What foods do your co-workers eat?



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I work in an office full of health concious people.... They are the ones that often make me feel bad about what I am eating. Helps me stay on track.
  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    My co-worker has been on "the atkins" for years. For lunch he eats approximately a 1/2 pound of cheese, 1/2 pound of lunchmeat, and a couple celery sticks. His weight loss is currently on hold.
    Hey we have one of those too. But its a she. Almost 10yrs she still looks the same.
  • dasaucywench
    dasaucywench Posts: 56 Member
    Mixed bag of lunches here, some healthy, some not so much. The one that gets me the most it the one who brings decent quality foods but a ton of it. She will sit and eat for her entire lunch HOUR...60minutes of eating! Just when I think she has finished, she is pulling something else out of the bottomless bag! Crazy!!
  • pallypunch
    pallypunch Posts: 28
    This is such an interesting question . . . . a solid percentage of my coworkers eat pretty healthy (they bring their lunches, actively use our kitchen, etc.). And when there are meetings over lunch, salads & sandwiches from Specialty's or someplace local are common. . . . (full disclosure- I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so overall people tend to be healthier & more active- I also work at a nonprofit so people are extremely aware of food issues & social issues- and some tend to be budget conscious).

    I tend to be the biggest offender (and am one the larger people in the office). I am always pushing Chinese food or pizza (we do get pizza for all-staff events though, it's from Whole Foods, not sure that makes a difference though) at group meetings- and tend to go to Panda, Popeye's, Jamba or Taco Bell for lunch. . . .and am a fan of getting a snack in the mid-day.

    I have to stop this though, my weight is an issue now and I need to lose weight.
  • jacque930
    jacque930 Posts: 122 Member
    Most of our office contain healthy eaters... We are an office of about 15.
    4 of us in our office are trying something new. We take one day each week and make something healthy and share with the other members of the group. I am tracking with MFP and the others are using WW. We are all supporting each other and have so far been successful in making better choices. We all have our days where a bad snack is eaten or do not have enough of the right food, but each day is a new day. Supporting each other has so far been very good for all of us in the office.

    Also, the cooking for others once a week has provided us with new food choices! New Recipes!
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    Ugh! Don't get me started!! Fried chicken, pies, fancy desserts, take-out, vending machine snacks, potlucks, froo-froo coffee drinks with whipped cream and chocolate, excessive alcohol (after work)... And then they complain that they can't lose weight. The thing that really gets me, though, is when they try to be the boss of what I eat, and announce to others that "Lisa had a big breakfast so she won't be having lunch." Really? Because my "big" breakfast was carefully planned and had less than 300 calories, but WAY more nutrients than YOU'RE getting all day. Don't tell me what I can and can't and should and shouldn't eat. I'm doing just fine, thank you. Isn't that obvious yet? I hate eating in our breakroom now. I'm sad to miss the socializing, but it ends up being a negative experience. Just as well. Leaves me plenty of time to squeeze in a walk!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I went to a work "happy hour" the other day and I work with a couple who is dating. They shared an app (biggest nachos I've ever seen) then they each had a burger and fries. On top of that they each had 3 tall beers (about 20 oz each). I was shocked at how much they ate and then complained that they didn't feel good after and had to go home early. Isn't it amazing how much we can put into our bodies and not think twice about it? I felt great having a grilled chicken sandwich with no bun and fruit on the side. I stuck to vodka and cranberry which is also low in calories. It did make me feel good about myself and a bit sick when I saw how much people put in to their bodies!!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    My co-worker has been on "the atkins" for years. For lunch he eats approximately a 1/2 pound of cheese, 1/2 pound of lunchmeat, and a couple celery sticks. His weight loss is currently on hold.
    Change "he" to "she" and this is it. "Take 7lbs of sausage and beef, wrap that in bacon and cheese then put it on the grill." And vomit. Now she is swearing she wont go over 1000 calories a day but works out for at least an hour.

    Oh and my other neighbor- chain smokes, regular coke and take out every day. He is now slinging vitamins to improve his "healthy" lifestyle.

