MARCH 2011 - 30 Day Shred who's in?



  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    I am on day 4 right now and feeling great! I use 1.5 kg weights in each hand...I find I burn more in the morning then I do if I do it at night (i guess i have more energy then!) I got my first weigh in a measurements on monday I will let you know, it was my TOM this week (sorry for the TMI) but I found ti helped with cramps and stuff with that hopefully my weight will be lower cause I always carry more at the beginning of my cycle
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Does anybody else think level 2 is easier than level one?
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Advice please! I'm due to do day 3 (level 1) this evening. Whatever muscle it is you work when doing press-ups are killing me. I can barely lift my arms. So I'm thinking I'll do some extra sit-ups or something in place of the press-ups. I should be OK to do the other arm exercises. Is this sensible? My calves are also aching but I figure that sort of thing you should just work through. What do you think? I don't want to be wimping out at this early stage!

    go to level two it will work different muscles. (I personally think it's easier than level one). Then when your muscles feel better return to level one ...

    Advice for CharlieJuliette
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Advice please! I'm due to do day 3 (level 1) this evening. Whatever muscle it is you work when doing press-ups are killing me. I can barely lift my arms. So I'm thinking I'll do some extra sit-ups or something in place of the press-ups. I should be OK to do the other arm exercises. Is this sensible? My calves are also aching but I figure that sort of thing you should just work through. What do you think? I don't want to be wimping out at this early stage!

    go to level two it will work different muscles. (I personally think it's easier than level one). Then when your muscles feel better return to level one ...

    Advice for CharlieJuliette

    Thank you - I'll try that.
  • leasalin
    leasalin Posts: 10 Member
    Just checking in with everyone and getting caught up on how this group is doing. I found D2L1 to be a bit easier for me. Not sure if I just didnt push as hard or if the initial shock of getting my heart rate up there is over. LOL! I have been doing my workouts at night, and tonight will be late due to soccer practice for my girls, but wanting to switch to mornings. Evenings are just to crazy with kids.
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    @ CharlieJuliette The same thing happened to me when I started but if you can stick with it. I was in pain until around day 6 and now im on day 8 I dont feel a thing. The first days are brutal!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I'm in! Day 1 / Level this morning! Hopefully this will push me past my 4 week long plateau. I also have an 8K to run in April, so I need get my miles in as well.
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    I did day 3 last night .. I've been using a heart rate monitor and it showed that I burned less calories than I had the first two days (260/260/216) and I upped my handweights for a couple of the exercises. It does get easier as the days pass, there's the proof! I'm so glad we're doing this. I was such a couch potato.
  • ronnieabc
    ronnieabc Posts: 23
    My suggestion is to still do the workout but do it with out the weights on those for a day! Or grab 2 cans of soup out of your kitchen as they are lighter. As for the pushups if you can't do them on the floor for a day do them against the wall! Still works those muscles but takes your weight off the joints and muscles for a day. Good luck and keep doing what YOU can DO!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Day 5 level 1 for me today , and I made it all through the cardio without stopping! Only do it every other day though.
  • ronnieabc
    ronnieabc Posts: 23
    Just finished my D5L1 and thanks to this wonderful sinus infection was my hardest day to make it through the cardio part! I am loving this workout though. I really feel like I accomplished something when I am done. I am doing another 40 or so minutes of various workouts besides this. Can't wait to see everyones results at the end of the month! Keep going everyone.......

    If you believe you can you will. If you don't think you can you won't. Clear your mind of can't....
  • sunshinel397
    sunshinel397 Posts: 206 Member
    Day 3...getting a little easier but still so sore!
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    Level 1 done! I definately see a difference and i finally got pass my plateau and lost 1.10lbs!!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi Everyone...sorry to ditch my commitment for 30 Day Shredd...

    I did Sunday and Monday, after that I did my Treadmill on Tuesday, thursday, friday morning and I couldn't do 30 DS (evening) due to long work hours (I know no excuse) by the time I get home, it was late and my body was tired....
    But this morning, i did my 30 day shredd instead of treadmill for 45 minutes by repeating the steps few times...and It felt great...

    So literally today is my Day 3 Level 1 (::sad: :sad: :sad:

    I will try to do it again later in the afternoon for 25 minutes so I can catch up....
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Level 1 done! I definately see a difference and i finally got pass my plateau and lost 1.10lbs!!

  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 3 comleted for me. I know there are always questions about the best wau=y to do the 30DS. There is si=ome info on
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 5 L1 Done! I think I am getting better :happy:
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    D1L2 - I think I prefer the exercises on this level but its still as tough!
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Today I'll be doing Day 6 Level 1. I had planned to do 30 days straight (realizing that this might be too lofty a goal) but I had to miss yesterday as we had company the first half of the day and were out the other half of the day. Disappointing but I'm hopping back in the saddle today! I stepped on the scale this morn and had gone up a couple pounds which is also disappointing but I knew to expect it. I always gain a few when I start a new gym workout. I can't remember which thread on MFP I found this site on but for those of you noticing a water weight gain it's a good article to read to keep you motivated to continue! I don't think it was this thread, sorry if it was!!! (sorry I can't seem to get it to hyperlink)
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    finally finished day 7 :) Got the fiance involved in one day phew I did not feel bad for not being able to do it all the first day now. He has a labor intensive job and still couldn't complete all the way. However, now he is going to do it with me :)
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