

  • My boyfriend and my wonderful friends. :)
  • I recently heard that I looked great in the professional outfit I wore at an official function. I even heard it from two different people. :)
  • I've told my boyfriend about it, though I clarified what it meant in my case (excessive consumption of chocolate). I think having another person aware of your struggles adds to the accountability.
  • For me, it's consistency. I started off limiting my sweets and felt great about it, but with time my determination waned. And now it's even harder to get back on track... I know I keep repeating the same thing though and I know it's up to me to finally change this cycle. I will do better tomorrow.
  • I feel a little ambivalent, to be honest... I started out with a lot of resolve, but the cravings have won a few times lately. I don't think I let myself go as much I had in the past, but I still feel somewhat disappointed with myself. I will try harder. It's good to half this halfway point to reflect on your progress.
  • Hmm... It's been a very stressful week for me too. I did get a good, T-shirt-drenching workout this morning though, and that made me feel great. On the flip side, I had one (or two) more chocolates in the evening than I should have. I'm still learning to find my balance!
  • Fresh veggies or fruit with homemade peanut butter or hummus... Any great salads, and homemade breads with whole grains.
  • I was under my calorie goal but went over my sugar intake. The sugar is always the hardest to stay under - I never realized how much sugar there is in things like yogurt!
  • Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, peppers, with a piece of freshly baked bread and a cup of coffee., and possibly some fruit on the side. Then again, pancakes are a close second. :)
  • An intense workout for me is at least 40 minutes of moderate cardio plus 30 mins weight lifting and 15 mins of abs. I used to do even more intense workouts, back when I had a trainer, but I'm definitely not in as good shape anymore. I do love it when my shirt's all soaked after a workout. Great feeling. :)
  • I used to love running outside, but since I can't do as much running anymore, I enjoy hitting the gym in the morning and getting my heart rate up on the elliptical machine. :-) Some weight lifting afterwards adds to the good feeling too. But a nice walk outside down the main street or in the park is still one of the best…
  • Hmm... I can juggle four balls, three clubs, and three rings (not all together though!). Although I'm by no means a pro and I've gotten very something, I still take pride in my hidden "talent." :-)
  • I've actually been having trouble sticking to my goals lately. I've been home a lot and that often makes the snacking worse. So I'm determined to get back on track, as I do like the feeling of control I have over my eating/health and the satisfaction I get from a good food journal entry. I also think about the fact that I…
  • Going for a walk with my boyfriend, feeling/looking healthy and happy, traveling...
  • It feels great! Although I have to admit to not being as "good" as I had hoped - I did have a couple of days when I ate way more sweets than I should have. But I think that even then I was able to control my behavior better than in the past. It also did not happen as frequently as it had in the past, which is a big…
  • I think it's in part emotional, yes. It's a way to act out, a kind of comfort to make up for the stress and uncertainty that are part of my life. But I also like certain kinds of foods and simply enjoy consuming them. The only problem is, I enjoy them TOO much sometimes. :-)
  • I always carry my water bottle with me, no matter where I go. I also try to finish at least two-three bottles while I'm on campus - which means during mornings and afternoons. It does make me run to the bathroom often, but at least I always feel refreshed. :-)
  • I think I do it because it's a way to act out the stress. It's something that makes me feel good when I feel bad (emotionally/mentally) otherwise. Although I know in the long run it will make me temporarily happy and that's what matters at that moment.
  • I think the hardest thing I've ever done was complete a pretty intense fitness program a few years back. This was when I managed to lose about 20-25 lbs and it was definitely something I'm very proud of. It took half of year of workouts, reduced caloric intake, and determination. My trainer always pushed me very hard, to…
  • No picture, but I think it would be one of the pictures I took on a spontaneous road trip around southeastern Indiana last year. So much freedom :)
  • As some of you have mentioned, one of my inspirations is myself. A few years ago, I achieved my goal weight with the help of a great trainer. I have since gained a few pounds and I've become less attentive to my nutritional needs, which is why I decided to prove to myself that I can remain healthy and happy, even without a…
  • Sorry for the lack of picture, but I'll describe it instead. What makes me smile? Many things... My boyfriend. My friends. Pugs. Birds chirping in the spring. And yes, chocolate. :-)
  • For me, it's almost always night/evening. The worst is that I will be active and have filling, nutritious meals all day, only to break my resolve at the end of the day.
  • Definitely chocolate and other sweets. Just yesterday, I was going to have two or three (large) pieces of a chocolate bar I opened - a regular serving portion and a reasonable treat. Before I knew it, more than half the bar was gone... I could've eaten more but once I realized how much I'd already had, I put the rest away.…
  • My trigger is chocolate. Or any chocolaty sweets, really. Even today I was going to have two-three pieces, and I ended up eating at least four. I do feel bad, but at least I didn't eat the whole bar in one sitting, which has happened in the past. I'm determined to lay off the sweets for the rest of the day and I know I'll…
  • I had half (or rather, 0.60) of this amazing cherry "superfruit" bar: I also had two pieces of dark chocolate later in the day. I was able to stop at two pieces, so I consider that a success. :-)
  • As a lot of you have said, I see binge eating as eating for the sole purpose of eating. It's eating when I'm not hungry, eating not out of a need or even enjoyment, but eating just because I can't stop. I tend to binge on sweets because once I have a piece, I have to have another, then another, then another... So I end up…
  • 1) I like how well my semi-new sweater looks on me in this picture. 2) I like that I'm doing one of the things I love to do the most: cooking for friends. :-)
  • I'm late to the party, but here it is: I'm doing the challenge because I want to be held accountable for my actions. I have gotten into the bad habit of devouring large amounts of sweets, especially in the evenings. I hope that, by participating in the challenge, I can be more conscious of these urges and to curb them when…
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