What foods do your co-workers eat?



  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I'm the only one who eats healthy in the office. We are a small office, me and 5 guys. They eat pizza, wendys, dairy queen, deli (subs, wings, pre-made sandwiches, chips) and various other fast foods. Mcdonalds breakfast, afternoon drinks and snacks from the gas stations. I bring my lunch everyday. I will often sit at the table and eat my lunch with them and let them know how many calories they are eating, or sometimes they will even ask:tongue: They tell me I need to eat more, or that a stiff wind will blow me away, but for the most part they are pretty good about it.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My boss has the WORSE eating habits ever.....

    She basically, wakes up, and then all morning drinks a gallon of triple triple

    After that, sometime afternoon, she will eat a bag of chips, and an ENTIRE bag of chocolate....

    Sometimes she eats dinner

    Wake up the next day, and do it again

    Once in a while, I can talk her into getting some soup or a sandwich, and I bring lunch for her once in a while....

    Its awful, I worry about her health
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    They eat out a lot and get lots of junk. I've noticed some pick up McD's pretty much everyday. Glad those aren't my arteries. Ah well.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I don't really pay much attention, because I don't really care...BUT...there is this one chick I work with who makes me insane. I refer to her as the diet guru, because she's always on some new diet that makes no sense and is CONSTANTLY telling me that whatever it is I'm eating/doing is all wrong.

    Right. Because I've lost nearly 25 lbs and she's the same size she was when I met her nearly 2 years ago. We're the same age, btw. Right now she's on a "you can't be healthy and lose weight if you eat meat" kick. So while she sneared at my chicken and spinach salad yesterday, she ate a plain white bagel with cream cheese, loads of fruit, and a Dr. Pepper for lunch.

    But she's the expert. Last week she told me that I shouldn't be drinking a Muscle Milk because I didn't just finish working out and that I should only drink Muscle Milk light if I'm going to drink it at all since the regular kind has too many calories. Oh, and she tells me I eat too much to lose weight, since I eat about 6 times a day. Right.
  • Marvalm3
    Marvalm3 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to sit in the vicinity of our kitchen area... I am not sure of the specific food that people bring because I didn't pay that close attention... but I hated when people brought stinky food (especially FISH) to work and heated it up.
    ugh... so glad I moved to a different area!!!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Mexican food fried in lard and Little Debbie brownies for lunch. Little Debbie brownies as snacks with cheese sticks. Then I get unsolicited advice on what I do wrong in the gym. Really? :huh:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Death to the person who warms up leftover fish in the microwave.....

    Oh yeah the person I already mentioned warms up tuna.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    CURRENTLY (peeks over to coworker's desk)

    1 pt General Tso
    3 egg rolls
    2 diet cokes
    8 fried dumplings

    next desk

    cowboy double cheeseburger with curly fries (mmmm curly fries) and a lemonade

    next desk

    lamb & rice

    next desk

    fried chicken
    mashed potatoes with butter AND gravy
    two pieces of texas toast AND a biscuit
    XL Dr pepper

    next desk

    Breyers vanilla bean ice cream

    next desk

    peanut butter and jelly and an apple
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    One of mine complains about "needing to lose weight"..... Seeing I was dropping lbs.....so I explained & explained & then when we get lunch out she brings me back a salad and she gets the burger & fries and then asks me hw many calories she just ate ???? Then says I guess I need to pay closer attention but never does.......

