Food while marathon training

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
I am doing a half marathon in 3 weeks and hoping to do a full one next year, so am in full training mode atm, but I am really struggling to eat enough. I feel like the more I run, the less I want to eat, and I am making myself sick forcing in calories, and still miles off target. I normally hate these "I can't eat 1200 cals!" type posts, but I have been maintaining for a year now, I don't want to lose any weight, I just want to get fitter.

Does anyone have any calorie dense, non-sick inducing, healthy food ideas? I am allergic to peanuts and don't like other nut butters so that's out. I am also vegetarian. Help me!


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Being allergic to nuts and a vegetarian took away a far number of things I ate while training for my half marathons. But maybe you could look into some nutrition bars. Since you're training for long distance running you don't have to worry too much about carbs that are in most of them since those will just be beneficial anyway. But bars tend to be pretty calorie dense (200-300 calories for just a couple of ounces of food) so they can help you fill your daily calories.

    I tried to not depend on them as a constant go-to, but I did keep a variety handy in case the day just got away from me and I needed some quick calories to keep me going.

    Also things like avocados and dried fruit are calorie dense as well. I would also do stuff like add chia seeds to my yogurt or oatmeal to help boost the calories as well.

    And have you tried sunflower butter? It's similar to peanut or almond butter in taste and calories but is just the seeds, no nuts.

    Ummm...everything else I eat that higher in calories starts getting into meat and nuts. The only other thing I can think of would be cheese. With an ounce of cheese being between 70-120 calories that can be a great way to add yummy calories through the day. But I'm not sure if you do dairy. (I know you didn't say vegan, but I have some veggie friends that keep dairy out or low).

    Good luck on your training and your races!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Being allergic to nuts and a vegetarian took away a far number of things I ate while training for my half marathons. But maybe you could look into some nutrition bars. Since you're training for long distance running you don't have to worry too much about carbs that are in most of them since those will just be beneficial anyway. But bars tend to be pretty calorie dense (200-300 calories for just a couple of ounces of food) so they can help you fill your daily calories.

    I tried to not depend on them as a constant go-to, but I did keep a variety handy in case the day just got away from me and I needed some quick calories to keep me going.

    Also things like avocados and dried fruit are calorie dense as well. I would also do stuff like add chia seeds to my yogurt or oatmeal to help boost the calories as well.

    And have you tried sunflower butter? It's similar to peanut or almond butter in taste and calories but is just the seeds, no nuts.

    Ummm...everything else I eat that higher in calories starts getting into meat and nuts. The only other thing I can think of would be cheese. With an ounce of cheese being between 70-120 calories that can be a great way to add yummy calories through the day. But I'm not sure if you do dairy. (I know you didn't say vegan, but I have some veggie friends that keep dairy out or low).

    Good luck on your training and your races!

    I do eat cheese, and at the moment that is where I am getting a large proportion of my calories, I just worry about the fat. I think I might have to do the post exercise shake thing for the next few weeks. I don't really like them, but I don't want my training to suffer.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    hard boiled eggs? Breakfast cereal? Split pea soup (sans the ham, if you must :) or lentil soup?

    I agree with wolfchild on the dried fruit and protein bars. You could also make your own cereal/snack bars or protein bars. I just made some snack bars with oats, puffed rice, dried fruit, and nuts - the binder was PB and honey, but I am sure you can find recipes that will work for you. They were yummy and calorie dense for a good snack for my rock climber husband.

    How about making a batch of veggie burgers, mushroom burgers or bean and rice burgers - you can freeze them and eat them when you need to.

    That's all I can think of right now. GL with your marathons.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Start using more oils to cook with, choose dense carbs like brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Add in a lot of lentils (I've got a great recipe for roasted chickpeas - better than potato chips!!). I also agree about nutrition bards - I like the Luna Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter (not sure if it's ok for a vegetarian or not....haven't really read the label).

    I trained for a half marathon this summer, so I can say that eating a lot of carbs and fats shouldn't be a problem for you. Besides, you need them for energy and organ function. Even more so when you are pushing your body to perform at 8-13 miles!

    Food is fuel - especially if you are striving for peak fitness and performance.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Props to you for realizing its important to fuel your body! I've had friends that came out of marathons looking anorexic and losing their periods because they had a similar loss of appetite. Great idea to figure out how to get enough in now!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Protein shakes/bananas/gel drinks for when you are running?

    My hubby has done a few ironman comps and these are all the things that he has, as well as other things.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Protein shakes/bananas/gel drinks for when you are running?

    My hubby has done a few ironman comps and these are all the things that he has, as well as other things.

    I can't do the energy drinks/gels thing, they all give me gut problems, which you can't afford when running for 2 hours!

    I am having my first rest day in a while today so am stocking up on suitable food. Thanks for all the suggestions!