"Are you starving yourself?" VENT!



  • I know exactly how you feel!! I just tell people that I'm doing "preventive maintenance". I'm preventing my body from doing bad things if I don't start taking care of it!!

    If that is you in the picture, you look healthy and strong!!
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    Awww thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I love that Im not the only one, and I totally agree that the majority of America is over-weight because the majority of america over-eats! I used to over-eat all the time! Then I finally made a change before it got "out of hand"

    The woman at my sons school is overweight and invites us to McD's atleast twice a week with her and her daughter and I have only accepted the invite once. She eats horrible (obviously) so Im sure she may be jelous.. and assume that Im "starving myself" since I refuse to eat greasy fried foods multiple times a week.

    My mom on the other hand is smaller than me! (actually same size now!:tongue: ) she is an inch shorter, and her and my sister have both always been more petite than me. She always told me it was because I had bigger bones.
    This might be true, but I also always ate a lot more than them! I always ate huge portions, I danced for 15 years, so all the bad stuff I ate, pretty much got burned every week at dance class.
    But now that my body is shrinking, Im starting to realize that maybe Im not just "big boned" Im in a smaller size than my mom and almost into the size 4 my sister wears.
    I think my mom is just worried since she doesnt realize that I *always over ate!

    Thanks for all the responses!!!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Just say... "In fact yes I am.. I haven't eaten since last month... and I am surprised I am still up and walking around and not exhausted from malnutrition. The hunger is actually starting to dull down a bit and I am hoping in 4 months it will be gone completely, and I will still be able to take the kids to school"

    That will make them go "What??" ...

    Love this!
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    Just say... "In fact yes I am.. I haven't eaten since last month... and I am surprised I am still up and walking around and not exhausted from malnutrition. The hunger is actually starting to dull down a bit and I am hoping in 4 months it will be gone completely, and I will still be able to take the kids to school"

    That will make them go "What??" ...

    haha this is sooo something I WOULD do!! Next time she says one word, Im going to say it!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I know it probably isn't funny, but is someone said to me "oh what are you doing starving yourself?" I would say "nope i am on the mcdonalds diet you should try it" or is they said that i would say "no i just decided to throw up after meals"
    I knwo the last one isnt funny but i think i would get so pissed off i would just start saying dumb stuff like that!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was sick of hearing this, so I decided that I'd just nibble on food throughout the day--it looks like I'm constantly eating. I'm eating right now, in fact!

    That way, no one asks stupid questions.

    Except "are you bulimic"? That gets pretty old too. So now I don't go to the bathroom when people are around.

    Damn you, idiots!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Why not try.....(heaven forbid!) honesty?? Tell them that you have worked hard to improve your health and you and your doctors are quite happy with where you are. Tell them their comments are deterimental to your health and hurtful. Tell them you'd appreciate their support.

    And for strangers....perhaps something like, "I'm amazed at how many people think it is okay to give their opinion on weight when someone is small but when someone is overweight you wouldn't dream of saying, "Wow are you eating a whole cow every day or what?".
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would come right back and be brutally honest with them - "Um no, what a horrible suggestion! I'm actually a member of this website called myfitnesspal that helps me stay on track. You should check it out!"

    Seriously, why do people think it's ok to make funny of skinny people when if you said something about a fat person's weight (yes, I said fat, I'm fat, it's reality), they'd be completely offended and you'd be the rude one.

    With attitudes like that, it's no wonder our country has obesity problems! I never realized how much negativity there was towards people losing weight before I came here. I mean, I heard some jealous comments like "skinny b***h" but that's about it.

    Edited to add: LOL! Apparently Lexie and I were posting at the same time. Great minds think alike!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    This became such a problem at my office that my manager had to say something to a few of my co-workers.

    I had not said anything about MFP and I had been working out twice a day and eating about 1200 calories a day. Since I had started my job I had lost 40 lbs when a few of them cornered me and started in " we are so worried" - - "we think you have a problem" ect. No matter how I tried to explain how I was eating better and how I was exercising they refused to belive that it was anything but a problem. I have never been so put down in my life. They couldn't belive that I had done this to be healthy and had done it the right way... I had to have a problem.. :-( Finally one day after berading me at lunch about what I had eaten how much I had eaten I said something to my manager who spoke to them...
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I think that a lot of people's ideas of what dieting entails is not entirely based in reality. If you are on a diet, and you try to eat McDonalds every day... you're going to starve. Eating healthy foods and exercising is one of the most rewarding things, and a lot of days I find it hard to get all of my calories in. It's sad, but true! So, people think that to get skinny they can't eat anymore... which brings on the ignorant starving questions.

    Also, maybe you should let your mother know very calmly that her statements are frustrating you beyond belief because you're trying so hard to be healthy. If that doesn't work, you'll just have to accept that what you are doing is great for your body, and realize that not everybody will be on the same page because of their own ignorance.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    This became such a problem at my office that my manager had to say something to a few of my co-workers.

    I had not said anything about MFP and I had been working out twice a day and eating about 1200 calories a day. Since I had started my job I had lost 40 lbs when a few of them cornered me and started in " we are so worried" - - "we think you have a problem" ect. No matter how I tried to explain how I was eating better and how I was exercising they refused to belive that it was anything but a problem. I have never been so put down in my life. They couldn't belive that I had done this to be healthy and had done it the right way... I had to have a problem.. :-( Finally one day after berading me at lunch about what I had eaten how much I had eaten I said something to my manager who spoke to them...

    Oh. My. This story is unbelievable! What is WRONG with people???
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    me i'd challenge them to a race, i mean if you're starving yourself you'll have no energy and couldn't possibly win. and when you kick their butt, turn round and tell them "thats what healthy eating and exercise do for you, don't you wish you'd thought of trying it!"
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    This became such a problem at my office that my manager had to say something to a few of my co-workers.

