FYI - Hulu Exercise TV!!

Maybe I'm just not 'hip' to online TV websites, but I was really excited about this!

So I never really searched very far through Hulu before, but I was browsing through and I used the "Health and Wellness" feature and bam! Tons of free workout videos!! Even some Jillian Michaels for those of you who love her to pieces.

Just wanted to relay this and maybe help some people save some $$$$, get started on their journey on the cheap, or just throw something else into the mix.

Have a great night/day (wherever you are)!


  • change_happens
    I love exercise tv. Great workouts for cheap... it's included in the cable :)
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    also online!!
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    I'll remember this!
  • orangeswild123
    Oh my god thank you SO much for posting this!! I had no idea they did!! I hate buying exercise dvds especially if I've never tried them out and I end up not liking them or something. Thanks!!! :D Finally can have some other workout options!
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    Oh my god thank you SO much for posting this!! I had no idea they did!! I hate buying exercise dvds especially if I've never tried them out and I end up not liking them or something. Thanks!!! :D Finally can have some other workout options!

    Absolutely!! I'm glad my post is helping people! :wink:
  • fabfitgal
    fabfitgal Posts: 1
    ExerciseTV has some of the best workouts! I have always worked out to their video downloads and their website and also through on demand! One DVD that is worth buying is The Butt Bible! It is a great workout and it tones your butt like no other workout has done to me!! : ) Good luck!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks for the tip - I had no idea. I stream Hulu through my Roku box so I'll check this out later!
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Bump. Thanks for the info. I will definitely check it out.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I love Exercise TV. I workout with it all the time. The great thing about it is, you can pick when you want to do it. My favorite channel ever. Leslie Sansone has a couple really good workout on there too. Its "Walk away the pounds" She makes it fun.