What do you eat when you feel the NEED to treat yourself a l



  • jessicastar
    jessicastar Posts: 2 Member
    Chocolate sugar-free/Fat-free Jello pudding w/non-fat milk. For a little added crunch I will crush a few almonds and sprinkle them in while I am stirring. Tastes like a chocolate almond bar.. And waaayyy less calories (and guilt). ;0)

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  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I have tried (and failed) to lose weight numerous times, and it's my hypothesis that celebratory consumption was a main cause of my failure. It's my belief, now, that celebratory consumption should be avoided until you are 100% set in your new lifestyle. My rewards, this time around, are very different than before. I will be rewarding myself with energy, increased social activity, and, of course, lean mass increase and overall weight loss. I will reward myself with the energy I need to make it through the final 4 years of my education. I will reward myself with the energy to make it through my internships and residency. I will reward myself with a longer life. I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.
    Agree. I never celebrate a weight goal with a food treat. If the food is not part of my lifestyle change I do not eat it. It would be like a recovering alcoholic having a glass of wine (or several) to celebrate being "clean" for 6 months.
    My treat would be new clothes (for my now slimmer body).
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I don't eat a lot of Weight Watcher's products, but I found their Ice Cream Candy Bars - they are delicious! Only 150 calories, and I feel like I truly indulged. They remind me of a Snickers Ice Cream Bar.

    I am a little more easily distracted and have a mini treat at night eg, Velvet Crunch Crisps, cereal bar or like lkm111 I do not eat a lot of Weight Watchers foods but LOVE there little taste temptations eclair's and at just over 80 cals there great for that chocolate urge.

    I will only give myself a treat if I hve been completly angelic throught the day, eg, water, fruit and veg and excersise. I have never really been one for takeaways but on the rare occasion I am out for dinner I allow myself to eat with moderation (not go gung ho!) as I tend to go off the rails if I deny myself everything nice.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I agree and I disagree.. My Husband and I also quit smoking recently, partly why we are having to lower our calories and get out more. Although I am happy not to smoke anymore, I do find myself replacing that cigarette with food. I think that is a natural occurrence, I tried to chew gum, but it didn't really do anything for me, except make my jaw ache!

    I treat myself all the time. I am not concerned with how fast I lose weight as much as I am concerned with how much I am learning about food choices when I track what I am eating. My husband just had surgery yesterday and I haven't been to the gym or exercised all week.. a difference of 1.2lbs... this week... I feel like knowing and choosing will work better for me ( I am such a rebel, if I know I can't have something I have to have it). I think we all just need to figure out what our triggers are and how we can counter balance them into a healthy lifestyle.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    One of the first things I log every day is my nightly treat. Usually a Skinny Cow Icecream sandwich or a WW icecream bar or a Healthy Choice fudge bar. It gives me some sweetness each day and something I can look forward to all day so that I contain myself when presented with other bad options at work, etc.

    As for meals...it varies depending on my moods. But one thing I've learned about myself is that I can't go to a restaurant and just not eat the whole plate of food. If I am going to go out I figure out a way to make it work or just flat out acknowledge the fact that I will be over my cals that day and try to do some extra exercise through the week to make up for it.
  • danni31487
    I try to keep snacks lying around like 100 calorie packs, crackers, hummus. If I am craving salty I usually will make steak fajitas or using ground turkey to make tacos. My guilty pleasure is eating taco bell once a month (I use to) because well we are women and we just have wacky cravings. I find that cooking your cravings is alot better than going out and eating it! You know what you are putting in your body and you know how much you are aloud to have with moderation. For instance I was craving something creamy so I made beef strognofe using sour cream, cream of corn (or cream of mushroom soup), fat free shredded cheese mix with hamburger seasoned with cumin, salt, pepper, and some oregeno over pasta(whole wheat; the healthy stuff) Ofcourse adding vegies, peppers, onions. All of that was only 480 calories! and yes it was creamy and delicious! I also love chocolate so I will treat myself so a cookie or like i said those 100 calorie packs does its justice!! When I do go out to dinner I will log in to what I am allowed to have at that resturant if it is a food chain like chillis or outback before I go out. That way I am not tempted to eat something thats unhealthy! =D.

    I hope all this was helpful! =D
  • linddd
    linddd Posts: 6,591 Member
    I loved reading this message thread!

    I guess I sort of treat myself often because I count calories and if I really want to have something, I save up the calories for it and count every one. A couple times lately I've had crunchy Cheetos... just half an ounce fills a little bowl and hits the spot when I have 80 calories to spend. I love Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and have had those and just added the calories in (I only have ONE roll, not the two that are packaged together). This is why the only way I can diet is by counting calories... so I can do this!
  • reinventingandrea
    To me grilling out (yep even in the winter) makes anything taste 10x better so my favorite "splurge" is throwing something on the grill. Sometimes it's salmon or turkey burgers but sometimes it's a nice steak. Nothing really big and nothing very fatty but it's the only time I have beef.
  • lauramaeh
    I make my own type of trail mix with salted nuts, craisins, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. The combo of those three things is really satisfying to me- salty, sweet, and filling!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Skinny Cow ice cream cups! After a few weeks of dieting, I will have a cheat meal every Friday. Usually Mexican!!
  • ShellyRath
    In my previous tries with losing weight I would not eat anything that felt like a treat, but then I would binge and get off track. I now have a skinny cow treat or something similar most days and that has helped so much in creating a new mind set towards food. It does not feel like dieting but a new way of like with healthier choices.

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  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I mostly eat pizza when I have a cheat meal now and then, but if I'm going all out and am on vacation, like recently, I love fine dining. It makes it really feel worth the calories. ...not to mention, you're getting better prepared meals the majority of the time. They may be loaded with creme and all sorts of fattening deliciousness, but that is definitely reserved for a once in a long while occasion. It makes it easier to get back on track to me because I feel like I'm living life sometimes and not completely denying myself.

    Same here and I agree 10000% with Chrissy!
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    I'm a sweets girl. I don't cheat as far as going over my calories but I do incorporate bite size chocolates into my daily calorie intake occationally. I also like to go on a date with my husband once a week and I can still stay within my calorie count. I just eat a little less and drink 1 glass of wine. I consider that my dessert :drinker: