kmma75 Member


  • Wow what a difference 22 lbs makes!!! Good work girl! Sorry to hear about your back and the break in...let's hope karma pays those thugs back HUGE! Keep doing what you are doing, you are on the right track!
  • Eggs and Oats!!!! Seriously!!! I just did a cleanse that limited me many of the foods I like. So every morning I ate this. I mixed 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened apple sauce, 1/2 cup of oats, added some sliced almonds and cinnamon and you turn it into a pancake. Top with more apple sauce or fruit. You can…
  • I love mine with tomato, cucumber, red pepper, avocado and fresh ground pepper. It is one of my go to lunches I pack for work. I like all the above suggestions too!
  • Hey I did the 30DS and use it as my workout a few days a week, just got 6Week 6Pack and am waiting for Ripped in 30. I like her workouts. It will seem hard at first, but after a few days, you will find yourself getting stronger and it does get easier. I only do Level 3 now when I use the workout. Yes you need weights, mat…
  • I just ordered it last week,along with Ripped in 30. I did the 30DS in April and use it as my main workout at home. I don't have a lot of time either and find it is perfect for me and my life. That being said I need variety and I really do like Jillian's style of workout. I am hoping the 6W6Pack will come sometime this…
  • will add you!
  • will add you!
  • ooh can't wait to give these a try...I LOVE pancakes!!
  • I did the 30 Day Shred for a whole month, switched up a level every 10 days and still do the workout 2-3 times a week. It is hard and I still struggle at times to keep up. I also found I liked aspects of Level 2 and 3 better than Level 1. Just do your best and you will find yourself getting stronger the longer you stick to…
  • I agree with everyone. I check out the Success Stories every so often, the stories and pictures are such great motivation. Add some friends on here too. They can help keep you motivated and celebrate your successes along the way. I don't have time, (more like freedom LOL) to go to the gym, so my exercise is mainly Jillian…
  • Me too! Do I dare ask what our foods to avoid are?
  • I agree, if you can get yourself one, it is the most accurate. I now use mine for everything I do, where I was using MFP calculations, which I found calculated too high. For now log it as circuit training, it is pretty close for that one.
  • HI everyone! I just finished the 30 Day Challenge for the month of March well yesterday. I missed 4 days throughout the month and had to tag them on to the beginning of April. I am at a plateau at the moment in my weight loss. My original goal was 10 pounds, but it came off so quick that I decided for 10 more in an attempt…
  • No one posting results? Anyways my overall results were: 1 pound lost 1 inch off my bust, hips, thighs. 1.5 inches off my waist and belly. I am going to keep going for 30 more days in hopes of more toning..
  • I missed Monday and Tuesday, so as of tonight I have finished Level 3 Day 6. I will post results on Monday which will officially be the end of the 30 days. I am going to continue on with it though, because I know I still need more shredding :laugh:
  • So I decided to have a bowl of frozen yogurt tonight, and thought I should do 2 levels of the Shred. I started with Level 1 and skipped to Level 3. This was my 4th day of Level 3. Anyways when I first started, Level 1 was killer to me, but when I did it tonight, I could not believe how far I had come along endurance wise!…
  • Ha ha, I work for Starbucks too! I totally feel your pain. I totally gave up the food in January, then they go and roll out the petites...The apple fritters are to die for. Anyways enough about that. What I have done is whenever I crave anything..I look at the nutritional info and its enough to keep me away. I bring my own…
  • L3 D2 Ok now that I have the moves down, I burned 277 tonight! Um rock star jumps definitely need some work on those....
  • L3 D1 Wow! Had a hard time keeping up with them in some areas, but those of you who are on Level 1 or 2, its not that bad...I burned less calories tonight ( 245) than I did on Level 1 or 2...I will wear a HRM again tomorrow, now that I have an idea of what moves are coming and how to do them.
  • Log it as circuit training. I wore a heart rate monitor and it showed I burned 246 for level 1 and 304 for level 2.
  • I just finished L2 tonight and start L3 tomorrow. I am doing a preview right now....looks intense, but looking forward to it!
  • Day 16 Day 6 Level 2. Man those cheer squats are killer to me! Boy do I ever feel really good after it is all over though. I weighed and measured after day 10 and was 1 lb down and lost 1/2 " on chest, waist, hips. I took pictures too, but I couldn't really see a difference. I will do the same again after my 10 days are up…
  • Those of you who have taken a day off, do you add one day to the 30 then? I don' t think I will have any time to get it done tomorrow. Busy morning with the kids and then I have to work until 11PM and then be back the next day at 9AM...darn work gets in the way LOL :laugh:
  • Starting Level 2 tonight, good luck to those doing the same!!
  • Day 9, one more day on Level 1 and on to Level 2....:indifferent:
  • I can see how that might happen. For me I ride my bike to and from work (only 30 minutes in total) and do the Shred after the kids are in bed, so sometimes it takes all my energy just to make it through, BUT yesterday I had the opportunity to do the Shred before I went to work and was energized and probably could have done…
  • BC here! Richmond :happy:
  • Hello and welcome. I am from BC. I am fairly new to MFP and just discovering the Community part of it. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have only one so far....:smile:
  • Day 5 L1 Done! I think I am getting better :happy: