What foods do your co-workers eat?



  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    well, most of my co-workers usually go away for lunch (one of them yesterday went out in the rain for fast food) but i don't. heck, i won't take my lunch break till the very end of my shift (so between 4-7.5 hours without eating) because its like, the more work i get done, the happier i can feel, and then i have class so add another almost two hours, which my classmates will eat anything from beef jerky to chips and not gain a frickin pound and are skinny. the one that makes me cringe is mountain dew (i actually get nauseated drinking it, no clue why) and so i refuse to drink it. My husband on the other hand, he will eat a lot of processed foods, even though i try to eat healthier. so i am not really sure what is worst.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I consider myself really lucky because at my office, we have a kitchen, literally in the middle of the office, equipped with a fully stocked fridge, goodies everywhere (both healthy and not so healthy), stocked pantry, fruits galore, and a chef that makes breakfast and lunch for us every day. She really does try to accommodate everyone. I'm the youngest here so she kind of took the role of my second mom (we're super close!). When she's coming up with the menu for the week, she'll ask me what I feel like having and be conscious of my healthier eating habits. She normally uses organic products and cooks things in a healthy fashion so I don't have to try hard to stay under control.

    I want to know where you work?! And are they hiring??
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    The only thing that bothers me is the birthdays or other celebrations. Since I started in my department three years ago, the department size has doubled. And we celebrate every single birthday.
    The good news is that those of us who have been trying to watch what we eat have had a positive effect. Now, it is not always cake. For one co-worker's birthday, I brought in pineapple angel food cake and homemade fruit salad. Since then, I have started to see a few more healthy things brought in instead of always cake and doughnuts.
    What I don't like is when people ask "Oh you aren't having anything" or "Just take a little more" if they think the piece I've taken is too small.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    We have a small office here, and all of us with the exception of one lady bring our own lunches. I usually bring in either left overs from dinner the night before, or will make myself a sandwich and have veggies and fruit as a side- and usually one sweet thing for dessert.

    The others do the same, sandwiches or left overs- some bring in smartones or healthy choice frozen meals. One goes out everyday for lunch- I am not sure what it is that she gets, but she tells me all the time that she needs to get back to the gym. I offer to have her go with me during lunch, but so far she turns me down. One day she will change her mind! :)

    I think we as a whole eat fairly healthy- most of the women are on Weight Watchers and go for walks during their lunch hour so its nice to feel supported.

    I do get made fun of occasionally because when we do have the random meal ordered in, I will usually only eat the veggies that are supplied and or a salad- so people will say "oh, sarah's full, she just ate some cucumbers" which is somewhat annoying.
  • Last week I watched my desk mate eat half a box of Triscuits and half a wheel of brie, then polish the other half the next day. It just looked so monochromatic it made me sick. She flushes these down with a sprite. Barf.
  • BridgetMiko
    BridgetMiko Posts: 47 Member
    cake. . . every damn day there is cake SOMEWHERE in this office

    This is my office to a T! Someone always has something they brought in! The flip side is that if I ever have leftover sweets or candy (post-holidays usually) I can leave it in the lunchroom and it will disappear before 11:00 a.m.
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    People tend to eat a lot of french fries around here and Thai food. Makes my mouth water!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I have no idea what my co-workers eat because I'm too busy worrying about my own life.

    That's too bad. I care about the garbage they are eating and want them to be healthy. I work in a small office with just 2 other girls and we actually like each other.

    I kind of look at it this way - I can want in one hand and *kitten* in the other... but at the end of the day, my CWs are going to have to want to be healthy on their own.
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    cake. . . every damn day there is cake SOMEWHERE in this office

    This is my office to a T! Someone always has something they brought in! The flip side is that if I ever have leftover sweets or candy (post-holidays usually) I can leave it in the lunchroom and it will disappear before 11:00 a.m.

