kk281 Member


  • Go make me a sammich...
  • The effect (bolded) unfortunately is minimal. 2 cals / day / lb of fat vs. 6 cals / day / lb of muscle. Actually using those muscles (activity or exercise) completely dwarfs those numbers.[/quote] You have to exercise to gain the muscle. I'm not advocating to skip cardio and only lift, but too many people skip the lift and…
  • I'm doing LCHF, have for a while now and my goals are set up pretty much exactly like yarwell said. You can determine net carbs by subtracting the grams of fiber consumed from the grams of carbs consumed. For my caloric intake, 5% comes out to roughly 24g of carbs, this works for maintenance phase, but the only way to get…
  • The bottom line is, even if you have calories left, don't eat if you're not hungry. Try and find foods you like that are high in protein and fiber as these help you stay fuller longer.
  • One weight management philosophy that I go by is that muscle burns calories. Cardio burns more calories in the short term, but adding muscle (doesn't have to be hulk level muscles) burns more calories throughout the day. When your body is in an energy crisis, it taps into you fat stores in general, not necessarily the fat…
  • refined sugar is a more complex molecule and you body has to work harder to break it down. while burning more calories to break down your food may sound like a good thing, its actually not. burning more calories in digestion means that you will be hungrier soon, then you eat more refined sugar, get hungrier sooner, etc. i…
  • it takes about two weeks for your body to adjust to a low carb lifestyle, and yes while your metabolism adjusts you may feel a decrease in energy, but once your body has adjusted i have found that i get an explosive amount of energy.
  • for me at least, low carb has been the way to go. as with any diet plan though it only works as hard as you do. you have to be strict with it. A great way to cut out bad carbs would be to cut out corn syrup. Corn syrup imparts a ridiculously high glycemic load on your body and can actually end up making you hungrier in the…
  • i agree, but i think it warrants further study. The concept makes since to me though. I don't think anyone can honestly say a processed food meal is going to be better for you than a whole food meal. if this study is expanded it might add another benefit to consume whole foods.
  • yes but if your body has to expend an extra .2 calories to utilize that 1 calorie, then you've only actually eaten .8 calories. The ultimate effect of this is that you will be hungrier early than if you an easier to digest meal.
  • this is a great site. but as with any weight loss program, it works as well as you're level of commitment
    in New starter! Comment by kk281 June 2012
  • black, or green if its tea
  • this is a big temptation for me as well. just make sure you have healthy snacks too
    in HELP! Comment by kk281 June 2012
  • I did that. got within 10lbs, weight loss contest ended. then i gained 50 of it back over football season. it sucks. once i get back to my goal weight my plan is to give myself ONE day every week as a "Cheat day" this will hopefully help curb my need to eat and give me something to look forward to. i'm not gong to TRY to…
    in HELP! Comment by kk281 June 2012
  • thats hot
  • indeed. her body is probably in starvation mode.
  • what exactly are you trying to improve on? you are already very attractive and have a great body! maybe its your self image that needs improvement, i struggle with that as well, no matter how much i loose i still keep that fat mentality
  • the untied way offers free counseling for woman and their children. having someone to talk to helps.
    in Scared to Eat Comment by kk281 June 2012
  • thats another good point, once your caloric intake hits a certain bottom point, your body goes into survival mode and starts hoarding every calorie it can get its hands on.
  • it seems to me that if you are eating so few calories that you are getting dizzy then that's your body telling you that you are eating far to few calories and need to up your intake. 1200 calories doesn't leave much room for any exercise before you start cutting into the calories for your BMR
  • i work with a guy, he's in his late 40's diabetic and overweight. he will go to any fried chicken restaurant any day of the week. then goes home and his wife usually makes homemade fried chicken fingers, he guzzles coke like its water. i can totaly understand where he is at but all i can do is look at him and ask myself…
  • to heck with all that. sexy is a state of mind. as long as you are still trying and want to look good, thats all that counts.
  • a bump is someone basically re-posting a forum topic. you post to a topic and it shows activity as being more recent. I started out at 340 i am down to 270 now and will be down to 200 by the end of the year. i do a carb restrictive diet and have had much success with it. the key to any diet is that it is only as good as…
  • i'm a big ol' fatty. i know it, and i have fun with it. i feel that if you can't laugh at yourself, then pull the stick out your bum. its our fault we're fat and we're trying to do something about it. nothing says we have to be fat and miserable.
  • this is good advice. the bane of an salad is the dressing, plain oil and vinegar or Italian is the way to go. don't be fooled by the "lite" dressing either, oftentimes that reduce the fat but inject it with more sugar to make it more appetizing and that can be worse for you than just eating the full strength. also" don't…
  • hope floats?
  • definitely. you've got to cut out the sugars. especially the processed kind. most fruits are great for you as far as vitamins are concerned, but they come loaded with sugar. when i eat fruits, i do so sparingly and as a treat. they make a great substitute for a even worse desert, but i wouldn't use them a a dietary staple.…
  • i never stopepd eating eggs. a good scramble with mushrooms and onions and spinach, maybe some peppers and tomatoes is awesome. its when you start combining eggs with bacon and sausage and other bad foods that they become a problem.