What do you eat when you feel the NEED to treat yourself a l

kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I've only been eating healthy/working out for about a week and a half now and have not had any slip ups. I know that it's good to treat yourself to something once in awhile, but I don't want to go out eating Chinese or something else really fatty. What is a "treat" to you?


  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    Frozen Yogurt! Or a piece of cheese....those are my favorites.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Dark chocolate or frozen yogurt.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    My wife and I have a "cheat meal" every Friday night when we eat whatever we want. You HAVE to let yourself splurge from time to time. That being said, if I need a treat during the week, I like the 100 calorie packs of chocolate-covered pretzels or a 100 calorie bag of Pop Secret.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    For us, sushi is a treat. We eat it every once in a while and limit how much we eat. It used to be In N Out once a month (protein style!) but not anymore since every time the burger has been pink inside. I don't buy chocolate or cookies - even though I love them, I feel like I have to finish the bag if they are in the house and that is really derailing.
  • I work at a mexican food restaurant, and I try to stay really good, you know just a chicken taco for dinner or something like that. but everyonce in awhile I let myself get the queso drenched nachos.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member

    I haven't treated myself yet--am afraid I will lose control. I'm glad you started this thread. I'm interested in what others have to say.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I mostly eat pizza when I have a cheat meal now and then, but if I'm going all out and am on vacation, like recently, I love fine dining. It makes it really feel worth the calories. ...not to mention, you're getting better prepared meals the majority of the time. They may be loaded with creme and all sorts of fattening deliciousness, but that is definitely reserved for a once in a long while occasion. It makes it easier to get back on track to me because I feel like I'm living life sometimes and not completely denying myself.
  • I have tried (and failed) to lose weight numerous times, and it's my hypothesis that celebratory consumption was a main cause of my failure. It's my belief, now, that celebratory consumption should be avoided until you are 100% set in your new lifestyle. My rewards, this time around, are very different than before. I will be rewarding myself with energy, increased social activity, and, of course, lean mass increase and overall weight loss. I will reward myself with the energy I need to make it through the final 4 years of my education. I will reward myself with the energy to make it through my internships and residency. I will reward myself with a longer life. I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.

    That's just me.

    Edited to add: I quit smoking just over 3 months ago. I wonder where I would be if I celebrated 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months smoke-free with a cigarette. I thoroughly enjoyed smoking just as I thoroughly enjoy food despite my medical knowledge which told me that I was slowly, but certainly, committing suicide. I believe that had I celebrated quitting smoking by smoking that I would be smoking right now, and I very likely wouldn't have had the drive to get into this new and improved weight loss routine.
  • kfuller27
    kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member

    I haven't treated myself yet--am afraid I will lose control. I'm glad you started this thread. I'm interested in what others have to say.

    Thats what I'm afraid of also! Chinese food was my big weakness... and I'm afraid if I let myself even have a little bit as a "treat" that I'm done for.
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    I eat a nu go bar if I feel weak. It's like a healthy candy bar. :love:
  • I can't keep cookies in my house either. I don't FEEL like i have to finish the bag, I just finish the bag :(
    Sugar-free jello is my go to snack
    For us, sushi is a treat. We eat it every once in a while and limit how much we eat. It used to be In N Out once a month (protein style!) but not anymore since every time the burger has been pink inside. I don't buy chocolate or cookies - even though I love them, I feel like I have to finish the bag if they are in the house and that is really derailing.
  • kfuller27
    kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member
    I have tried (and failed) to lose weight numerous times, and it's my opinion that celebratory consumption was a main cause of my failure. It's also my opinion that celebratory consumption should be avoided until you are 100% set in your new lifestyle. My rewards, this time around, are very different than before. I will be rewarding myself with energy, increased social activity, and, of course, lean mass increase and overall weight loss. I will reward myself with the energy I need to make it through the final 4 years of my education. I will reward myself with the energy to make it through my internships and residency. I will reward myself with a longer life. I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.

    That's just me.

    I agree! This is also not the first time I've lost weight, or tried to lose weight. Every time that I've blown it, it's because I thought.. "It's no big deal if I eat this pizza with the rest of my friends, I'll get back on track tomorrow." And then it's the same thing, and same excuse the next day. Since I've started this time, I've now had 4 people come up to me and tell me that I've inspired them to get back in the gym. That, combined with just really wanting to be healthy, has motivated me to just stay strong and avoid temptation. But, I know how I've been in the past and I don't want that to happen again!
  • If your in the mood for something sweet, I love dark chocolate! I melt half a bar and take strawberry's and dip them. It tastes so good after a week of eating well! And it doesn't make too many so you don't have to worry about a ton of leftovers that will tempt you a day later!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member

    I haven't treated myself yet--am afraid I will lose control. I'm glad you started this thread. I'm interested in what others have to say.

    Thats what I'm afraid of also! Chinese food was my big weakness... and I'm afraid if I let myself even have a little bit as a "treat" that I'm done for.

    I've lost almost 100 pounds knowing this about myself. I don't "cheat" (mostly because who would i be cheating? MYSELF!). I do allow myself flexibility in the foods I eat, while staying within my calorie goals and sometimes my choices are not as healthy as they are other times. Sometimes I eat some exercise calories, but mostly I don't (on advice of my doctor and nutritionist). I know myself well enough to know that if I look at food in terms of "treats" or "cheats", it is a very slippery slope for me. This isn't the case for everybody, but for some of us, it is. The funny thing is that I've lost most of my cravings for unhealthy food!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I don't eat a lot of Weight Watcher's products, but I found their Ice Cream Candy Bars - they are delicious! Only 150 calories, and I feel like I truly indulged. They remind me of a Snickers Ice Cream Bar.
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    bump :)
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    A treat to myself is a quesidilla with extra chesse, sour cream, salsa and hot sauce, makes my mouth water just thinking about it, but I cant even go there cause I cant stop with these food combos I always over do it but it is so yummy but doesnt look good on my tummy!
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I'm actually buying my "treat" tonight after work [after my 1hr hike] - I'm treating myself to Kernels Popcorn. I havent put anything "off limits" because I dont think that's realistic for me - for now I'm trying to change my thinking - think portions and focus my main meals on high quality food - food that will fuel my body. Anything else is a treat.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I like the 100 cal snack,they have different variety and portion control.
  • For during the week i will eat a 90 cal choc chip cookie granola bar. If it is my cheat day on saturday it will be a hot fudge sunday with extra hot fudge from mcdonalds.
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