    I had not said anything about MFP and I had been working out twice a day and eating about 1200 calories a day. Since I had started my job I had lost 40 lbs when a few of them cornered me and started in " we are so worried" - - "we think you have a problem" ect. No matter how I tried to explain how I was eating better and how I was exercising they refused to belive that it was anything but a problem. I have never been so put down in my life. They couldn't belive that I had done this to be healthy and had done it the right way... I had to have a problem.. :-( Finally one day after berading me at lunch about what I had eaten how much I had eaten I said something to my manager who spoke to them...

    Oh. My. This story is unbelievable! What is WRONG with people???

    The sad thing is, it made me nearly give up the healthy... it made me want to workout less beacuse I didn't want someone to say I was doing something wrong when I knew I was not. it made me want to eat "burgers and fries " infront fo them because I did't want them to say anything. Then one day I relized I was only short changing myself if I did that. Instead I have stood up and made it known that I am not "dieting" I am planning on changing my life. They don't say much now to my face. I know they all talk about it behind my back. Which is fine.

    I can tell you it is worth it when I can run for miles and not be exhausted because I have the right fuel in my body - and When my partner grabs me to hug me and she says " omy your are getting so small, I love it. You look so good"
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Some people do seem to proudly wear their ignorance like a big shiny neon flashing light... *rolls eyes*
    me i'd challenge them to a race, i mean if you're starving yourself you'll have no energy and couldn't possibly win. and when you kick their butt, turn round and tell them "thats what healthy eating and exercise do for you, don't you wish you'd thought of trying it!"
    That is fabulous, what a great comeback!

    Just a shame that right now I run slower than most people walk... :bigsmile:
  • That is so rude! I could never, ever imagine saying that to someone. Some people have no manners. I would turn and smile and say "Oh, I didn't realize you were a dietitian. Where did you get certified?" and of course they will probably be like "uhh I'm not" then you reply "Oh that's too bad, I was hoping for a professional opinion." and walk away. And hey since you feel insulted I'd insult right back. "I see you tried starving yourself too, guess it didn't work." and walk away. Sometimes rude people need it handed back to them. Just keep your head held high! You accomplished a lot and be proud. Anyone who thinks differently, well that's just too bad :)
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    I like to tell them I throw up after every meal (no offense to bulimics, I know it's a serious illness and I am NOT trying to mock you or offend you, just trying to shut these people up... Please don't think I am making light of your situation!) I find that it shuts them up straight away! My brothers like to make a game of bringing me one grain of rice or one slice of cucumber etc at meal times. It's really annoying.

    The other thing I like to do is point out that I do eat normally... I eat what is necessary for survival. It's not my fault that we live in a society where gluttony is the norm! And then you look at them pointedly :tongue: You'd really have to piss me off to get this answer though, lol. I've only ever used it once, and she had it coming... Oh boy, did she have it coming...

    OK, I'm sorry, but that comment about your brothers made me laugh out loud at work. That's very funny (probably only the first time, though.) But, hey, brothers are supposed to be annoying. ;-) Hang in there!

    As far as people's comments about starving yourself you could tell them "I am not starving myself, I have adopted a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle. By saying that I am starving myself in order to be thin implies that you think I am too stupid to know how to eat a healthy meal and get proper exercise. It's very hurtful knowing you have such little regard for my intelligence." And then walk away and leave them feeling guilty. I am pretty sure they will think twice about ever questioning your weight loss again. ;-)
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    This became such a problem at my office that my manager had to say something to a few of my co-workers.

    I had not said anything about MFP and I had been working out twice a day and eating about 1200 calories a day. Since I had started my job I had lost 40 lbs when a few of them cornered me and started in " we are so worried" - - "we think you have a problem" ect. No matter how I tried to explain how I was eating better and how I was exercising they refused to belive that it was anything but a problem. I have never been so put down in my life. They couldn't belive that I had done this to be healthy and had done it the right way... I had to have a problem.. :-( Finally one day after berading me at lunch about what I had eaten how much I had eaten I said something to my manager who spoke to them...

    A friend of mine actually got fired because her coworkers (all overweight) ganged up on her for being too thin. They said she was anti-social for not eating all the junk they brought in all the time. Apparently she didn't fit into the office "culture".
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just tell them the truth.

    "Are you starving yourself?"
    "Oh, heck no! I'm just about to my goal weight, so I'm eating a normal healthy portions. But thanks for your concern."

    Kill 'em with kindness. :smile:
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, this is very annoying. I always get the "you don't eat!" comments and my mom is one of the worst ones. It's very upsetting to me and I actually was in tears a few weeks ago talking with my mom about Easter dinner plans and trying to explain to her how she stressed me out. I watch what I eat and try to moniter my protein/sodium/sugar levels so I hate eating food that I didn't see prepared. Plus to make things even harder, I am lactose and fructose intolerant so I am very limited - esp when it comes to the food that people put out at gatherings that I can eat - usually the veggie platter is it for me:cry: At work when people DO see me eating they make a big deal out of it - "OMG Are you actually eating!" is heard multiple times. One coworker actually writes it on his calendar when he sees me eats (which that one I do find amusing. LOL). Note too that they do not consider my Luna bars or protein packed salads as actual "food". Too many American these days have the wrong idea of what "food" is. The crap most folks eat is so far from fresh/natural that it should be illegal to be called FOOD!!!!!
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    I got something similar from my mother-in-law. She was terribly upset not to be able to feed me cake and biscuits and .. and. ... and ... She stopped saying anything when I told her straight up that I was not eating "CRAP" anymore.

    You have to be cruel to be kind.
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