nickscutie Member


  • Yeah, I definitely did not want to worry you unnecessarily! Just wanted to share my own experience, I freaked myself out for a quick minute too. Sometimes WedMD is not a good thing. Loss of balance seems like such a common ailment that could be caused by a variety of non serious things. And of course there is a lot of…
  • The same thing happens to me, usually in clusters, with no rhyme or reason, and when I wake up I am drenched but I do not feel hot or flustered or anything like that. I sleep with nothing on, and keep my house nice and chilly at night. So weird. I am very far from menopause, but I believe it has something to do with…
  • hard boiled eggs? Breakfast cereal? Split pea soup (sans the ham, if you must :) or lentil soup? I agree with wolfchild on the dried fruit and protein bars. You could also make your own cereal/snack bars or protein bars. I just made some snack bars with oats, puffed rice, dried fruit, and nuts - the binder was PB and…
  • If you have posted here and are of the opinion that corporations have no responsibility for the products that they put out (because they are only in business to make money and that is all they should have to worry about), then do you also believe that big tobacco should be allowed to advertise when and wherever they want,…
  • The number one health issue in this country is obesity. I don't see how the food service industry has ZERO blame for that. They don't have all the blame, but it is also not none. Obviously, people have the ability to use their brains and make their own choices. (albeit, some people's brains and decision making abilities…
  • hahaha, this made me laugh so much.
  • brush my teeth, works like a charm.
  • eh, live a little. There are worse things to eat than a beaver anal gland. I bet it is a delicacy somewhere :)
  • I personally like various flavors of the below products Clif Builder Bars Kind bars Clif Kit's organic fruit and nut bar Pure organic fruit and nut bar Kashi chewy granola bars Nature Valley Protein chewy bars Clif mojo bars Gnu fiber bars - cinnamon raisin is best IMO The Good Bean fruit and no nut bar (find them at Whole…
  • I have to disagree entirely with your statement to NEVER have a glazed doughnut: A Krispy Kreme original glazed has 190 calories and a glazed cinnamon has 200 calories.
  • Ellie Krieger.
  • oh and also, beware of the employees who fit you at the running stores. I did get fitted (with treadmill video taping and fancy software and everything) for brand new shoes about 2 months before my stress fracture. Fast forward a few months later and my physical therapist told me she never would have put me in the shoes…
  • Just be careful. I ran through shin splits and ended up with a stress fracture, from Jan- July of this year no running (or anything) at all. (not to mention the terrible walking cast for 6 weeks and endless physical therapy). Now I can only do 1-2 runs/week, if I am lucky, without having pain, and have to stick to the…
  • Well, I personally try not to eat more than 2 tablespoons in a day. If you are eating one jar per week, that is a pound of PB every 7 days, and 1/4 cup or 4 tablespoons per day. That is probably still okay, as long as you are alright with the amount of fat in it, but I would not eat more than that in one day. Thinking…
  • WHAT!?!?! This is so exciting. First up will have to be a draught Brooklyn IPA.
  • the uncracked eggs last much longer than a cracked egg. Cracked egg whites in the fridge are likely only good for a few days. I would freeze the opened egg whites in ice cube trays or something else that makes sense for you as far as portions. Once they are frozen you can combine them all in a tupperware of freezer bag to…
  • Of course - that's why I like it :)
  • ps - I love your MFP name ;)
  • icy cold all the way!
  • We just found some 97% fat free canadian bacon made by Jones Dairy Farm there this weekend. It is about 20 calories per slice and is delicious. I froze them individually wrapped in plastic wrap and take them out as needed. They were in the open top cold cases. Have fun:)
  • Yes, you should count the calories in the milk.
    in Oatmeal Comment by nickscutie June 2012
  • My husband's gastroenterologist had him take these liver detox pills when he had some tests come back that his liver was fatty. They are hard to find though, they only sell Pharmanex products at select…
  • tropicana apple & eve anything that says 100% juice is fine, with no other ingredients. Personally I'd rather have a piece of whole fruit than fruit juice. I find it to be more satisfying for less calories. You lose a lot of the fiber when the fruit is juiced. Maybe try buying some oranges instead, now is the season.
  • This is also really tasty and is a nice change from my normal steaming of veggies:
  • apples baby carrots bananas yogurt rotisserie chicken for breakfast/lunch sandwiches part skim cheese sticks tzatziki sauce pepperidge farm whole wheat cinnamon raisin swirl bread chunky natural peanut butter mini 100 calorie bags of popcorn dried fruit and nuts to make my own trail mixes In my freezer I always have…
  • I don't concern myself with carbs, low carb, no carb, whatever, but i think this is called net carbs or something like that. Fiber is a good carb that you need/want and should not cut out of your diet or severely limit, so it does not count towards your carb allowance for the day on some diets...that is my guess.
  • This is my house salad dressing that I make all the time. It has some olive oil, but most of the liquid is acid so it keeps the calories down but still has some body. For me, a serving of this is 2T: 2T olive oil 4T white wine vinegar 2T lemon juice 1T Dijon mustard 1T honey 1 large shallot, very finely chopped (you could…
  • just pick your favorite dried fruits and nuts and make your own in little snack baggies. I like to make my own combos with almonds, peanuts, macadamias, cashews, dried sour cherries, dried pineapple and raisins. I make various combos with the above and make them different calorie counts so I have some options based on what…