dsolgot Member


  • i would love to join too!
  • With my son 4 years ago I did have pre e but not until the last couple weeks, with my daughter I had at the begining of the year my blood pressure did go up when my husband deployed but it was closely monitored and didn't turn into anything serious thank god like the first time but after I had my daughter my blood pressure…
    in Sodium Comment by dsolgot October 2011
  • I always measure both just because lol I like to see the numbers drop everywhere haha, but when it comes to jeans I usually just go by my hip measurement.
  • Wow that's awesome keep up the good work!!!
  • My 4 year old son says lots of crazy things one of the most recent things being when I was cutting his hair I had him down to his underware in the bathroom so he could take a bath right after he says "look mommy my penis is hairy like daddys" I almost could not finish cutting his hair mind you at the time my husband had…
  • I just tracked what I ate and worked out for awhile I worked out every day either gym or a dvd at home some walking leslie sansone dvd and I did try the shred but I didn't complete the 30 days only I think 15. Then I feel off the working out wagon and continued to watch what I ate and I still kept losing within the last…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/264529-before-and-after I just posted mine there, I'm 25 and 5'1 I started dieting after I got to my prepregnancy weight I'm down 46lbs in 5 months still got 12 more to go and some toning up. GOOD LUCK! You can do it!!!
  • Thank you everyone, for people asking how I just tracked my food the first few months I was really into working out but as of now I been slacking since I just moved and everything but I am not giving up yet as of yesterday I am back at it!
  • Just went to tinypic instead I don't get photobucket I have had it forever and I've never been able to post anything from it.
  • I would recommend getting waterproof coverup because I got simular stuff awhile ago and it came with 3 diffrent tones and I am pretty white lol and even with the lightest one it was still to dark and it ended up looking like a had patchy colored skin so I went and bought normal waterproof coverup and it works just as good.
  • I'm 5'1 I had my daughter in January and started dieting right when I got back to my pre pregnancy weight of 173 which was only like 10 days later now I'm at 133 I only have 13lbs left till I'm at my goal but here is my post I posted last week. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/216251-only-15-more-lbs-to-go
  • I'm starting to do small workouts when I am sitting around, like when my shows are on during breaks or when my sons watching tv I turn my ipod on and do as many sit ups as I can during the break or for a whole song and then the next song or break squats and so on. Just started doing it so haven't seen any results but I can…
  • Yeah I would find a store with something simular because everything is made diffrent according to the size charts where I get my pants I'm a 13 but when I actually went and tried them on I'm really a 9 and they are a perfect fit I probably could have went down another size. so be careful ordering online!
  • Thanks Everyone!
  • lol I made an excel sheet and average my numbers too my last 5 week round i was only .4 over what my average was, hopefully this next round will be the same.
  • I'd love advice I have a 4 year old and a 3 month old and I stay at home it is so hard for me I am always tired for awhile I was able to get in a workout when the baby was napping but for some reason it's like neither of them give me a break these days. I hoping it becomes a lot easier when my husband gets home but I doubt…
  • Bumping for anymore weigh ins!!!
  • Thank you! :)
  • drink tons of water that's what has helped me, for a snack I'd eat the weight watchers brownies (I'd tear it into small pieces) and I'd slam 3 24oz waters with it and I'd be to full to think of anything else. Now I've got myself down to hardly no snacking besides 1 sugar free chocolate jello, and I dont drink pop any more.…
  • Those all the info I got if know one checks in with me then I will assume you have dropped out not trying to sound like a ***** or anything but I don't like hounding any one. Sorry lol I'm not the type of person to put that out there but I'm busy with my kids and what not so I don't have the time most of the time I use my…
  • Eat AT LEAST 2 servings of fruit each day this week. Thats the challange!
  • Team North DSolgot- Sw: 145.2; Gw: 144.2; Cw: 140; No classes Sweetnshy- Sw: 282; Gw: 281; Cw: 280; No classes EmRN06- Sw: 179.8; Gw: 178.8; Cw: 179.4; No classes TimarieS- Sw: 130; Gw: 128; Cw: 127.8; No classes
  • DSolgot- Sw: 145.2; Gw: 144.2; Cw: 140; No classes Sweetnshy- Sw: 282; Gw: 281; Cw: 280; No classes EmRN06- Sw: 179.8; Gw: 178.8; Cw: 179.4; No classes TimarieS- Sw: 130; Gw: 128; Cw: 127.8; No classes
  • I have one and I loved it but I used it right after I had my baby so I couldn't really say if it works good or not but if it did work it helped a lot but it does make you smell at first mine doesnt smell anymore but I quite using it awhile ago.
  • BUMP need weigh ins for our team when you get a chance
  • I normally am within a few hundred calories some days I'm right on but when I workout I never make up calories burned I'm usually way under those days but I eat when I'm hungry and thats that and so far its done me pretty good I feel perfectly fine and I've lost 31lbs. I say if your not hungry then don't worry about it,…
  • I just try and eat all my meals like I normally do if that sounds right. Reguardless of what time I wake up I still have breakfast and so on just at diffrent times, If anything I cut out my snacks. Hope that helps some.
  • I love my reebok easy tones I wear them ALL the time I did "feel" a diffrence the first few days but I can't really say to much for toning since I do other things besides wearing them but they are very comfy.
  • Good Job! Congrats!!!