So...are eggs good or bad today?

ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
I love my morning breakfast with eggs. What is the latest ruling? I've lost weight w/o them and my latest blood work was great. Can I add my morning eggs back into the menu w/o awakening the big bad C?


  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Use more egg whites than whole eggs. Cholesterol is in the yolks.
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    I use the egg substitute, although the sodium level on that is quite high :/
    There's no fat and 24 grams of protein in 1/4 a cup.
    Tastes great when you add a ton of veggies
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    My son loves eggs too, but his cholesterol is high.. so I fix him (occasionally, he doesn't eat them every day, maybe once a week) three egg whites and one yolk.
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    eggs are always good! i don't care what they say...i could eat them every meal, every day! (hey! a poem!!)
  • carolynmittens
    since high cholesterol is mostly hereditary it will just depend on the person, if your blood work came back great then you should be fine. but i'd get your blood tested again after adding eggs back into your diet for a consistent period of time just to make sure :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    They are good for you if you don't have any cholesterol problems.............I love my hard boiled eggs. Sometimes 2 a day
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    The work wonders for me. Full of protein, so keep me full until lunch. I started eating egg whites, but decided to just have one egg and eat the whole thing. I think that was a smart decision. The yolk has so much protein and really gives me a full feeling.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Go for it. The majority of Cholesterol we synthesize in our liver and it doesn't come from dietary intake. So if your numbers are good a few eggs should be ok.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I usually go two egg whites per egg with yolk.

    Keep in mind that eggs have HDL cholesterol which can be beneficial for "cleaning" out the bad LDL cholesterol. Not to mention that egg yolks are better for your eyes than carrots.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Normally eggs are good. IF you have issues with cholesterol, then you may want to limit them a little. I use two egg whites and one whole egg to make my omelettes.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I eat eggs, the whole egg. I can't be doing with poor reporting of whatever the lastest research is telling me what to eat and what not to eat. I don't allow myself to get uber mental over ever little thing I put in my body.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    High cholesterol isn't always mostly hereditary since myself and several people I know have high C and it didn't run in our families.

    I do 1 whole egg and usually some whites probably 3 days a week and it hasn't affected my cholesterol at all.
  • bergyman
    bergyman Posts: 1
    I've been treating patients for 20 years. I tell patients that it's the refined carbohydrates (sugar, corn syrup and flour) that contribute more. The evidence is in the Atkin's diet (which I rarely put people on). But the truth is I could have a patient come in with a cholesterol of 300 and (with eating only high fat, high cholesterol, high protein foods) the cholesterol would drop to 200 in a matter of weeks. That says it's about carbohydrates and not cholesterol which makes sense in our society. Sugar and white flour products are definitely the more over-consumed foods in our diet.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I have high cholesterol as well...... correction..... I HAD high cholesterol as well. Exercise....exercise.....exercise! It's as contributing a factor, if not more, than food and heredity. Mine is only one opinion in a sea of opinions but I monitor my cholesterol on my food journal. Days that I have egg on my salad or in my tuna I just have to cut cholesterol on other meals. That's what I LOVE about this program. It has taught me not to focus in so much on one particular food's worth but on my diet as whole. If I want something and I think it's worth it, I just make sacrifices somewhere else to keep my numbers in line.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I've been treating patients for 20 years. I tell patients that it's the refined carbohydrates (sugar, corn syrup and flour) that contribute more. The evidence is in the Atkin's diet (which I rarely put people on). But the truth is I could have a patient come in with a cholesterol of 300 and (with eating only high fat, high cholesterol, high protein foods) the cholesterol would drop to 200 in a matter of weeks. That says it's about carbohydrates and not cholesterol which makes sense in our society. Sugar and white flour products are definitely the more over-consumed foods in our diet.
    Can I ask what units you're using there, for the 200 and 300 Thanks :)
  • SugarRose
    SugarRose Posts: 16
    I think moderation is the key, Enjoy.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    I love my morning breakfast with eggs. What is the latest ruling? I've lost weight w/o them and my latest blood work was great. Can I add my morning eggs back into the menu w/o awakening the big bad C?

    i never stopepd eating eggs. a good scramble with mushrooms and onions and spinach, maybe some peppers and tomatoes is awesome. its when you start combining eggs with bacon and sausage and other bad foods that they become a problem.
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    i love eggs! especially the yolks .. so eating just whites doesn't work for me.. i don't eat them every day anymore.. but i still eat like 2-6 eggs a week.. i have an inherited high cholesterol, but even in regular check ups the eggs don't seem to make it that much worse as long as i stick to that amount, and my weight loss is going well, too