Situps hurt Back/Hips

Hello all! I recently started doing sit-ups again, and went to do more today since I am including types of sit-ups in my exercise routine. I had something peculiar happen that hasn't occurred when I did sit-ups before. The lower section of my back, where my hips are (right above my bum), hurts when I lay down on floor, and then hurt when I perform a sit-up where it rubs against the floor. Is there a reason why this is happening? Such as, doing them wrong, incorrect format, insufiencient floor padding? I really enjoy sit-ups, it is one of my favorite exercises to do! I remember reading somewhere about how bad posture can cause this. Ideas? Advice? Input? I'm a little stuck since this was my main focus in my work-out routine - various sit-ups


  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Stability ball!!!

    Sit ups/crunches hurt my tale bone. Since I have been doing them on the ball, I can bust out a good number in almost no time.

    Also, the ball will give you a fuller stretch and more intense crunch.

    Good luck!!
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    If either one are hurting you aren't doing the excercises correctly.

    Look online for correct positions. Also if you want to get a great core ....check out yoga exercises. Good luck!

  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I'd suggest folding a bath towel (or something similar) and putting it under your back so you get a little extra support there, and focus on posture I may be wrong, but I thought your lower back was supposed to be completely flat on the floor when doing situps/crunches...?
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Have you lost weight and maybe it is your tail bone? Try doing them on more padding, or try different ab exercises. Like laying on your back with your legs straight up in air, reach up to touch your toes. Or balance on your butt with your legs lifted and back off of the floor, then twist to touch the floor with both hands, one side at a time.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Are you doing them on a hard floor? Try using a yoga mat or something to make the floor softer. My spine always hurts when I do them but a softer surface always helps
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I have lower back problems and am no longer able or allowed by my doctor to do them. It could be your "form" if your core is weak your back will compensate for it and that is how back pain starts. Be very careful. You might want to research other core exercises you can do that doesn't include sit ups/crunches...there are a lot out there!
  • Lmaxwell
    Lmaxwell Posts: 42 Member
    My suggestion is that you get a stability ball. It makes sit ups easy, but you really feel it.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    It is also very important to make sure your back is flat on the floor.
    I know it sounds lame, but I was once told to do the "flashlight" test and if there is light passing at all from btwn the floor and your back then you're doing them wrong.
  • StarCass
    StarCass Posts: 11
    That's the first I've heard of a flash light test, that is a good one! Thanks to every one who commented, there is a lot of information I learned! I will look into a stability ball, that didn't even cross my mind. I did think about folding a towel/blanket to lay on for extra support but I wondered if that would give me an extra boost in my exercise or not. I will look into different core exercises, if it is because my core is weak I should look into strengths for it before working it out! I didn't really realize that yoga helped out with actual core exercise, I thought it was more for mind and soul. I will look into that, I just downloaded an app that is full of work outs and yoga exercises so hopefully I can learn from that. I saw that they more exercises like the plank and leg lifts. Is there a good resource out there for yoga/core strength?