    OoOoOoOh that burns me... My boss is constantly doing that to me. "Do you really need to be eating *that* on your diet?" he'll say followed up by "I need to lose a few pounds" while chewing on a frozen microwaved pizza "How many calories do you think this is?" and I'll look it up (against my better judgement) and say "580"... he'll look at me and say "maybe tomorrow" every. day. ugh. *eye roll* :laugh:

    Ugh. After everyday I might get snappy and say something "tomorrow" after your heart attack. Not wishing that on anyone, no matter what they eat, just that it would get really annoying.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Majority of them eat like crap, it's pretty disgusting. You aren't alone. I work in a big office and there are a few other ladies who pack their lunches with healthy things and eat normal size portions, but for the most part it's Hungry Man frozen dinners, excess amounts of Mexican food, Italian, 3 pieces of pizza, a burger with fries, fruit and salad!! Yes I too look at people's lunches and think "wow, that's more calories than I plan on eating all day." Then I look at their waistline and it reminds me why I do not eat like that.
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    I share an office space with three other women at one of my part-time jobs. Some days they are healthy with their choices, some days not so much! I always bring my lunch from home, which is usually awesome leftovers and some cut up veggies, with a bottle of water or coffee. One of my coworkers is pregnant and she is good about eating healthy foods, but she often goes long periods of time without eating because she is "too busy". My other coworker is a professional dancer but had a baby within the last year and is trying to get back into her old shape. She will go the whole day without eating (not even breakfast!) because she is "too busy"! When she does eat, she usually brings in home made Indian foods, but usually curries, not the deep fried stuff. My third coworker is pretty overweight, but recently joined a gym-- and I can see she is losing weight! Many days they all order take out foods from the neighborhood. Since this is in Manhattan, there are a lot of options! Usually the food isn't too unhealthy, but the portions are huge!

    At my other job, the staff room is always filled with crazy treats! There is a space there for hosting parties, and people usually order waaaay to much food-- cake, burritos, breads, etc. It all ends up being left for the staff! Luckily, my gluten-free vegan diet wont allow me to eat the vast majority of these snacks, so it hasn't been much of a problem. Its the "healthy" drinks that catch me off guard-- leftover cases of vitamin waters and the like!
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member
    There are only 4 of us in here. One co-worker who eats Chick-fil-A every single day, usually nuggets, fries and a brownie ala mode with unsweet tea (because the sugar in the tea would really put her over the top), one eats various take out typically salads drowning in dressing, and the last one eats crackers out of the snack closet or has a milkshake, she never eats real food.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    For the most part my co-workers eat like normal people... not super healthy, not super un-healthy. However, one of the girls makes me laugh in my head... she is constantly talking about making healthy meals, how may calories are in what she's eating, losing weight (sounds good, right?) HOWEVER, anytime there are treats in the breakroom (chips, cake, candy, etc) she takes massive servings of them... and keeps going back for more. I am all for people eating healthy and trying to do better - but I don't understand how she doesn't see it's not her fairly healthy supper that's stopping her from losing weight - it's ALL the in-between stuff!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    So grateful to work from home right now :laugh:

    BUT, I've worked in several offices before, and between the snack machines and constant supply of candy/cake/cookies left on the communal table, bad stuff was everywhere.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    They are all VIP members of every fast food joint near my office...................Nasty
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I have no idea what my co-workers eat because I'm too busy worrying about my own life.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I love my team! We had 4 cinnamon rolls left over after a previous meeting and I offered to help get rid of them so as a reward to those who showed up early they would get first pick. Out of 12 people, I had to talk the last person into splitting one with a friend! No one wanted them, and they looked absolutely amazing. We don't have sweets around much and I am loving it!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been known to look up the calorie count of some of the crap my coworkers eat and show them. Most don't care. I'm cruel that way. They make fun of me that I eat so much food (quantity) because I have a huge salad, cottage cheese and a fruit every day for work, but what they don't understand my lunch is under 400 calories and most of the time their's is over 1000.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Ya know what's funny? My co-workers are JUST as unhealthy, except they have the opposite problem. They do not eat. At all. All day. Nothing. I work at a salon, so they have clients all day. However, they still have times throughout the day where they could have small meals. So needless to say, they're all overweight.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Pizza, Chinese food, Thai, Pop-tarts, in front of me. Peed-on Cornflakes for breakfast, I'm assuming.