What foods do your co-workers eat?



  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    My co-workers are lawyers. [insert bottom-feeder joke here]
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    My co-worker has been on "the atkins" for years. For lunch he eats approximately a 1/2 pound of cheese, 1/2 pound of lunchmeat, and a couple celery sticks. His weight loss is currently on hold.

    yep, dairy and processed meats will get you every time! ew.

    i don't have co-workers
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I work with a bunch of guys so, they are always going to the local pizzaria or "take-out" place. I SMELL the food and get hungry. I have 1 woman that I lunch with often in the office and, she tells me how GOOD I am being when we go to lunch and that she shoudl do the same thing. It is rough too when everyone brings in the "leftovers" from parties and puts on the counter for everyone to eat.

    My husband tries to eat healthy but, his boss CONSTANTLY gets on him about his food, GOOD OR BAD!!! He'll comment on his eating when he helps polish off a pizza (he could eat half of it and everyone else eats the other half) or when he brings a lunchmeat & cheese sandwich on wheat bread or even a salad! He cant win for lossing and he gets discouraged. I told him to sit out in his office and eat his lunch and he is doing great!! Sometimes I want to got o his office and slap his boss...and mind you, his boss doesnt really have a "body" issue...HE'S A TWIG!
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Pizza, Pop-tarts, Chinese, Mexican, Fried chicken fingers & fries. It all always smells so good & drives me crazy. She is like a size 2, though & eats as much as a man can. Not fair! LOL
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    Only two of us in the office here and we take turns making lunch. So half the time she eats what I eat. The other half of the time I eat what she eats. She is super supportive and we eat fairly well and fairly healthy. I introduced her to caprese salad the other day. Yesterday she fixed caprese salad sandwich with two incredibly thin slices of hard salami. So nummy . . .
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Took a stroll by the lunch room. Cheese enchiladas, tamales, flour tortillas, rice, beans, various meats in gravy. This is South Texas! Calories what are those?! lol
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Am I the only person that doesn't really notice what other people are eating? I must be too busy with my own food.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I work part time so I only go in a few times a week, but one girl talks about how she needs to lose weight. She seems like she knows what she needs to eat when we talk about it together. And she says she needs to cut out pop/soda because she usually drinks it every day..

    ...almost every time I work with her she's drinking a liter of Pepsi and eating pizza.

    However, I will keep supporting her to get healthy. And I will never criticize her choices when I see her eating/drinking crap.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I work in a small office, about 5 people. I eat super healthy, veggies and fruit for snacks all day and a healthy sandwhich and veggies for lunch, maybe a fiber one low calorie treat. But thats it...my whole day. I have one co-workers that eats EVERYTHING or NOTHING. It will be mentioned that he/she needs to lose weight, but eats those frozen breakfast sandwhiches twice a day, with other unhealty snacks during the day.... I just stare for a min, tell myself I dont wanna be like that....and eat another apple. :ohwell:
  • fdixie
    fdixie Posts: 21 Member
    I usually don't pay any attention either, but when they buy fries and you smell it throughout the office it becomes hard not to notice.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I don't really pay too much attention to what the people around me choose to eat. Now...working at a pizza place, I see them eat plenty of pizza. I've yet to eat the stuff I'm making and selling. :P

    In college, I worked at a bakery. Couldn't eat danish or donuts after that. Worked at Wendy's too. Having had to clean the Frosty machine and being way to familiar with "sanitizer" as the final rinse, the only thing I can really stomach to eat there is the occasional french fry...

    Coworkers in my office vary. My neighbors go out to eat every day, but they're both really skinny guys with high metabolisms. The girl two desks down had a box of tomato, cucumber, nectarine, and apple salad. Neighbor over the wall typically has a can of Progresso soup. My boss only eats when one of is going out and asks to bring himback something. (He pays for it, but if no one asks, he's so busy, he doesn't eat.)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I'm not sure. I've never seen them eat.
  • fdixie
    fdixie Posts: 21 Member
    My office just had an ice-cream social yesterday. People were filling their bowls with 2-3 cups of ice-cream and then adding m&ms and hot fudge and jimmies and whipped cream and walnuts to theirs. Some even went back for seconds. One co-worker ahead of me tried to take a plain scoop of ice-cream for herself and everyone started pressuring her to take more -- while all eyes were on her, I took a 1/2 cup of ice-cream w/ a small sprinkle of walnuts, and then I ran off quickly to eat it before anyone could pressure me to take more too! Because, of course, I used to eat like them. It took every ounce of willpower not to go back and get more - willpower is 100x easier when others aren't pressuring. And so I had a small NSV yesterday, I didn't go back for more :)

    Good for you! Great job!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I don't pay attention to what my co-workers eat just as I hope they are not watching every bite I eat.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Sometimes it just looks like they are just sticking their heads in a pigs trough
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I work for a super health-conscious office (I work in the tech industry, not in fitness). Mostly they eat leftovers from their dinner the night before (usually a lunch-sized portion of pasta, chicken, rice, burger, whatever)...occasionally pizza...occasionally microwave dinners. Lots of fruit, granola bars, yogurts..

    There are some people that eat out a lot. Some people really only eat salads and yogurt. Most people are in good shape.
  • JmeJinxx
    JmeJinxx Posts: 210 Member
    Some of the most sickening things..
    a guy brought in a bag of fritos scoops and was using them on a tub of philly cream cheese
    a woman ate both hot pockets, a 99c bag of funyuns and a 20oz coke.

    I work at a big box store so a lot of the employees buy things that we sell.
    There's also a fried fish & chicken place nearby that many get food from.

    I'll just sit in my corner with my chicken-topped salad and yogurt. xP
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I really offended a lady once, at a former job, we had an ice cream social and she had a HUGE bowl of it (so did I, if not more. I had a brownie, fudge, the works....this was before I started in on MFP) ...I made a comment to her like "wow that's a lot of stuff on your ice cream that looks good"

    ...she took it as me calling her a fatty I guess. Went and told the supervisor that I had offended her.

    I never make comments on what people eat (out loud) now.
  • tnshahud
    tnshahud Posts: 163
    I work in a small office...only 3 of us.
    My bosses (one male and one female) eat Mcdonald or Burger King for Breakfast EVERY day
    Lunch is either Wendy's Arby's or KFC...
    they are all over me when I don't order anything and just drink my shake, and eat my fruit and veggies
    then I have to listen to my female boss the rest of the day complain about how she needs to start watching what she eats and needs to to start walking, not even finishing her complaining, she askes the other boss to go get frosty's, or Turn-overs!!!
    This happens EVERYDAY!!!!!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I have no idea what my co-workers eat because I'm too busy worrying about my own life.

    That's too bad. I care about the garbage they are eating and want them to be healthy. I work in a small office with just 2 other girls and we actually like each other.