jenring3 Member


  • Hey there - Raising my hand as a 50-something active runner. Working on a creep of about 20 lbs. I know they say weight doesn't matter BUT this extra fluff has really slowed me down over the last couple of years. I'm in an off season now so focusing on fat loss and general fitness while I keep a moderate base of mileage…
  • I figure losing calories a little differently: Target body weight (not current weight) multiply by 9-11 (9 for sedentary work, 11 if active/on your feet daily) then take that number and multiply by 1.x (x=number of workout/training hours per week). My target BW is 132 with a desk job, but I run/lift 5x a week for about an…
  • Just battled this over the winter and it cost me a couple of races. It's not about the shoes at all really. These guys are kind of goofy, but look up Bob and Brad on YouTube and find their PF videos. There is also a guy on YT (young guy, looks like he's about 12) who has a whole PF series but it's good. I had to stretch…
  • I just want to add here that these are truly some of the best responses (thoughtful and well presented) to this type of question I have ever read. And I've worked in the weight loss industry for over a decade and have just about heard it all. I've seen this go wrong many times, but you all have nailed it!
  • Bingo for those who said water retention. That's typically what it is, especially if you're sore and your body just worked extra hard. Breaking down muscle requires an influx of what amounts to fluids to repair and build. And as already stated, you do have to work repetitively over time to gain muscle mass incrementally.…
  • Just did a search before posting this very same question. Hoping we hear from some Premium users. I'm looking for someone to sell me on the Premium ;)
  • As more people respond I just want to clear something up - WW's current program called Freestyle is based around a LOT less weighing, measuring and tracking. The foods you weigh, measure and track are those foods that should be portioned and paid attention to. There's a giant list of foods (real foods, not packaged) that…
  • Kashi Go Lean does it for me as far as cold cereal goes. Most filling for me will always be hot cereal like oatmeal (not the packets but the regular oats) or cream of wheat.
  • If you use your Charge HR for general workouts (weightlifting, HIIT, etc.) how do you get record the calories burned doing those activities so they show up on MFP? If I say 'weights' on the FB the data doesn't show up. Running will, but I wear my Garmin running watch for that, which is hooked up to Training Peaks and…
  • All fresh fruit, most vegetables (starchy ones like corn, peas and potatoes have a low SP value). Canned and frozen fruit will also be 0 as long as there is no syrup, added sugars, etc.
    in Fruit? Comment by jenring3 April 2017
  • Calories burned from workouts don't sync? I feel like in the beginning it did but now nothing is syncing.
  • I'm a trainer and have also worked in senior fitness - while shoulder issues aren't exclusively a senior problem, a lot of seniors have shoulder limitations. Confirming the advice about the dumbbells and neutral grip. Also try the DB bench press on an incline bench. Don't forget the front and lateral raises for shoulder…
  • I've changed the settings to eliminate the smart notifications and the auto-activation. If I want to check it I have to push the button and I always have my phone with me for notifications. I took it off for a couple hours last night and surprisingly, no shoulder pain for the rest of the night or so far this morning. I'll…
  • What are your goals - Both are considered strength training and both have a place in a workout routine. I combine them and unless it's a matter of access to free weight equipment, I'm not sure you need to make a choice. If you're looking to gain strength, you can get strong with both. If you're looking to shed fat, you can…
  • I've had the newest Charge HR since Christmas. The last few days I've developed an awful shoulder pain - feels achy like arthritis. Just this morning it dawned on me that I have it set so that you bring the device up and turn your wrist to activate the display, and I think that could be the problem? I'm embarrassed to…
  • Rock n' Roll AZ full marathon happened for me on Sunday! It was overall a good race. Beat my previous time in this race, not by much and had some rough spots that I wish I could get a do-over for knowing my time could have been better, but really I finished feeling strong physically and mentally. And it didn't make me want…
  • I opened the Charge 2 this morning as my gift too. I'm making a huge switch from Garmin Vivofit. It's going to take some getting used to. The first thing I've noticed is MFP doesn't sync to the Fitbit dashboard?? Also can't figure out recording activities. Anxious to get through the learning curve.
  • Great advice - I really appreciate everyone's replies. My coach gave me an alternative treadmill workout, which is what I ended up doing. Fifteen miles instead of the 20 since there is more leg turnover, etc. For my mental well being he gave me a plan to break up the miles in terms of pacing, etc. Regardless of how they're…
  • Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the insightful responses. I had forgotten about the plowing issues. That could be a deal-breaker for the outdoor run. They are good about plowing here, but not always when the snow falls that fast. And the predictions for how much we'll get are actually climbing. I did 17 last Saturday and…
  • This has been helpful for me too. I live in the northern part of AZ - mountains, snow, sub-zero temps in the winter. It's only my second winter here from Phoenix so I'm still learning. What I did invest in last year were some Nanospikes and with those suckers I can run on snow and black ice I swear. I didn't see those…
  • I also use a coach - Mostly when I do full marathons. I can get myself through a half but I always do a couple on the way to the marathon and I have to tell you I get SO much faster and run so much better when I work with him.
  • Trail 10K tomorrow. I've only done a couple of trail races, just hoping to get through it without tripping over a rock!
  • When I lost the first 10 lbs out of about 68 total, and my really sore feet suddenly stopped being sore!
  • I wouldn't. But I would do as ladyraiah said - focus on quality food and listen to hunger signals (which may certainly be elevated because you are, after all, growing a human), and don't overdo just because you're pregnant. Be mindful of what you're eating, choose whole foods primarily with an occasional indulgence and you…
  • Fluids, food, glycogen, hydration, time of day (morning vs. evening) evacuated vs. non-evacuated 'stuff' - all play factors in what numbers show up on the scale. That number looks like 'weight' but it isn't really 'fat' which doesn't come and go that easily. If weighing every day changes how you're feeling about weight…
  • Confirming all of the above. Lift the weights.
  • Agreeing with the new rules recommendation. It's where I started. But if you have access to a trainer I'd highly suggest at least one session to help with form.
  • Check out Girls Gone Strong (website). They have a great downloadable beginners program. Otherwise the New Rules of lifting book series (start with For Women) can't be topped really.
  • I don't necessarily eat more but I do eat differently. Typically more protein on lift days.