ksimms Member


  • I follow both the IF life and Lean Gains, have had great success. I feel I have more energy and don't have to have 6 meals prepped and ready to go. If it works for you go for it!
  • I do a window style of eating, mine is usually somewhere in the realm of 12-9 on at the "office" days, and when I'm at my own clinic I try to do 2-9. I've been thinking of making my window a bit shorter, but I'm still a little nervous about it, I work in a registered massage therapist so massaging somebody's head while my…
  • If you want to read some more, try leangains.com and or theiflife.com I really like the IF life, Mike is actually pretty damn funny. They both have lots of info on them if you want to continue reading.
  • Yep, that's the idea. There's tons of different ratios, I've heard 13/11 and even 20/4. It's whatever works best for you really.
  • 20lbs gone and zero inches lost around the chest. I'm kind of annoyed but hopefully they shrink a little with the last 10 or so (or I'll look ridiculous)
  • It's something I do because it works for me. I've lost the last 10lbs using this method. I still eat between 1400-1800cals a day (depending on what I feel I need) I just choose to do it in two meals. I use an eating window style of fasting. I eat all my cals for the day between 12 and 9pm. I tried doing an alternate day…
  • I agree if you're not hungry then don't eat... I will say though that I don't agree with one thing. If you have your profile set to being active in your daily life then you don't need to log your cleaning. I personally feel it's redundant to say your active and then logging those calories. Just my opinion.
  • I've been on 3 different birth controls, started on Tricyclen Lo, then Linessa and finally Seasonale. The first change was because my doctor was giving me free samples and when I got covered he switched me, no problems on Tricyclen. Probably on it for about a year. Didn't take anything for 10 months until... Linessa…
  • Also make sure you drink tons of water and keep your sodium below 1500 a day.
    in stomach help! Comment by ksimms May 2011
  • I've always wondered this too. Hopefully someone has the answer.
  • That's awesome, sounds like they're a good support system (most of the time ;)) and that'll definitely keep you going. Besides I bet they were amazed at the positions you could do, I bet they'd struggle!
  • I'm actually in love with them. They have TONS of flavour and if you've seen the nutritional info you can't feel to bad if you accidently over eat the whole bag (Don't recomend doing this :P) cause it's only 85g for a big bag! I live in Canada and you can find them at Superstore, Sobeys, and Costco.
    in Pop Chips Comment by ksimms March 2011
  • The extra skin on your elbow is called your wenis. And ya I just giggled about it.
  • You said he was seeing a nutritionist to gain muscle but gave up when that didn't work, you don't see that this is something that bothers him? Lay off the guy, my boyfriend is only 128 lbs and I joke about him being skinny. He doesn't care, but I assure you if he got upset with me for pointing it out I'd never bring it up…
  • Your back is so neat and trim, you have gotten rid of the part where your back fat folds over on itself (one of my goals).. I can't wait for that to happen. Keep up the AMAZING work.
  • If I have 2 hours, I scoot to the gym for that time, so what if I only have time for 45 mins of cardio after making my way there and changing and junk, that's 45 more mins then I was going to do if I said I was going to do it later at night. If I have to leave at 830 I'll get up early and put some time in before school if…
  • Bahahahaha, I laughed pretty hard at this. Probably the best thing I've read today, maybe even this week. On that note I'd like to tell her that she isn't that mean, and just looking at her body is enough motivation to eat healthier and do some 2 a days. I have 30DS (on day 4 of lvl 1) and have her yoga meltdown dvd as…
  • Smoke show! What a difference 26 lbs makes! You look amazing now and your over halfway there and ut's only been about 5 minths! Tell us how you did it, how do you stay motivated, how much do you workout?
  • I'm almost 5'7 and I have about 15-20 lbs left to lose, time to get serious! I'm sending you and add and anyone else can feel free to add me!
  • I just started today, level 1 day 1. It was pretty good, I started my day by going to a lazy 90 min walk, then the shred followed up with Jillian's yoga meltdown afterwards. I was pink in the face after all of it, no giant beads of sweat. I didn't have weights so I used some extra red Theraband I had laying around and…
  • Uhhh, I'm definitely feeling that right now! Mine isn't from fast food, it's from potato chips. I feel god awful, not from eating way to much, but mostly from how few good nutrients are in them. It's hard to cut out chips when your boy toy is a sales rep for frito lay *siiiighhh*. Want to buy some will power.
  • Meh, I'm not a slave to the scale. I weigh myself once in a while, could be 7 days could be 17 (like the time my last 2 checks). I'm not to concerned with the numbers, if I eat right and exercise, I'll lose fat. If i put on 15 lbs but looked leaner and felt more energized, that'd be okay with me. I have a goal weight in…
  • I'll add you too! Can't have to many supporters.
  • I LOVE insanity! I'm in the middle of my 4th week (almost done month 1!) and I'm so excited but so nervous to start on month 2. I agree abou the warmup being very intense the first couple weeks, and then to do a workout after that seemed near impossible. I can assure you that even though you feel like death, you will feel…
  • Bahahaha, probably the best answer I've ever heard. I'm still cracking up.
  • 6th and final semester for me! It definitely is hard in college to eat properly, it takes a lot of hunting around the caf, or alot of planning the day before ('cause I'm definitely getting up before school) packing a lunch. If you have a mobile phone that has the capability, download the MFP app, keeps me on track.
  • Personally I wait about an hour after eating. I have oatmeal with half a banana, and after about an hour i can do HIIT without feeling like I'm running on empty. It's more of a "how long do you feel you need" because sometimes I need to eat again and wait another hour before I can workout.
  • I too thought you posted the after pics first! You look amazing, you should be beyond proud of yourself! I'm starting at 165 and trying to get to 135, I'm 5'6, so you are truley my motivation!
  • Ya, I've been meaning to head out and get some protein powder, I'm just intimadated by the whole selection. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be looking for so I've been askeing a few friends to see what types they get cause I don't want something that tastes like dirt. I've been told "whey iso protein is good, try…
  • I just started on monday (dec 27th) and I think a support group is a great idea! There's a couple things I want to advise people about the program: - YOU NEED TO EAT! This program is hard enough, you need to make sure you get protein, carbs and other nutrients to feed your muscles so that they can sustain this workout…