Ninerz113 Member


  • I think it's a ridiculous assumption that everyone who uses this site is here because they are overweight and want to lose weight. I find it really annoying when people make generalizations. The site is called My FITNESS Pal. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but when you go on long runs or bikes and easily burn 1000+ calories,…
  • People have already mentioned it but I use whole wheat pitas or Engligh Muffins to make pizzas with. They are delicious!
  • Thanks for the tip! I'll check that one out too! I love that site!
  • OMG, I made this on Thursday night with some barley and peas and carrots. The family loved it. I love that website. This week I'm trying the chicken with spinach and roasted red peppers. [/quote] ooooh that recipe is on my list to make off that site! can't wait!
  • I need to be better at updating the tracker this month! I wish google spreadsheets weren't blocked at work or I'd be so much better! Only 29 days til my wedding so I must make every day count!
  • I just started level 4 and it's CRAZY intense. I LOVE THIS DVD! The warm ups are challenging, especially in Level 3 and 4!
  • I was horrible this week and opted to sleep in! I've worked out at night so I guess I'm not a failure but I just love getting it over with first thing in the morning.
  • I just finished a month long bootcamp and it was fantastic! They are expensive but definitely effective!
  • I know you said there weren't other options for spin classes that day but you should have just skipped it. I think it's bold of the instructor to call you out but I also think it was rude of you to do your own thing. If I saw you in the class, I would be annoyed. It would appear to me that you were arrogant and think you…
  • Good job! Just keep it up for a couple more weeks until working out starts to become a habit. Your body is adjusting to the change right now but once you get more used to it, you won't feel as hungry and miserable all the time. Your body will actually start to crave the exercise - trust me! Just keep up the good work!
  • Ditto. Definitely go to a store and get fitted! I did that a few years ago and found asics to be the best for my foot. I had tried a pair of saucony once and they really hurt my feet so I had to switch back to asics. It definitely depends on your feet and the running stores are the best places to find out what works best…
  • I'm on week 2 of Ripped in 30 and I love it even more than the shred! It's definitely a good next step after you've done the shred. I'm nervous about weeks 3 and 4 because so far it's fairly tough. Week 1 isn't easy but it's not super hard - fairly similar to level 3 of the shred. Week 2 has gotten a little harder but…
  • I love it! I pre-ordered it so I got my copy last week and I just started week 2 this morning. Week 1 was fairly challenging but definitely doable if you're used to her 3-2-1 system (from 30 day shred). I am nervous/excited for weeks 3 and 4 because I think they are going to kick my butt!
  • I love the feeling of working out in the morning! Just finished Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 this morning! My goal is 4 morning workouts this week so I'm half way there!
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE C.E.! I've never done her Turbo Kick or Turbo Fire workouts but have been using Extreme on and off for the past 2 years. I've gone through the full 90 day circuit twice throughout the years and now just rotate videos here and there. You will probably need heavier dumbells once you get into month 2 - don't…
  • I started Ripped in 30 last week and LOVE IT! I'm really excited to start week 2 later this week. I've looked at the meal plan but haven't started following it yet. I did 30 day shred a couple months ago so this DVD is definitely a logical next step. I'm half excited and half dreading weeks 3 and 4 because it seems like…
  • I use it for dipping all veggies. I also use it on sandwiches and with pita bread. One of my favorite recipes is to make a pita "pizza" with hummus - just spread humus over the pita and then top it with some veggies (i usually use some kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc) and then some feta cheese. It's really good…
  • I definitely forgot to fill out the spreadsheet for last week! Oops. It's blocked at work so I have to remember to do it when I get home this week! I started this week off with a morning workout so I'm in good shape!
  • This has happened to me on the elliptical! SO GROSS! I had to move to a different machine too!
  • This isn't the only person in class who leaves early. There's usually at least 3-5 people who leave early all the time. It bothers me because the class is ALWAYS full and it's hard to get a bike if you don't reserve early. And they don't leave before the stretch; they leave about a half hour into the hour long class.
  • It drives me crazy when people leave spin class halfway through the workout! There's this one girl who ALWAYS leaves class way before it's over and then I see her running on the treadmill or the elliptical for the next hour! It really confuses me!
  • I just want to say that the document we need to fill out is awesome!
  • I buy Jiffy Natural for my fiance and I'll eat that most of the time too. But my sister makes the BEST natural peanut butter that's purely peanuts so I eat that when she gives me some. I also really love the Blue Diamond almond butter (even though that's not part of this thread)
  • Haha ME TOO! EDIT: I just thought of mine. The older man that showed up wearing ONLY compression boxer shorts - no workout shorts over them! My fiance wears the special compression/spandex boxers for working out and trust me, those are not meant to be worn by themselves! They are underwear. So hilarious!
  • I did the week one workout today and I love it! There are 4 levels of workouts and you do each one for a week. Level 1 was definitely challenging so I'm looking forward to them getting progressively harder. I can't even imagine what week 4 is going to be like! If you like 30DS, you'll LOVE this (from what I've done so…
  • count me in (even though I'm a day late)! My current BMI is 22.5
  • The DVD just got released yesterday which is probably why no one responded :) I just got mine in the mail yesterday and plan to start tomorrow! Also, be careful with the knee pain. One of my friends severely hurt her knees doing 30 Day Shred and it's probably because she was doing lunges wrong. Just be very careful with…
  • Count me in! (even though I missed yesterday and today). I used to only workout in the morning and have gotten away from that since I've been going to this fitness bootcamp class but tonight is my last class so I'm ready to wake up early again!
  • I am starting it tomorrow so I will definitely post a review next week!
  • I absolutely LOVE Chalean Extreme! You made a great investment in yourself! I've had the videos for almost 2 years and I still use them! I've gone through the full 90 day program twice and now I mostly just do random workouts from it every now and then. It really is fantastic! I am SO much stronger than I used to be. My…