    Other chick is "no sugar/low carb" but not atkins. Suzanne Summers I think. She has had some results but it still baffles me at the amount of calories I estimate her eating.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Good for you staying strong!!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't really pay attention to what my co-workers eat, but I am the only vegan in the office, so generally they comment a lot more on my lunch than I do on theirs.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    My co worker eats pretty bad stuff on a daily, I have watched her gain like 25lbs in the past year and a half. When she first started working with me she would make rude comments that I eat like a stupid rabbit. Then her doctor gave her bad lab results and she wanted to change her eating habits. I offered to help, it lasted a week and she quit. She often makes comments that she needs to lose weight! I at this point no longer give a rats about her weight, health or body because she can give a rats about herself. My goal is to lose and maintain and he healthy. I no longer take her comments to heart I just look at her and think, you are total motivation for me of what not to eat..sounds rude but its true.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    oh my god, let me count the cals...... My co-worker eats horribly for lunch EVERY day.


    2 cups steamed white rice - 410
    1 FULL cup shrimp sauce - 792
    hibachi shrimp - 134
    ranch Japanese salad - 193
    TOTAL = 1529

    Five Guys double cheeseburger with mushrooms - 840
    large cajun fries - 1474
    TOTAL = 2314 (414 more than my entire daily allowance)
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    My co worker eats pretty bad stuff on a daily, I have watched her gain like 25lbs in the past year and a half. When she first started working with me she would make rude comments that I eat like a stupid rabbit. Then her doctor gave her bad lab results and she wanted to change her eating habits. I offered to help, it lasted a week and she quit. She often makes comments that she needs to lose weight! I at this point no longer give a rats about her weight, health or body because she can give a rats about herself. My goal is to lose and maintain and he healthy. I no longer take her comments to heart I just look at her and think, you are total motivation for me of what not to eat..sounds rude but its true.

    and this... :grumble:
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    There's one that eats Top Ramen and Capri Suns.

    The other eats frozen pizzas and drinks nothing but soda. No water at all..ever.
    The no water thing really baffles me since I'm constantly drinking water all.flippin.day.

    I eat my home-packed salad (most days) which people oooh and aaah over. They say "Wow, that looks SO good" or "I wish my lunch looked as good as yours."

    I think it's funny because their lunch COULD look like that but they choose otherwise.
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    My co worker eats pretty bad stuff on a daily, I have watched her gain like 25lbs in the past year and a half. When she first started working with me she would make rude comments that I eat like a stupid rabbit. Then her doctor gave her bad lab results and she wanted to change her eating habits. I offered to help, it lasted a week and she quit. She often makes comments that she needs to lose weight! I at this point no longer give a rats about her weight, health or body because she can give a rats about herself. My goal is to lose and maintain and he healthy. I no longer take her comments to heart I just look at her and think, you are total motivation for me of what not to eat..sounds rude but its true.

    I have a couplle of those too!!! I love how they make comments about me dissappearing and saying they need to do the same and when you offer the help they make some excuse on why they can't.....whatever!!!
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    I consider myself really lucky because at my office, we have a kitchen, literally in the middle of the office, equipped with a fully stocked fridge, goodies everywhere (both healthy and not so healthy), stocked pantry, fruits galore, and a chef that makes breakfast and lunch for us every day. She really does try to accommodate everyone. I'm the youngest here so she kind of took the role of my second mom (we're super close!). When she's coming up with the menu for the week, she'll ask me what I feel like having and be conscious of my healthier eating habits. She normally uses organic products and cooks things in a healthy fashion so I don't have to try hard to stay under control.

    She'll still make amazing desserts like rice pudding, cakes, cinnamon rolls, cookies, carrot cake and brownies for the afternoon crowd but I won't go near it :laugh: Everyone in my office tends to eat the same way since it's what's being provided for us. Some will eat more than others but for the most part, clients and co-workers, will have the same thing.
  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    I work in a factory with mainly men, a lot of single men, vending machines and only 30 min for lunch. You can imagine what it looks like most days.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    I admit it, I'm one of those co-workers that brings in unhealthy stuff (cookies, cream crackers, cake, etc.)...but ocassionally I bring in fruit to share. I'm secretly fattening them up perhaps? *chuckle* Btw, I brought in cookies and brownies yesterday, I'm bad I know =)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Most bring standard lunches from home (i.e. sandwiches, pasta, frozen dinners, etc.) and a couple of times a week or less they'll order out.

    I don't think I've ever looked at a person's food choice (let along a co-worker) and "felt bad" for them because of it being high calorie or "unhealthy". But to each his own.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    FAST FOOD. Wendy's, Rush's, Cracker Barrel, and it is a daily occurrence. I am easily influenced when it comes to food, so the smell of french fries can potentially derail my entire day. I have taken to hiding in my office at lunch (which is fine: my chair is more comfy and I have Netlix on my phone, LOL), and they have finally stopped asking me if I want anything.