
I've just started drinking a lot more water than I ever used to. I've gone from none to at least 500ml bottles a day. since then I have needed to go so much, i have an upset stomach (soz tmi) and my once clear skin now is covered in spots. so I'm not feeling the health benefits at the moment. Are these affects normal and do they last long?


  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I'm not an expert but your body might take some time to adjust, right now you might be flushing out all your toxins. I take an apple cider vinegar supplement with meals (and lots of water) and it's really helped my digestion and cleaned up my skin. Apple cider vinegar is supposed to help with both digestion and skin irritation, so it might help you in the interim!

    Good luck! :)
  • lalalalyndsey
    I have never heard of water being the culprit of an upset stomach and unclear skin! I thought water is supposed to detoxify your body and be good for your skin! I'm no doctor, but maybe your body is pushing out toxins and it's coming out in your skin? Since you went from basically no water at all the detoxifying effects are also giving you an upset stomach ? This is really odd to me and I'm anxious to hear responses!
  • 1jcampbell
    Good for you :) Keep up with the water intake it will clean out all your impurities and hydrate your skin. I drink 80 to 100 oz of water a day. Sometimes more. Give it time and your great skin will be back better than ever. good luck :)
  • orangeswild123
    It's really probably all of the toxins in your body. Going from drinking little water to more can cause you to have a stomach ache. The only thing I can think of for you skin is your body is trying to get rid of toxins and it may be doing that through your skin. Kind of like how sweat will cool your body off. And when you have a fever your body will sweat to keep you cool. The same thing may be happening. So all of those toxins may be trying escape. What I would do is tone down the water intake. It's making you feel sick and it's obviously a shock to your body. I think you need to ease into it, sometimes healthy change is shocking to different people. Kind of like if you ate well for years and someone gave you a piece of greasy pizza you would feel sick, you're not used to it yet. Maybe start with gatorade with some water through out the day. I don't know what you drank before, like sodas and what not. Switching from something really dense like that into powerade or something along those lines may help you. Just to start with. Then slowly have less and less of those drinks and go back to water. If the problem still persists I would talk to your doctor just to make sure there isn't anything chemically imbalanced. But if you feel like you should go to the doctor by all means do! It can't hurt to make sure :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Idk how much 500ml is (I'm a cups & oz girl lol), but if u drink to much at once, ull get an upset tummy...well...at least I do...

    And it maybe something else causing red skin...like a change n diet, perhaps...? My mom has skin problems when she drinks diet pops cuz of a type of acid in it...or some ppl get this type of reaction with sugar free items..but it could also just be toxians bein pushd out and takes a lil time..
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    the water for me has done fab with my cellulite, as well as the exercise, keep going with it:smile:
  • FAMILY02184
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Keep sticking with water though, u push salt and fat cells through urine, and if u pee a lot, it will help u.. ull also loose more weight..I could eat healthy all I wanted and not drink water and not loose a pound, but drink water and lose tons.. I take my weight, divide it by 15, and that is the number of cups of water I try to get to..my number is 20...I try to get to 15 cups a day minimum.. or a different calculation is half ur body weight (let's say ur 200lbs), so half would be 100...drink that many ounces of water a day. That calculation is about the same as the one I use but makes u drink just a bit more...
    This is the amount u need to drink to give ur body full function..
    And if u excercise, u have to drink more cuz u depleted ur water in system..and if u drink coffee or caffeinated drinks u have to drink same amount of water to replace the water the coffee depleted
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i wouldn't worry too much about it, sounds like the body is detoxing itself and unfortunately all those toxins have to come out somewhere, be it the skin or elsewhere, if you look at a lot of celebrity detox diets they state these symptoms may occur, but they should settle with time, if it persists then i would consider speaking to a doctor. to avoid the stomach issues don't gulp the water down in one go but spread it out through the day (sorry if stating the obvious) and i would also suggest drinking it at room temperature or slightly warm as opposed to ice cold, as this extreme of temperature can cause the stomach to spasm creating the problems i believe you are refering to. hope everything settles down for you soon x