide to sexypants that was posted earlier. It may help you a lot.
  • Well, you want a deficit from your TDEE - not your BMR. So that may be what is going on.
  • You calories seem too low for you height and weight I was at the same height and weight as you and losing consistently about 1 pound a week on 1500-1600 net calories (I have a deskjob and I ate back about 2/3 of the calories I burned in exercise according to my heartrate monitor). Why not just raise your caloriegoal to…
  • If you are really on such a low calorie diet (not overestimating burn/underestimating intake), and you do lots of exercise, this article may be of interest to you: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/why-big-caloric-deficits-and-lots-of-activity-can-hurt-fat-loss.html
  • You could think about replacing some of your low calorie foods with higher calorie ones (full fat milk instead of almond milk for instance) Other high calorie foods you can add in: dried fruit, nuts, nut butters, avocado Maybe some icecream in your shakes?
  • This seems crazy - so low calorie and almost no protein? It seems very extreme. Go see another dietician, perhaps also an endocrinologist? However, about the previous few months: Have you been weighing everything you eat and drink with a digital scale, and logging it BEFORE you ate it? (so not using eyeball estimations, no…
  • Wow! What a transformation Congratulations, and much luck with the instructor training :D You can do it!
  • No. Just eat your mfp prescribed calorie goal (or TDEE -20%, etc). You probably also want to read this :http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants .
  • Congratulations, thats a huge accomplishment!
  • Are you counting calories, weighing your food? If you are exercising, how are you estimating how many calories you burn? If you are counting calories, can you let us know some of your stats (i.e., Height, weight, age, gender, calorie goals)?
    in I'm stuck Comment by mimieon June 2014
  • If you are losing weight you will also lose muscle. You can however prevent losing (some) muscle by doing strength training while you are losing weight.
  • I really don't see why it's so bad. However, you can do a lot with (butt-targeted) exercise. I'm sure many people will give you good tips in this thread on what kind of exercises you could do. I did find on this forum that women who lift heavy often have amazing butts.
  • 17 lbs. is great! Not "only" 17 lbs. It's a great accomplishment!
  • If you do that much exercise a day, and you need to keep doing so much exercise for your ambitions as a rider, you will need to up your calories way more to compensate for that exercise, as well as for your recovery. Maybe this extreme hunger will settle a bit if you are eating at a calorie surplus consistently so you can…
  • I have been overweight all my life - until last fall when I reached a healthy weight. When I hit the obese mark januari 2013, I was so sick of feeling uncomfortable in my skin, flabby, tired, and depressed. Also, I was getting heart palpitations more frequently, and had a foot injury that I figured wasn't helped (and maybe…
  • You have a great "strong and elegant at the same time" vibe going on in the most recent pictures :) Congratulations with the hard work and your transformation!
  • Are there things you are getting out of being 'fat'? Perhaps there is some reason you are self-sabotaging when you are nearing your goal? Being fat can be like a safety blanket sometimes for certain reasons, it can be a thing that feels like it connects you to friends or family, or perhaps it is just all you know (it was…
  • I'm joining in! However I will alternate days with ripped in 30 to prevent boredom!
  • Can it be that you are scared of failure and you use food to avoid studying (if you don't study then you haven't really tried, so you haven't really failed?)? I notice this behavior in myself sometimes.
  • Congratulations on your accomplishments! You look great :). I would consider focusing more on fitness related goals now, rather than pounds to lose. I think it may help how you feel about yourself and this process. If you want to know where you're at fat-wise, maybe consider having someone take body comp/fat percentage…
  • Have you considered using the power of peer pressure? If she asks to work out, make it a date with her and at least one or two other friends you know will work out. Either she doesn't want to meet up and you have a good time working out with the other friends, or she shows up and you will have some backup if she tries to…
  • I'm 25 years old and from the Netherlands :) Feel free to add me. I've been here pretty much daily for about a year now, and now have many mfpals that have become inactive, so I can use some fresh pals!
  • I felt sad when she walked out. I remember her talking about her competitive swimming before she gained a lot of weight, and trying to find that athlete girl again. She seemed to have found that girl when she ran the triathlon, and she sure looked it at 150 with 19% bf... Then three months and 45 pounds later it seems like…
  • Listen to the other posters, eat enough calories to reach goal. You may like to watch some episodes supersize vs superskinny (on youtube). They explain what happens when you eat too much, ánd what happens if you eat too little.
  • About eating vegetables: maybe you can introduce some extra vegetables by sneaking them in your diets. For instance, add some spinach (or whatever) to a smoothie, it will taste a bit more planty and fresh, but it is still nice. What also works is chop loads of them them up small and add them to stuff, for instance in your…