Lmaxwell Member


  • You keep doing what your thing. Don't take it personal. Some people like to criticize what they can't or choose not to do, mostly because they're scared of failure.
  • Put your daughter in a stroller & go for a walk. It counts as exercise & will familiarize you with the neighborhood.
  • I beat some eggs, salt & pepper together and bake them in a muffin pan. When they're done, I let them cool and I place them in a ziploc bag. Every morning my kids grab one, microwave it & create their own egg sandwich.
  • Get the tattoo, eat well & when you're all healed get back to your workouts.
  • I was working as a telephone operator for a beeper company on Long Island. I received a call & the message I was to type was" A plane just flew into the twin towers." I sent the message out & when I turned to tell my supervisor, almost every other operator said they got a similar call. Soon after that our service went…
  • Me too! I never drank water unless it was to take a pill. I purchased a 32oz water bottle with a built in straw & now I'm refilling it 4-5 times a day. I actually like water now but I especially love the way my skin looks & feels now.
  • I agree with the other poster, you must consult your Dr. I too am the mother of a type 1 diabetic. How old is your child? My son was diagnosed at age 12. It is very challenging to restrict carbs on a child. I think this site might help with logging all the info. You could log blood sugars in the notes portion, but I would…
  • I like to use Goya salad & vegetable seasoning packet. I leave a little water on the lettuce & it creates a delicious dressing
  • My suggestion is that you get a stability ball. It makes sit ups easy, but you really feel it.
  • I have 3 favorites. 2 eggs, spinach & feta omlette with 1 slice of whole wheat toast 2 eggs, salsa & mexican shredded cheese blend with toast 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 egg over easy, slice of cheese on whole grain english muffin.
  • When I first started working out I never sweat. As time went by & I got stronger I was pushing myself harder & finally I started sweating. Now the slightest activity triggers sweat. I never really thought about it but I guess thats my NSV.