Donuts? Best choices you can make!

I have researched donuts a lot and here are my findings! I know for me anyway that I am often put in a situation where there are donuts! My Mom often picks them up for me and my sisters. Also, I'm sure a coworker might bring donuts in or maybe you want a breakfast and only a donut shop is close! In addition, you could just want to enjoy a donut because everyone deserves a treat! When in these situations, you probably want a delicious but lowest calorie donut. Just because you treat yourself doesn't mean you have to completely risk your diet efforts! So, I thought some of you would like to read this. :)

NEVER have bear-claws. For some reason, these are the highest calorie donuts around!
NEVER have a donut that is glazed and topped with cinnamon. This includes the standard donut as well as the twist variety and glazed cinnamon rolls!
Okay. So, what can you have? Here are the lowest calorie choices! (in order from best choices to good choices) All are less than 300 calories. Also, always limit yourself to just one donut!
French cruller- less than 200 calories!
Sugar coated plain donut
Sugar coated twist variety
Chocolate (cake) donut without icing
White frosted donut with coconut topping
Lemon or jelly filled
Old fashioned plain cake donut
Bavarian cream aka powdered with white cream filling (not custard!)
Apple fritter
Any donuts I never covered are somewhere in between 300-500 calories.
If you are confused about my descriptions, you can easily google image them! This list should hep you choose the best donut when a variety box is offered to you or when you are at the donut shop deciding! I hope I helped. :)
I just hope I don't get hate for advertising donuts on a dieting website. LOL
But, donuts aren't THAT bad, especially since everyone deserves a treat once in awhile. :)


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    some how I feel less guilty when I only eat the holes
  • I had an apple fritter from starbucks and the thing listed at something like 450 calories.
  • Just_Jon
    Just_Jon Posts: 108 Member
    If I were going to have 200 empty calories, I'd be eating chocolate, not donuts. Just sayin'.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Depends on where they're made and how they're made.

    I love Mojo Monkey Donuts here in Minnesota. Mm. <3
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    The fritters from Caribou Coffee are around 500 or 550!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    This is why I always keep bacon on hand...
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The only donuts I care for are the kind that are chocolate covered, custard filled. The Boston Creme donuts. When they bring donuts into work they know not to get any of these kind and I won't be tempted to grab any.
  • Thank you for the post in general, very helpful but...
    NEVER have bear-claws. For some reason, these are the highest calorie donuts around!
    yummy almondy, cinnamon, glazed goodness :sad:

    I haven't had a donut in sooooo long, so for me, I would definitely splurge on the goodness :heart:
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    This is why I always keep bacon on hand...

  • This is why I always keep bacon on hand...
    Bacon bit donut with a yummy brown sugar or maple there's an idea lol
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    gosh darnit now i want a caramel high rise from Caribou ..... good thing we dont have have CC in AZ
  • Ruthy420
    Ruthy420 Posts: 41 Member
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Mmm - that list actually made my day! My all-time favorite donuts are French Crullers! (Followed by plain old-fashioned...) Fortunately, I've never been a fan of glaze or frosting.
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I LOVE Coconut cream filled donuts! They are what I get when my husband decided to go to the store early on Saturday morning and get donuts as well as other foods. I have 1 and only 1 and honestly, I don't feel guilty about it at all. I know that eating this is not going to help me loose weight.....but I'm not eating a donut to help me loose weight. I'm eating a donut because it tastes so damn good! People need to realize that NO, you are NOT going to loose weight if you have donuts on your daily diary. But if you splerge once in a while and eat a's not going to kill you! People need to realize that you can have a donut, but you can't have the donut for breakfast, Mcy D's for lunch, pizza for dinner and expect to loose. Ok, rant over!!!!

    Ps. GO BACON! :laugh:
  • Snoopaloop63
    Snoopaloop63 Posts: 18 Member
    We have Voodoo Doughnuts in my town, very hard to resist but I haven't been there in over 6 months! Thanks for the great info!
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    I have to disagree entirely with your statement to NEVER have a glazed doughnut:

    A Krispy Kreme original glazed has 190 calories and a glazed cinnamon has 200 calories. Template updated 07-10-2012.pdf
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member

    A Krispy Kreme original glazed has 190 calories

    Fresh off the line. Hot and melt in your mouth. The best 190 cals ever! I miss my Krispy Kreme's, it's been a long time.