You're going to feel awesome once you're in the water. Seriously. Also: If you start right now, you get to enjoy every single lb you lose and look better each time you go. That's a great feeling. Also: You're going to be proud of yourself. Everyone deserves that.
Yes, it's hard to resist the temptation of mouth.
You've got it almost right. Each day you do only one round of exercises as you wrote them down: Squats - 2 sets Pushup - 1 set seated row - 1 set Pushup - 1 set seated row - 1 set Step-up - 1 set Prone JackKnife - 1 Set Step-up - 1 set Prone JackKnife - 1 Set You do Workout 1A (2 sets, 15 reps) on your first day. Then…
You're too awesome for words.
I'm in love with running and lifting weights.
Excellent job! You look great.
Chrome didn't have the best text to work with. I'm sure it did its best.
Durch Händewaschen kann man extra Kalorien abwaschen und so Fettabsorption verhindern. Hab ich gehört.
Mich würde interessieren, wie ich die 20 min Essenszeit messe. Ist das reine Schluckzeit, zähl ich das Kauen dazu, oder brutto Zeit von Händewaschen bis Händewaschen? Und kann ich die verbrauchten Kalorien vom Besteckhandling von der Bruttozeit abziehen???
The problem is that you can't measure calories directly. You always have to measure something else and then convert it. If you do a lot of step-based exercise, use a step counter like the fitbit/nike fuel band/jawbone up. If you do a lot of steady state cardio, use a heart rate monitor. If you do a lot of weight lifting,…
Wie man Leute verwirrt am schnellsten?
I've stopped compensating for binges by starving myself for weeks afterwards. That slowly broke the cycle. I forced myself to let the binge go and feed myself properly which led to less binges over time. This was harder than it sounds like but worked over time. I'm hardly ever have a binge now, and when I do they aren't as…
Depends on what you mean by 'works'. It works just fine for its intended purpose (measuring your heart rate). If you want it to count calories, you'll always have the problem that the formula is only (kind of) correct for steady state cardio where the movement stays constant. When you have a lot of stop and go action like…
Yay! The first step is the hardest. Once you know where everything is located and how stuff works, you'll feel at home. Congrats!
I love skirts and shorts.
I'll take them one decision at a time. If I want to eat more than I usually do, I'll do it because it was a conscious decision without guilt or sliding down the binge slope for entire days. Dessert on Christmas or booze on New Year's Eve is not my enemy. Mindless eating and cultivating bad habits are.
No matter how you look, pushing yourself, exercising, eating right in spite of other people projecting their own insecurity onto you, will make you awesome. You will feel awesome and you will look awesome because you are awesome. That said, judging from your picture, you're definitely not ugly.
Awesome! Congrats!
Rawwwwwr! You look like a fighter.
For me, the treadmill is far more effective simply because that's what I like to use. I can still run even if the weather is terrible or it's too dark/ too late/ too whatever excuse I have at the time. Do what is more fun. Chances are higher you'll stick to it.
I know your pain. Never had calves that fit into decent boots. I started running in March and it got worse. Some time around August, something strange happened, though. They started shrinking. I started lifting weights in September and they kept shrinking. Now that I'm wearing my boots from previous years, I'm amazed at…
I was not trying to be negative, I just literally don't think it's good to make a taboo out of anything. It was an interesting read, btw, so keep posting. I live in a country where violence is edited out of tv-movies because of the children. There are lots of countries where nudity is taboo because of the children. In my…
You entered an Ironman tri when you couldn't swim? You're disqualified from talking people out of a 10k when they can't run! Seriously. That's bad-*kitten*. Especially as you live to tell the tale.
I don't think making weight a taboo is going to help anyone's daughter. That didn't work with sex or violence or drugs either.
It comes down to calories in/calories out. What does the trick for me, though, is exercise. If I exercise, I burn more, but I also feel better, am less bored, in a better mood, more motivated in general, just a lot more active, and I eat less. So my advice is, find your trigger (exercise/ the right food/ distractions/…
I'm torn here. As someone who runs regularly, I pretty much think it's impossible. It might even be risky if you don't listen to your body when you do it. But why not push yourself now and then and try the impossible? Is it so bad to step out of your comfort zone and risk something? Whatever you do, I'll be rooting for you.
I'd really like to have some of that unsightly accidental muscle gain. I just get smaller when I lift weights. Maybe I'll try the tomato method and walk the other direction.
Don't just concentrate on your stomach. Depending on how much and what you ate, the shape of it can vary significantly during a normal day. Look at your thighs and the line of your shoulders in both pictures. There's a difference.