Please help! Thighs soooooooooo sore after spinning

Can any of you exercise kings and queens help me? I have done two full weeks of changing my diet and exercising. I have gone to the gym most nights and completed the workout given to me by my trainer. However, last Monday I decided to do a spinning class and I can honestly say I am not exaggerating when I say I could barely walk for most of this week. Today isn't soo bad but my thighs are in bits. My husband says I should rest completely and let my muscles recover but I feel so guilty if I don't to the gym. I started the 30 Day Shred this week also and yesterday was Day 2 and it was nearly impossible to do it but I managed to finish it. I swam the last couple of nights so I didn't put any pressure on my thighs.

Please help. Should I give the gym and exercise in general a miss or keep going - maybe swimming is ok?


  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    That happenned to me alot when I first started using the stationary bike. Half the time I'd ignore it and push through (though that seems to prolong the soreness), half the time I'd still go to the gym but switch to strength training for the day and focus on upper body and core. But I didn't research or anything, so no idea what is medically preferrable.
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks Nerple....I really want to go to the gym tonight but I also want my thighs to recover sufficiently so that I can train properly again. I think I might go to the gym and work on abs and upper body as you suggested and maybe a bit on the rowing machine as it's not so tough on the legs. Thanks again
  • waldron8
    Walk and do strength training. Change up your workouts. . You'll be OK.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Did you stretch really well before AND after spinning?
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Try taking a warm bath with epsom salts. This really helped me with soreness after a class at Title Boxing.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    I do spinning 3 times a week & last week my legs were killing me from squats from another class - I actually went anyway to spinning and at first it hurt but then it felt really good - at the end of the class my legs felt so much better! You should take Advil if you can - it helps the muscle ache. :)
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Stretch!!! You should be stretching after every workout. I usually spend at least 15 mins. Stretching after a workout whether its lifting or cardio. The will not elliminate being sore from time to time, but should drastically help reduce the level of soreness. Being that you're already sore, I would suggest walking a bit to warm up, stretching BEFORE your workout, working out, then stretching again.
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    By all means don't just stop working out. Keep moving, it helps the soreness disperse faster. But yes make sure to stretch really well. Just go easier on the legs. I wouldn't do a bunch of lunges squats.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I do spinning 3x a week, and when I first started it hurt SO MUCH...just keep going and believe that it will get better the more you do it. Keep moving, stretch in the morning and before you go to bed...I also found a hot bath with epson salts and a glass of wine helpful (red wine, of course, for the health benefits)
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    Aw cheers guys, I'm a newbie (as you can see) and didn't expect anyone to reply!

    Anyway, going to head off to the gym and do plenty of stretching as suggested and then train a bit but nothing too hard on the legs. I am anxious to keep my diet and exercise up and keep in the zone. :0)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    The soreness isn't technically in the muscle itself, it's in the connective tissue. It's fine to workout while you're still sore.