

  • I'm going through that today! My legs are sore from working out for a good 7 days now and I had to take a day. To me it almost feels like I didn't eat well, just that disappointment haha. But I kept in mind I will workout tomorrow and it's okay I didn't eat bad so that's all that counts! I totally get that feeling though,…
  • My homecoming dress! Though it doesn't fit me, hmmm maybe someday! I still can't part with it. It just reminds me of high school and that night getting ready and having to shop for it. :) it as some good memories of my first dance in HS. Also I have this dress I bought a long time ago that's strapless. I haven't had the…
  • Oh my god thank you SO much for posting this!! I had no idea they did!! I hate buying exercise dvds especially if I've never tried them out and I end up not liking them or something. Thanks!!! :D Finally can have some other workout options!
  • When I went to Red Robin for my birthday a year or so ago. This was before I joined the site. I had a cheeseburger there for about 900 calories OMG! I ABOUT DIED when I found that out. Never again will I eat that. That wasn't including soda and some fries I had. That was the biggest shock ever!
  • My morning tea with normal sugar and half and half. It's the one thing I love and won't give up haha. Have to have my tea!
  • That is so rude! I could never, ever imagine saying that to someone. Some people have no manners. I would turn and smile and say "Oh, I didn't realize you were a dietitian. Where did you get certified?" and of course they will probably be like "uhh I'm not" then you reply "Oh that's too bad, I was hoping for a professional…
  • I'm afraid of: *Deep water *Heights (only if it's windy) *Flying *Bugs in general, except butterflies I can handle those haha *Needles *Small spaces I think that's about it haha! :tongue:
  • I haven't fallen as bad as that, I was just in the zone and didn't see this piece of concrete busting up so I tripped over it. So when I fell I just kind of landed in a lunge position. But my left knee was touching the ground. I went down in an awkward way haha like woooaahhh kind of arm movements LOL. I did this in front…
  • It's really probably all of the toxins in your body. Going from drinking little water to more can cause you to have a stomach ache. The only thing I can think of for you skin is your body is trying to get rid of toxins and it may be doing that through your skin. Kind of like how sweat will cool your body off. And when you…
  • I'll give it a go! :D Need to lose around 50 pounds but 30 will get me really close!
  • Flo Rida-club can't handle me Rhianna-only girl in the world, pon da replay, disturbia The ting tings-Shut up and let me go My chemical romance-I'm not okay 30 seconds to mars (Anything from them, I LOVE them haha but I'd say the kill and attack.) La Roux- bulletproof, tigerlily Cobra Starship-guilty pleasure, snakes on…
  • Lemon Meringue Pie! :D yumm!
  • This is the couch to 5k plan! It builds you up to running a 5k with walking first then adding small amounts of running. Then each week you build up your skill! :)
  • I'm now 170! 3 pounds lost, this week was really shot haha didn't workout as much as I would have wanted. But 3 pounds is 3 pounds
  • Club can't handle me by Flo Rida! That song has a beat like no other haha. Only Girl in the World by Rihanna Dog days are over by Florence + the machine Through with you by Maroon 5 I have a playlist on my blog with the songs I listen to
  • Okay everyone, this is the new blog! If everyone can subscribe that would be great. It will make it easier for everyone to communicate with each other! The official blog:
  • I loveeee turbo jam! I'll join! My start weight is 173. I started turbo on monday and as of today I am 172.5! Woo!
  • I loveeee turbo jam! I'll join! My start weight is 173. I started turbo on monday and as of today I am 172.5! Woo!
  • I loveeee turbo jam! I'll join! My start weight is 173. I started turbo on monday and as of today I am 172.5! Woo!
  • Here is my blog! I just posted a post with a playlist of some of my favs! :D
  • If your in the mood for something sweet, I love dark chocolate! I melt half a bar and take strawberry's and dip them. It tastes so good after a week of eating well! And it doesn't make too many so you don't have to worry about a ton of leftovers that will tempt you a day later!
  • Hey, I'm new as well! I'll add you and we can bounce ideas off each other and offer some motivation and support :) You sound really enthusiastic that's great!!
  • I LOVE turbo!!! I haven't tried Zumba, but if your not a dancer then go with turbo! I'm not a big dancer, I like to groove on my own while doing the moves in turbo rather than following steps. Turbo combines kicks, punches, and all around really cool moves. I bought turbo thinking I may have fallen into the advertising…
  • I am new to this site and you have around the same amount of weight to lose as I do. My ideal loss is 50 pounds :) I could use a buddy since most of my friends lack the motivation haha! :)