sweetiepie31612 Member


  • I will definitely take a look. Thanks!
  • Awesome...thank you!
  • Thanks, not really looking to loose weight or work my whole body though. I do cardio 5 days a week and work in lifting twice a week. As mentioned, I'm just looking to tone up my arms a bit and a push-up challenge is one fun way to do that and get other people involved.
  • That's terrible! The snow if FINALLY melting here in Buffalo, NY.
  • Haha That's great. I'm going to start doing that!
  • You're not alone in feeling like you have to sacrifice sleep for exercise. I wake up at 5 am and go to the gym from 5:30 to 6:30 every morning. I usually go to bed between 10 and 11. However, I doubt your son has a game every day. You just need to plan for some you time. How long do you get for lunch? Use that time to…
  • The clothing/cold wasn't such a big deal, it was mainly the fact that I couldn't just run the route I had picked out. I kept having to back track because people hadn't cleared their sidewalks and I felt like I did more hopping than running because I was trying to avoid all of the dog poop and mud. I enjoy running outside…
  • Thanks guys. I love running outdoors. I guess I was just disappointed the run didn't feel good. I'll be more prepared next time...hopefully!
  • Request sent!
  • Could be your shoes. I have always had problems with my calves cramping up, usually after I wear heals during the day. But, same as you, it's only my left leg. I recently went and got fitted for new running shoes and it turns out my left foot is a 1/2 size bigger than my right. I had been wearing size 9 sneakers, but my…
  • I have 2 hardboiled eggs for breakfast almost every morning. I hardboil them the night before or while i'm getting ready for work. I put them in a plastic baggy and take them with me to work. When I get hungry, I just peel and eat. Sometimes it's right at 8 a.m. sometimes it's not until 10 am.
  • I'm the same way. First...stop buying those snacks. Save them for when people are around to share. Unless of course you live with other people and can't help that they're in the house. For some healthy alternates I enjoy nuts. There are lots of different kinds of nuts and there are even different flavors so you don't get…
  • You can lose weight by eating less. Or you can lose weight by moving more. When you set up your MFP account, the calculate the number of calories you'll need to eat to lose however many lbs a week. IF you exercise on top of that, that's even MORE of a calorie deficit. So, people on here encourage other to eat back some, if…
  • I'm on a 1200 calories/day program. My staples are eggs, peanut butter, almonds, and tuna. Feel free to add me as a friend and or peek at my diary, it's open
  • To the OP, obviously this relationship your husband has upsets you. You've said something about it and he's dismissed it. I think this is completely wrong on his part. If it bothers you this much, he should be willing to re-evaluate his friendship with this other woman. That being said though, if you continue to badger him…
  • Giants because Tom Brady, or "Tommy" as his wife calls him, is a panzy who leaves his preggers supermodel girlfriend for another supermodel, never tips his valets (my brother), and disses on Buffalo, which is where I live. I think Eli is dopey, but at least he's respectable.
  • Extra long workout before. And an extra long workout and lots of water after.
  • I can't have the same thing every day, but I rotate the same few meals. Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs, yogurt with grapenuts, or peanut butter granola bar Lunch: Tuna on sandwhich thins or flat out flat bread, hummus and laughing cow cheese on sandwich thins, or peanut butter on sandwich thins Dinner: Chicken Sausage and…
  • I used Kashi Go Lean Crunch for awhile too, but then I switched to GrapeNuts. No real reason, I just liked GrapeNuts better.
  • I disagree. There is never a good reason to cheat. Either you love and respect someone enough to talk out your problems, think about your actions would effect them, and remain faithful. Or you don't feel that way and you cheat, in which case, you should have ended the relationship. If you're in an abusive relationship, you…
  • At 27 my girlfriend is a habitual cheater. She cheats whenever she's feeling insecure in her relationship. She is a gorgeous girl, but highly insecure. When she feels like her s/o is having doubts or she's not getting what she needs (mainly attention) from the relationship, she finds attention elsewhere. Unfortunately she…
  • I'm curious to know whether the size of the heel matters. I can't walk in stilettos, but I rock my boots, with about a 2 inch heel, just about every day to work. Having that little lift does wonders for my work ethic and confidence. I don't think I'd be willing to give them up.
  • No, I was still in the middle of my workout. I hope one of the people waiting for a machine said something though. It was so rude.
  • Stretch!!! You should be stretching after every workout. I usually spend at least 15 mins. Stretching after a workout whether its lifting or cardio. The will not elliminate being sore from time to time, but should drastically help reduce the level of soreness. Being that you're already sore, I would suggest walking a bit…
  • Looks fasts, easy, and delsih...thanks!
  • If you're having a dinner party and there will be vegans and non-vegans, what about Kabobs? You could cook up a bunch of veggie kabobs for whoever wants them and then just add meat to some if you think people would complain about a completely vegan meal. Find a vegan friendly marinade and serve over brown rice or with a…
  • I don't plan to have cheat days, but there are definitely days when i go over my cals. I try to make up for it by excersising more and having a higher deficit in cals spread through out the rest of the week. I don't plan to zig zag my cals, but that's essentially what i'm doing.
  • Pickles wrapped in a slice of cheese...yum!
  • Ran my first 1/2 Marathon last year in Buffalo, NY. I'm running it again this year and I'm also running in the Rock-n-Roll marathon in Chicago.
  • I have the reverse problem and the machines usually give me a higher reading than MFP. Unless you're going to invest in a HRM to be accurate, always log the lesser number. This way, whatever extra cals you MAY have burned are a bonus! Make sure you eat back you exercise calories though, especially if there is a possibility…