MARCH 2011 - 30 Day Shred who's in?



  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Day 7 of Level 1 ---- I did my 30 DS early this morning for 25 min so I can get this out of the way... After work, if I still have energy will do again and my try to hop on my treadmill for a quick 20 min walk...
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Day 7 of Level 1 ---- I did my 30 DS early this morning for 25 min so I can get this out of the way... After work, if I still have energy will do again and my try to hop on my treadmill for a quick 20 min walk...

    Sorry, mistyped.....mine should be day 5
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    LOL....I did Jillian Michael 30 day shredded twice...this morning (30 min) and this evening (25 min)...
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    Just finished Day 7 Level 1. I'm sore in the morning but I haven't noticed any differences yet.
  • ronnieabc
    ronnieabc Posts: 23
    Finished D7L1 and loving it! It is still hard as heck but I love all the different muscles it works! I have a sinus infections (still) so the cardio is the hardest to get through. I am able to make it through the rest easier now however! Is there anyone else who is scared to even see level 2? I am! I am leaving on vacation for 4 days this Thursday and won't get this in but there will be tons of walking so taking my pedometer and have to have 10,000 steps each day! I will pick up where I left off when I get back. Hope it doesn't set me back to much!

    I have gotten 2 other friends to join me on this challenge and we all agree it is HARD but ohhhh so worth it so far. Can't wait to see the results in 21 more days.... well 25 for me. I will get it done.

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there! Keep going even if your mind starts to tell you that you can't. I am telling you Jillian hits me right on the head with what she says everytime I am getting so tired I "think" I want to quite she says something like (I know you think your going to die but keep going) I talk back to the video at this point as I am so there but it sees me through. Thanks for setting up this challenge it is exactly what I need.
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    D3L2 - in soooo much pain today....i want to give up!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    D3L2 - in soooo much pain today....i want to give up!

    Don't give up! I just completed day 6 L1 today and it does get better. You'll be amazed at how much more you can do in a few days if you keep at it.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    D8L1 done! Really surprised that all of a sudden I could do the press ups (modified version)!
  • barbhuddleston
    This is just my 2nd day and I will be doing it this evening....Oh my Lord...I thought I was going to die -during and after yesterday morning! Something that in 20 min can make you feel that way has to be doing something!! lol
    Looking forward to day 30 to see what changes take place!!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Day 6 - I did Level 2 this morning...I am so sore and did not even finish the Circuit 3 completely ....

    I think my body is not ready for level 2 yet so will go back to level 1 to build endurance and strength....I may start level 2 next monday..
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    Oooh, I hope I can get in on this thread with all of you! I am on L1D4 today. I use 3 pounds weights. I am alternating with C25K as well, just started wk 3 day 1 on that. I did take my measurements and was thinking of checking them every two weeks to see my progress. I so need to be "Shredded"!!
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    @dshalbert Thanks! Today was much better. D4L2 done
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    So I have started doing level one in the morning and level two in the evening.

    I was wondering if anybody else if finding themselves after doing so many days in a row wanting a more extreme workout?
  • ronnieabc
    ronnieabc Posts: 23
    :smokin: I am done with D8L1 but am leaving on vacation tomorrow and won't be back till Sunday! will get lots of walking in but am afraid I will have to do level one again for a while after taking 4 day off from doing it. We will see. Taking my pedometer so I get 10,000 steps minimum. Not the same as getting my heart rate up like that though. Better than nothing.

    I did reach my goal of getting to ONEderland before I left so very happy about that today this Weigh in Wednesday! Yahooo. Porgress feels so good. I will see how you are all doing when I get back. Keep going!

    I have to admit I haven't looked at it but level 1 is still kicking my butt on the cardio part (for some darn reason) so moving on to level 2 scares me. lol... I will overcome this fear. I will succeed.

    see you all in 4 days.
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    So I have started doing level one in the morning and level two in the evening.

    I was wondering if anybody else if finding themselves after doing so many days in a row wanting a more extreme workout?

    I can see how that might happen. For me I ride my bike to and from work (only 30 minutes in total) and do the Shred after the kids are in bed, so sometimes it takes all my energy just to make it through, BUT yesterday I had the opportunity to do the Shred before I went to work and was energized and probably could have done it later when I got home from work..
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 9, one more day on Level 1 and on to Level 2....:indifferent:
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Life on the 30DS is such an adventure - I never know which muscle will be aching from one day to the next! :laugh:
  • dustflyin
    dustflyin Posts: 12
    today will be day 3 level 1 for me, and my legs are killing me! gotta push through...
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I was doing good with it for about the first 6 days or so but 2 nights ago I was really full still by nightime (I usually do it before going to bed), and I felt like I was going to be sick, so I stopped. Last night I was out late and didn't get home til way after I usually go to sleep, so I didn't do it, now tonite will be the same as last night most likely. Three days without it :/ I hope I can get back into it again when I get some time!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    @dshalbert Thanks! Today was much better. D4L2 done