    I want to work in that office.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    There are 15 of us in our office and apart from 2 of us the others eat pretty unhealthily.
    They often bring food from home to share, which is mostly curry and usually swimming in oil. Sometimes pasta, but with a cream based sauce or pizza or instant noodles. However, these are actually the good days.
    Within walking distance of us we have (in order of closeness lol) ................ our students canteen which sells toasted sandwiches, pies etc, what we call a cafe which sells pretty much the same but also crisps, sweets etc. KFC, a fish and chip shop which also sells curries, samoosas etc. A pizza place, ANOTHER curry shop, a burger shop, chinese, ANOTHER burger shop and an italian place! This is all within about 500m either way of my office. So, any day at least half of the staff eat from one of those places. Favourite meal is............ fries on a roti with curry gravy and cheese! Or the same combination with roll instead of roti. This is from a girl who is vegetarian because "meat is just so unhealthy!"
    That is the food, there is also cake, biscuits, coke, crisps, chocolate etc flying around EVERY. FIVE. MINUTES.

    I dont comment much, and I must admit that they do not pressure me to eat with them, so I cant complain. The other girl that eats healthily goes to the same dietician as me, so we support each other.
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    luckily a few of my cooworkers are also eating fairly healthy, one that is committed like i am- we help eachother, but the ones that dont, they eat very badly, chips and pop daily, fast food takeout mostly for lunch, chocolate bars, and one that brings leftovers from home but his plate would feed a family of four easily. And once a month the office brings in pizza and wings and cakes, and breakfast -danishes, cinnabons, croissants.
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    I consider myself really lucky because at my office, we have a kitchen, literally in the middle of the office, equipped with a fully stocked fridge, goodies everywhere (both healthy and not so healthy), stocked pantry, fruits galore, and a chef that makes breakfast and lunch for us every day. She really does try to accommodate everyone. I'm the youngest here so she kind of took the role of my second mom (we're super close!). When she's coming up with the menu for the week, she'll ask me what I feel like having and be conscious of my healthier eating habits. She normally uses organic products and cooks things in a healthy fashion so I don't have to try hard to stay under control.

    I want to know where you work?! And are they hiring??

    Lol I work at a recording studio in Miami...At the moment, we're not hiring :(

  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I'm not sure about what they pack in their lunch, but every Thursday and sometimes Fridays, they always have donuts, cakes, cookies, muffins etc. Also, they do hot dog or gyro Fridays.
  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    Several of my coworkers are on that "Medifast" diet, so I always seem them eating some of the prepackaged stuff they buy from them.. never looks that great to me.

    Same where I work. It's eaten from a coffe cup & I have been told by the medifasters that "medifast puts somthing in it to make you feel full." hmmm....
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    I live in Colorado where everyone is crazy health-conscious, so most of my co-workers eat pretty healthy, lots of salads, whole-grain cereal, Subway, Garbanzo's, stuff from home, etc. That being said- there is one morbidly obese guy on my team who moved here from Chicago looks exactly like comic book guy, and he eats awful- TONS of sweets, candy, donuts, Mexican fast food, american fast food, hot dogs, etc. It bums me out for him. I think that his "yummy" food is his only comfort.

    I've actually noticed recently that the Colorado transplants tend to eat the least healthy. My boss is from Atlanta by way of Chicago and he turns his nose up at my salads, or hummus, or yogurt chicken salad in favor of either a "low-carb" diet of turkey meat, raw veggies and cheese (that never lasts more than three days) or just goes balls out and gets a double cheeseburger and root beer float at dairy queen or Steak-n-Shake. One of the other guys that transferred from Atlanta gets pizza a lot, and one time even got one of those cheeseburgers with the "bun" made from two donuts!! I think it's a regional viewpoint of food. I ate a lot worse in Florida than I do now, just because Colorado has so many healthy options.
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    Let's make this simple....CRAP!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    A TON of Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers and all other high sodium frozen meals... on a daily rotation. :grumble:
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    i work with a guy, he's in his late 40's diabetic and overweight. he will go to any fried chicken restaurant any day of the week. then goes home and his wife usually makes homemade fried chicken fingers, he guzzles coke like its water. i can totaly understand where he is at but all i can do is look at him and ask myself "wow is that what i was like?"
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Idk, I'm too self centered to notice.
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    My willpower is not that great, so it takes a LOT of effort on my part to eat my packed-at-home lunch when my co-workers order Chinese takeout or cheeseburgers and fries. I feel like every day I get through the lunch hours without getting takeout is a personal victory.

    I feel the same way!